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Everything posted by Suvalas

  1. It's understandable when you consider the dogs he's got to face on his rounds;-)
  2. Glad you like it Viruk. I know exactly what you mean about large surfaces being tough to get right. I think flesh is slightly easier than say, metal, as the tones do vary a lot more. Even so, Killjoy was a surprisingly quick job, to which I am thankful
  3. Thanks Vaiuri, that would help immensely. Glad you like the latest models, you might like the next a bit less. He was surprisingly quick to paint... Suvalas
  4. ....and Lazarus. Stood next to a recently finished wall. In other news, just returned from the shop to find a poor, innocent Convict, partially disarmed on the floor.... fortunately we have a lead. If anyone see's the beast below, please do not approach. Alert the authorities. He's both fearsome and unscrupulous! I'm going to have to magic up a new gun barrel. Suvalas
  5. Glad you guys like them. Quite fond of the Red Head and Vik of blood myself. Not used to painting red, so I was pleased that the Vik of blood turned out so well. She has a paint job that I'm proud of. Thanks enough for all the work she's given me in my games Glad you like the OSL on Vanessa, Vaiuri. It's quite subtle, and was my first real attempt. The turquiose is a lovely colour to work with, and I'm glad I've picked it as my common colour between models. Pic of Lazarus to come later, and I have made a start on Killjoy! Suvalas
  6. Long time no post, pretty much a month which is quite bad. On the plus side, I do have more than one model to show off. So without further adieu; Updated Ronin #1 Updated Student Updated Taelor Ronin #2 Ronin #3 Vanessa Viktoria of Ashes Viktoria of Blood Group Shot Sorry for the image spam, hopefully you like. Part way through painting Lazarus at the moment, then a choice of 5 after that. Suvalas
  7. More axe/claw/sword to face? Seriously though, as the above is my answer to everything, I can't really help having not seen or read about either Master. I did enjoy reading the game summaries, and it sounds like once again, great battles were had. I'm intrigued by the potential 3-player game. Is that something that the rules accomodate, or something you've come up with yourselves?
  8. Apologies for the slow reply, and as such probably the much diluted musings on the battle. As ever, the fight was a fun one, with more opportunities to learn something new. I can admit now to having thoroughly jumped in the deep end with such a mobile crew. My gaming experience to date usually revolves around stalwart hard to kill models. Thinking Warriors of Chaos and Dwarves, and more recently Trollbloods. As such, the glass cannon approach that the Viks use can be quite punishing. Fortunately, our gaming group are always on hand to advise, and re-enforce learning once the battle has finished. I do feel like I'm getting better at controlling the Viks but it's been tough. I don't really want to model rep anothe rmaster, so I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the next Outcasts masters. Fingers crossed that any of Von Schill, Leveticus or Jack Daw aren't too far off. On to the battle, the list I picked consisted of; Viktoria of Ashes - Sisters in Fury and Syncronised Slaying Viktoria of Blood - Mark of She'zuul and Oathkeeper Student of Conflict Vanessa - Oathkeeper Taelor Hodgepodge Effigy Desperate Mercenary Ronin Plus stones enough for a cache of 7. This was my first foray at 50ss and first time facing a Summoner master. I kept my core similar to previous games, although with a couple of extra upgrades, and also chose some cheaper minions, which I figured would keep me close to Swig's number of activations and help in dropping scheme markers. I picked 'Make them Suffer' and 'Line in the Sand' as my Schemes. I feel like I got good mileage out of Make them Suffer, especially against all the resses, but Line in the sand wasn't the optimal choice. I did get the points for it in the end, but it ended up being far more work than I anticipated to get the points. I'd also missed the link with Recconoitre until the later turns, punishing me the last few points. Otherwise, the game panned out exactly as Swiglitz described. Things that I learned from the game... The Hanged are a right royal pain! Tough horror duels at every turn really did sap the power out of my models and more noticably, my hand. At one point I was chuffed to have finally killed it, using all but one of my control hand, only to shortly after realise that, Vik of Blood ignored Incorporeal, (the whole reason I'd charged her in...) which would have saved me a card or two, which really cost my crew for the rest of the round. Think Taelor took the brunt of that. To then see the Hanged reappear a turn or two later was very demoralising. The Vik of Blood had to charge in again, only to fail her initial horror duel. The only card I had to prevent paralysis was the Red Joker... seemed a waste at the time, but it was totally worth it, as she then proceeded in killing the Hanged again (much more quickly this time), along with the Rotten Belle from Whirlwind triggers. I also learnt to be more mindful of schemes. I knew that Swig had breakthrough, and that there was little I could do to prevent the swift Necropunk from scoring. I failed to see the mad dash of Nicodem in the last two turns to score points on Entourage? which again proved that you don't need to always kill things to score points. I have trouble seeing this with such a Fighty crew, especially when the mantra 'if it's dead it can't score' first pops into my head. Onwards and upwards I guess, having fun whilst learning along the way!
  9. Very delayed response here, but I come bearing gifts... of the photographic kind. Two more models complete. (Almost at least, I notice an error on the students hem that I will fix. Hope you like. Think I'm going to tackle Vanessa next
  10. Lovely models as always Vaiuri! They always look so crisp. I think you're doing a cracking job with the OSL, it all looks very realistic. Not quite sure what you're not so keen on with your fire. The only thing that springs to mind stems from a tutorial I read when doing my Pyre Troll. They mentioned that Fire (realistic stuff) never actually gets red in colour, there's always a hint of orange. Also, is that the Blood for the Blood God paint on his wounds? Looking good! (Not for him of course)
  11. Thanks for the info Monkeyboy. I had no idea about the 15feet flash thing, but now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense. Might not help that I didn't have a light to shine on the model, rather than using the flash. Until I get a light sorted, I will have a play with something as a filter like you suggest.
  12. Will have to see what the next ones look like without the Khaki base. I used Photoshop last night to 'correct' the colouring on the final picture. The options on there are more flexible than on my camera itself. I was considering either the Student of Conflict, or a second Ronin. Going to save the Viks till nearer the end, to allow myself some practice beforehand. Me vs Swiglitz on Friday sounds ace!
  13. 1 Ronin finally done Hopefully the shot is a little better, and also that she is less green in colour lol. Still plenty of opportunity for me to paint more neatly on future models I believe. Not sure which of the Hired Swords to paint next, a decision to be made at work tomorrow perhaps... Suvalas
  14. The first impression I had was that she was very 'Simpsons'. It was just something I was trying and fully intend to highlight up towards a normal skin colour. I figured their slightly Asian look might go well with an olive shade underneath. The flash does make it look brighter though. That's pretty much the order I did with the base colours, so I'm glad you mention a similar tack. For the other two, I want one of them to have a sarker skin tone, and follow up with some yellows/oranges for the dress. The other I might play around with cream or red. Or both! This one definitely is my practice model though, so I was sticking with colours I know. (Olive skin aside)
  15. A small helping from tonight's progress. Needs a lot of tidying up, but most of the base colours are down. The skin is Khaki currently, it won't look so Hulk-ish when finished (hopefully)
  16. @ Monkeyboy and BenGT Much appreciate the additional photography tips. I love the theory behind things like this, and you've explained it well. I'm only using a camera phone atm, but it does have some of the functions that you mention. I will try some of them out tonight, following your advice. I finally got some paint down on the first Ronin last night. Glad to get started, I knew the detail was small, but wow, gonna take some steady hands! I'll take an updated photo tonight with my tweaked settings @ Vaiuri: hopefully you'll like the progress
  17. Not 100% on the scheme yet. I think they are going to be individually painted, like the artwork, but might mix up the colours. Definitely want to trial a variety of schemes though. Thanks for the tip on photography, I'll have a hunt around for something more neutral to photo against.
  18. Hello Forum-Goers, I've decided to create a PLOG to follow the progress of my Malifaux journey with the Outcasts. Hopefully this will encourage me to paint more, although the mini's are so lovely I shouldn't need much help. There's not much (re: nothing painted) to go on so far, but I at least have the Hired Swords and Vanessa constructed and on their bases. Now that my recent house move is complete, I'm hoping to get some colours down this weekend. That's it for now, I'll try and take less blurry pictures once the paint is on Suvalas Out
  19. Reporting in as, 'The Other Guy' Looking forward to getting my mitts into the Outcasts properly. I have my scenic bases on order, so as soon as they arrive I can start constructing and painting these beautiful Miniatures! I can then upload an appropriate Profile Pic too Can't wait for another game later on this week. Enjoyed reading the Battle Report. It's not that I fully forgot Line in the Sand, but I was too scared to go too far forward to plant them . I also didn't know about the cap on VP's per scheme. Need a good read of the Rulebook prior to Friday
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