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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Guslado Goes to Gen Con: Day 4 The final day of Gen Con was certainly fueled by coffee and sheer force of will.
  2. Since Gen Con is my favorite time of year (seriously, I plan my year around this) and I know that not everyone can make it out the convention, I thought that I might do a series of blog posts to share my adventures with you all so that those who can't make it out can still get a little taste of the fun. I hope you all enjoy this: Guslado Goes to Gen Con: Day 0
  3. I have finished up the last models that I wanted to paint up to take to Gen Con. I hope you all like them I have several other angles of each of the mages available on my blog, check it out!
  4. Yeah, I didn't see that big crack down the middle until after it was primed and washed.
  5. Excellent! The hips of one of my Oxfordian mages were on backward for a while until I figured out that that wasn't how they went together; it's ok now though, she underwent emergency surgery to correct this issue and is expected to make a full recovery.
  6. Are you guys planning on having the build instructions for the recent releases and Gen Con releases up on the website soon?
  7. From an aesthetics standpoint, I am really liking the new website layout and the newsletter layout that matches it. They have the feel of a more matured company than their previous iterations.
  8. So, not entirely new website related, but kind of so--the latest Wyrd Newsletter just showed up in my inbox and I must say that I really like the new layout for the news letter.
  9. So, checking to download functionality of the Chronicles, it would appear that they are being hosted at DriveThruRPG now?
  10. On this image: the "Miniature" button currently doesn't link to anything. All of the other buttons effectively link to the appropriate content. also, it would appear that the Crew Creator link under Malifaux resources isn't working currently either.
  11. Oooo, I can see it now! It looks really slick. Nice job to whoever was on the development team for it! I'll be poking my way through it looking for things that don't work.
  12. I went there and I got an error. I went back a little later and it looks like the Matrix; does this mean I am The One?
  13. Things like armor and bullet proof do reduce blast damage, but hitting something with blast damage does get around a couple other defensive abilities. First of all you aren't making a Df duel to do some damage; if there are two models close together and one has really high defense, often it's better to aim for the lower defense one and blast over to the higher Df model. Also, can get around things like Terror or Manipulative through the same means. Another big one is that since there is no duel on it, the blasted model won't get any defensive triggers, so it's a great way to get around annoying defensive triggers (such as Molly, Dreamer, Marcus, etc.).
  14. The little bit of stuff I saw on my phone on the way to work this morning looked pretty cool, but I didn't really get a chance to poke around too much. I am finally on an actual computer instead of my phone to try checking out the new website, but currently the link Aaron provided above (www.wyrd-games.net) ends up redirecting to the forums page. Also, all links I am finding through Google end up with a redirect to the forum as well. When I try going to www.malifaux.com it redirects to an error page of the forums. Note: not complaining, trying to help find and correct any bugs with the launch (I feel like I am complaining any time I point out errors in things like this and need to add this caveat)
  15. Currently www.malifaux.com is coming up with a 404 not found error. That's what I always type in to get here as it's easy to remember. Also, not currently seeing any link back to the main page from the forums like there used to be up top.
  16. I keep going to click the where the "Forum" button used to be and then realizing it has moved over to the left. Silly mental auto-pilot... I am enjoying your very descriptive urls
  17. You could also take a Freikorps Librarian along with your Mages to give them an extra , plus she can heal and has that nifty remove suits from enemy actions thing. Now if only they were available outside of the Von Shill box...
  18. I know it seems rather mundane, but I too would enjoy a preview of the tape measures. I am still using the mini one I got at Gen Con 2013 for checking out Malifaux at the Wyrd booth (clearly their demo was successful at recruiting a player)
  19. So much to do to get ready for Gen Con!! Here is my (finally) painted alternate sculpt Rasputina. As always, I have a few other angles of this model over at my blog, check it out!
  20. Ah, ok. I could see them actually working out decently in a Collette crew.
  21. So speaking of Molemen, I have a couple but have never really used them. I keep hearing how awesome they are but can't really see what they do that is so awesome. Could someone clear up what the big deal with Molemen is?
  22. For Rasputina, if it has Frozen Heart it will work well in her crew. Myranda also works great as a scheme runner with Raspy--put Imbued Energies on her and she is the same cost as the Blessed of December or Cerberus she will be changing into a bit later plus you get a fist full of cards when you do. Also, don't underestimate the Wendigo; I see a lot of people bringing the Essence of Power or Malifaux Child with Raspy, but the Wendigo can do a lot of work for a 3ss model--there are few things more satisfying than a Wendigo eating Ophelia on turn two.
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