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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Well, I just figured out that quoting things is slightly more awkward in that it keeps going even if you change pages. Also, I can't find a button to delete posts anymore. Was going to quote Nathan on the whole bookmarking thing, but I managed to make a little set of russian nesting dolls in the post.
  2. I'm glad I could help you find peace and enlightenment.
  3. Hey guys, look at the top of the page. Yup, up there near the upper right corner. You see that thing that looks like a paintbrush? Click it and thank me later. Clearly I don't have enough work to do if a change background button on a forum is the most exciting thing in my day so far.
  4. Super happy that signatures have reappeared on forum posts It took a bit to get everything working, but I am really digging the new forums format now. Great job guys! I also just discovered something awesome--the change background button!
  5. Joss is remarkably durable with armor 2 and hard to kill. His arc axe ignores most defensive abilities, so he is great at taking down enemy leaders. Since you are doing a campaign, you're going to want a henchman that works well with whatever master you will eventually end up with and I find that Joss ends up working well with any of the Arcanist masters.
  6. Hey dude, welcome to the community! A lot of us get together down at Asgard Games on Monday nights and on Wednesday nights down at Montag's. If you do the Facebook thing, search for the "Malifaux Houston" group. That group is a solid way to schedule a meetup with some of the other players in the area.
  7. Looks like it works now, thanks! Was going to mention that there is no "back to the top" button anymore and then I noticed that there is navigation located at the bottom of the thread now too. I am liking the new look, just gotta figure out where everything sits now.
  8. Welcome to the fold, Brian! Also, I love your forum avatar!
  9. Hey guys, the new forums look really nice and all, but there seem to be some functionality issues. There seem to be some posts that I cannot respond to--it would appear that I am unable to respond to any of the threads within the Wyrd Announcements section (I wanted to welcome Brian to the fold but am unable to). Not sure if this is an issue on my end or if it is an issue with the settings within the Wyrd Announcements section.
  10. 70 pages of content for free? Signing up for another website seems worth it. Also, it's the same source where you can get your digital copy of the rules if you get the 2 Player Starter Box.
  11. Yay! You used some of my photos Also, super excited for the Nythera event. It's time to rally the Arcanists!!!
  12. And now for the next review of games I brought home from Gen Con: Drakon! Do you like dragons? Are you a fan of adventure? Than this game is for you! Check out the full review on my blog!
  13. I was wondering, are their any Arcanist models with Chatty or other abilities which prevent enemies from taking interact actions? I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  14. This tournament ended up being a lot of fun. Turn out of 9 players (although the store has room for 36). Prize support was crazy awesome. When they said $1000 they meant it. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Favorite opponent, and Best Hobbyist (which I walked away with) were all given in store credit and the store has a ridiculous amount of stock--full range of Malifaux (including lots of old metals) and an obscene number of board games (which are more like crack to me than even Malifaux). The store owners said they will be trying to run a tourney of this size every 3 months, so next time they announce something take note; they are trying to put their store on the map as a major spot of Malifaux tourneys and are willing to muster the necessary support.
  15. Good to know I wasn't the only one super amused by that. Good description, although I would tweak that slightly--Uno meets Russian Roulette smothered in The Oatmeal.
  16. I'm certain many of you heard the hype surrounding the Kickstarter for the game "Exploding Kittens." My copy was waiting here for me when I returned from Gen Con and we finally got a chance to play it last night. Check out the review on my blog!
  17. Guslado Goes to Gen Con: Final Wrap Up I shared my adventures at Gen Con with you all week long. I am home and recovered, so it is time to share my final wrap up. I hope you all have liked these posts.
  18. Not so much an answer to this but an observation--a lot of the smaller companies were just rolling the sales tax into the total price of the sales to make things easier for everyone involved, makes it kind of like a con "special price" when you knock off that extra 7% that tax would add.
  19. It's because I played a game of When Darkness Comes Rattling that went really really really badly for us--three of the Winds fled due to maxed out shadows and the hero we flung into the snake only made it about a quarter of the way around before the world mercifully ended. Aaron witnessed our epic failure in progress and mocked us for it (as we deserved).
  20. The booth in the exhibit hall was fantastic; overall you have translated the aesthetic of your products into your booth very well. Once again the Whiskey Golem pulled people in and it was nice to see the Coryphee statue on one of the other corners worked well to catch people’s attention from the other side. Once again the fantastic cosplayers you had around the booth seemed to help bring attention to your booth in a hall that has a million things going on at once. Very nice use of the space of your booth, even during the first day rush the shop had enough room to move around in and find products, but didn’t really have any wasted space (I know that floor space is definitely at a premium on the exhibit floor). Having some kind of shopping basket available for those of us making large purchases would be very handy; the small size of some of the boxes (effigies, widow weaver, etc.) makes it difficult to balance a lot of them. As to your area in the Events Hall, the table with the clapboard front and Wyrd logo at the top made your area much easier to find than previous years and put a really good face to the area. The tables you had set up for tournaments were fantastic and really showcased the game well. I played in the “Welcome to the Boxcar” Henchman Hardcore tournament on Saturday and had a really great time; everything went smoothly and it seemed like everyone playing had a great time. The raffle at the end of the tournament was also really nice. I participated in the 5th round of the Wyrd Speed Painting Contest and the Speed Painting Championships. The model for the finals round was the limited edition, alternate sculpt Kaeris which was a really great surprise (although mine had a miscast on one of the wings ). Although I didn’t personally receive any of the prize support for the contest (other than awesome models to speed paint), there was some great prize support for this fun contest. I am definitely going to participate in Wyrd speed painting again next year. As to shout-outs, the Wyrd staff members were helpful and friendly across the board and the volunteers were great! Special thanks to a volunteer named Tara (or it might have been Tera) who helped me out during the Day 1 rush by helping me pull models I needed when my arms were completely full and then told me to wait in the check-out line while she ran to the back to grab me a model that needed restocking on the shelves. Also a huge shout-out to Sean “the Iron Volunteer” Shadowopal for giving me and my buddy a fantastic demo game of When Darkness Comes Rattling—I have never had my ass so soundly handed to me by a board game and had so much fun in the process.
  21. Well, it was about 11pm local time when I got home, I unpacked, put up the Day 4 post, hit the hay around 1am, then got up around 6 to drag my zombie-like self to work. I did get myself back to the gym this morning before work. Definitely needed more of a mental break, trying out all of those new games is mentally exhausting!
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