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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Guslado


    That is a great looking bit of railroad there. What did you use to make it?
  2. Guslado

    SnowStorm Entry

    I would love to see a whole Cult of December crew themed off of this. Digging the purple hair for contrast.
  3. Nice job keeping the bright colors clean, really tough to do that sometimes. The snow makes for some good contrast against the colorful model.
  4. Guslado


    I am digging the Salvador Dali clock on the base. Very cool concept!
  5. Guslado

    Frozenmoment Kang

    Very clean paint job! I am a huge fan of the base on this; nice to see Kang doing some work away from the railroad.
  6. Guslado

    Bayou Gremlin

    Great basing on a great model! What did you use to make it look like the algae is floating on the water?
  7. Guslado


    I have loved the look of this model since they revealed the renders for it. Great job on the muscles--looks like exposed flesh but without the excess of drippy red gore on the back that I have seen on many paint jobs for this model.
  8. Guslado


    Very clean paint job. I like the stonework base.
  9. Guslado

    Candy Malifaux

    Nice to see a Puppet Wars mini in this category. Nice depth on the hair.
  10. Guslado

    Mr Graves

    I enjoy the work you did on the face, especially the look of dark bags under the eyes.
  11. Guslado


    I like the newspaper on the base. What'd you use for that?
  12. Guslado

    Snow Storm

    Note to moderator: The image should be the model from two different angles but in the image preview I can see it appears to be centering on the line between the two, thus cutting off both images. Obviously I don't want the images both cut off. Please inform me if this ends up being the case and I can upload a different image. Thanks!
  13. Guslado

    Zoraida Cards

    What is the best method to contact you to fix this?
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