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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. I completely agree, but in the FAQ it also states that "If a model is killed by an Ability, the model with the Ability counts as having made the kill." This causes some grey area that I would like to see cleared up in the case where an ability of a model creates hazardous terrain; with the Mysterious Emissary's ability to create hazardous terrain markers and Jaakuna becoming more readily available, I see this argument potentially coming up more often and the FAQ doesn't clarify if the damage causes by hazardous terrain being created by a model counts as its ability killing the model.
  2. I've run into the same question with Jaakuna Ubume. We played it where we credited the model who created the aura as making the kill, but this is a compelling argument to me. Would love to see some clarification within the FAQ.
  3. Episode 18! Iron Painter 2016 is brought to you by the fine manufacturers of pink insulation foam!
  4. Finally got around to painting up my Nekima: I have a few other angles available over on my blog, check it out!!!
  5. There's nothing wrong with loving Marcus, it's your natural animal instincts taking over I am digging the idea of an academic master, I am hoping this means we'll have a few more Academics (other than just Sandeep) with some fun interactions. I would also love to see a few more upgrades available for the Oxfordian Mages so they have more options beyond the 3 they have now. Also very cool to see a Sikh master.
  6. This gives me hope that they'll all be available at Gen Con this year!
  7. Episode 17! I may have skipped posting 16, but my entry is complete!
  8. Even though you already had it queued up I too greatly appreciate it. I figured we were just going to have to wait until tomorrow for the preview, but this is a delightful surprise!
  9. The message will still be delivered. Tell Ramos that the storm is mounting! Tell him that! You want to be like him, Joss! Tell him you need a new right hand just like his. Tell him that if he sends his "Right-hand man" back as an errand boy, I'll rip it right off! Tell him! Not all strength can be seen and that makes it all the more dangerous. The story "Cold Hearted" from the Twisting Fates book is one of my favorite stories from the lore of Malifaux and I had a great time bringing my interpretation of this story to life.
  10. Episode 15! Holy pink foam cave, Batman! It's time to start painting!
  11. Yup! The Wendigo can also cast Ice Pillars using his Magical Extension action. The Ice Pillars action by only be taken once per Activation. Also, page 39 of the big rule book: "Once Per Turn Actions: Some Actions note that they can only be taken "once per Turn." This only refers to the individual model. Although the model may only take the Action once per Turn, other models may still take the Action."
  12. Episode 14! Time to see what this thing is actually going to look like...
  13. Episode 13! I am seriously using a lot of pink foam this year...
  14. I am really hoping that her crew has the whole Midsummer Night's Dream theme throughout with Oberon and Puck. I would love to paint up something with such a dark take on a classic.
  15. Episode 12! The experiment is complete!
  16. Sad to see you go Will you still be managing the rest of the Iron Painter competition?
  17. Guslado

    More Power!

    Ramos could feel the energy coursing through the very fiber of his being; if he could only push the machine a little farther he might finally find the breakthrough he'd been looking for...
  18. Episode 10! It's time for some science!
  19. Episode 9! Round two entry complete!
  20. And that, Doctor, is how we'll improve the useful lifespan of guardsmen! The operating room, autopsy table, exhaust fan, and meat-hooks are all scratch-built. I had tons of fun putting this piece together and after two rounds, I am unexpectedly starting to amass quite a few Resurrectionists.
  21. Episode 8! Sleep is an after thought at this point...
  22. Thank you for this... my life is now complete.
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