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Everything posted by Sketch201

  1. There are a number of players in my local shop that have picked up crews, but have no ideas on how to paint and base them. I aim to fix that! I'm also going to be going over papercraft terrain again, so we can get some more terrain for the shop. I'm planning on officially starting at around 5pm. Later in the evening is open Malifaux gaming, so come on by!
  2. It'll probably be at least September before I run any tournies. I'll post em here!
  3. I'm seriously on a Demo binge lately! I'm trying to get a community up and running, and trying to get interest in a slow grow league that I'm doing in July!
  4. I was specifically requested to run a Demo this Tuesday at Geek Out Games, in Central SC! At first wasn't planning on being there then, but how can I turn down a request! I'll be doing Demos from 3pm until I get hungry and leave (lol).
  5. On Thursday, June 25th, I'm going to be running Demos and teaching newer players the finer points of the game at Geek Out Games in Central SC. Stop by if you are in the area!
  6. This is going to be an eight week Malifaux league with game days taking place every Thursday at Geek Out Games, in Central, South Carolina. The point of a Rapid Growth league isn't whether you win or lose games, but rather to have fun and pull off cool hijinks during your games! It's totally possible to get league points for losing with style (or even by getting the stuffing beat out of you)! This promises to be a very fun event! You start the League by getting a crew box and building a 30 pt crew (or bringing a crew that you already have). Every 2 weeks, the points that you can spend on hiring a crew go up by a little bit, so you can have some time to grow and paint your force. Here's the weekly points for your crews: Weeks 1-2: 30ss Weeks 3-4: 35ss Weeks 5-6: 40ss Weeks 7-8: 50ss I'm going to announce the Strategy and Scheme pools for each week in advance, so you can have time to plan your crews accordingly. I'll also be handing out score sheets at the beginning or each new point increase, so you have two weeks to get your game(s) in for scoring! Entry fee: $10 (and it all goes to prize support!) Prizes: 1st place, 2nd place, last place, and Best Paint Job. If you are in the area and want to join up, go to "Geek Out Games Wargaming" on Facebook and join up!
  7. I'm going to be running a hobby night, and also a demo and gaming night at Geek Out Games in Central South Carolina on Thursday, June 18th for anyone interested! If you are in the area, come on out and maybe pick up a few tricks and tips on painting your force, play a game or three, or try out a game of Malifaux! Geek Out Games is in the Wal-Mart Shopping center in Central.
  8. I played Brewie and crew for the first time about a week ago. OH. MY. GOD!!!! It was against Ressers (Seamus crew + Bette) and we played Turf War, and I took deliver a message and distract as my schemes ( I think, it's been a while). I kept his ENTIRE crew locked down for pretty much the whole game! He kept trying to get out of the suck-bubble (drinking contest) by luring Brewie out of position, but I kept binge-ing him back into the middle of Seamus's crew with Wesley (I love that little jerk!). Every time he'd manage to finally pass a WP check to get out of the drinking contest, either Brewie's obey, Finger's "Open Bar" from the Drinking "Problem" upgrade, or a lucky obey from Wesley would put them right back in the middle of it! Taking Drinking "Problem" on Fingers is definitely the way to do it, BTW, it keeps Brewie's zero action free for the contest and keeps shoving people right back into it if they manage to escape. Also, the Moon Shinobi were absolute money against Belles! Hard to Wound giving them positive flips for damage was pretty brutal. IT also screws with your opponents head a little, having to reverse the cards they would normally cheat in on an attack duel when defending against them. In retrospect, I shouldn't have actually killed anything that game, because it let him summon Bette and another few Belles out of the drinking contest bubble (I got them into it quick enough though). The game was so brutal to the poor Seamus player, that I think I might only play Brewie against him again if I'm feeling like a real jerk that day! Then again, he did ask for a rematch.... Sucker!
  9. Believe it or not, I'd do a Zoraida gremlin crew! Zoraida Lenny + "I'll Love it and Pet it" - 10 Pigapult - 8 Merris Lacroix - 7 Bayou Gremlin - 3 Killjoy - 13 War Pig - 9 The idea here is to come at the opponent from multiple sources that can all straight up murder his dudes. An obeyed War Pig can charge (Pig Charge), then stampede into (possibly) multiple other targets. Lenny summons piglets for the pigapult, and guards Big Z. The Pigapult launches the Bayou Gremlin (which is damaged heavily because you just whacked a few piglets at it with Lenny) into the middle of their crew and then shoots it in the back to summon KillJoy right into their lines on the first turn. Big Z summons a Voodoo doll, which then hems something big and scary (obey it to try again if you miss the first free hem), then merris nails it with two flaming bottles to give it Burning +6!
  10. I don't think that implementing "bans" in the game is strictly neccesary and would overly penalize quite a few players in this game (those with only one or two masters). The game is pretty well balanced as it is. That being said, if everyone was on board with the idea and had large enough collections to support doing it, it might be fun for a one-off event. I definiely wouldn't do it as the standard, though. We don't need to drive new players away, and that's just what that would do.
  11. I've actually decided to do a conversion on the arms. I'm using the arms of a Necron warrior, and the talons from a Tyranid Hormagaunt. The claws will be a little bigger than the regular ones, but it should look pretty cool!
  12. Hi. I am looking to see if there is anywhere I can get some metal bits for the old Arcanist Coryphee, specifically the arms. Does anyone know where to get these? Thanks!
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