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Everything posted by PanzerHarris

  1. Yep, address in the pack. Quick poll as recent discussions have got me thinking - would people rather have the draw in advance, or the scheme pools? I don't want to give both but am happy to publish the pools if that's what the players would rather see.
  2. Doors will open for setup 0900, first game to start 1000. Finish will be around 1645-1700.
  3. List updated - cheers all! There will be another trophy once I sort out the wording - the Brooks Martin Award, for taking something weird and wonderful that nobody sees coming and isn't entirely rubbish...
  4. First post updated - there are actual tickets sold! Really appreciate the interest and hoping to see as many people as possible.
  5. Have run 40-50 man Warhammer events as part of bigger conventions and shows, but this is my first time as a stand-alone. Always game for a laugh, and looking forward to learning from the master at Cow Wars. Appreciate the offer of terrain - anything I can blag gratefully received! You can choose to either go fixed faction, or trinity. Your choice on the day.
  6. Yep, you read that right! I'm putting my money where my mouth is and running a 3-round event in Rushden, Northamptonshire (postcode NN10 0XH) on Sunday 7 June 2015. Strategies reflect my own love of bloody violence, and there are many trophies up for grabs; - Winner - 2nd Place - 3rd Place - Most Sporting - Best Painted Trinity (you enter any 3 Malifaux models that you've painted) - SMASH Award for most VPs scored! Crew selection will be slightly different to the norm. Games will be at 53SS (no, that's not a typo, and no, BluTack is not allowed 56SS), and you can go either; Fixed Faction – you sign up using a fixed faction, and choose your Master and crew from that faction in the normal way. Trinity – you sign up using any 3 Masters from any faction. At the start of each game, in the ‘declare faction’ step, you must declare to your opponent which 3 Masters you have signed up with. You then select your Master, and pick your crew using their faction. Dual faction Masters count each faction as a separate choice. For example, you could select Lady Justice (Guild), Tara (Outcast) and Tara (Resurrectionist) as your Trinity, or Lady Justice (Guild), Tara (Outcast) and Lilith (Neverborn). You don't get both factions for one choice. Strategies will be; HeadHunter, Close Deployment Guard the Stash, Flank Deployment Collect the Bounty, Standard Deployment Scheme pools will be announced on the day, but can be released to newer players in advance if they would like the help. The draw will also go up on the day. First round grudges will not be accepted. Tickets will cost £12.50 - this gets you entry on the day, big proper trophies, some swag if I can line it up in time, and all the tea and coffee you can drink. Lunch isn't included but there is a big Tesco literally over the road, a chip shop less than two minutes' walk away and anything else you want within 5 minutes. Payment details are in the pack. If you can squeeze a table's worth of terrain in the car, it would be much appreciated! Full rules pack here; https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ar1pnosu1q19t3/PanzerFaux%20Draft.pdf?dl=0 Any questions, please fire away here, on Twitter (@PanzerHarris) or email. Paid Entrants 1. Leigh Buckett - refunded 2. Tristan Jones - transferring 3. David Brown - transferring 4. Connor Barker - transferring 5. Adam Hutchinson - to be refunded 6. Aron Britchford - refunded 7. Maria Wieland - transferring 8. Adam Smith - refunded 9. Interested King of Speling WakeofGodzilla Oshova Lord Joel of Henry Lethis85 Grez90 FarmerSkittles KoganStyle Pierowmaniac M_Ruckuss Bob
  7. After much vacillating I've gone back to plan A. Sonnia Criid it will be.
  8. Should be there. Something of a lucky venue for me!
  9. I was going to ask if 'Masters of the North' is mandatory - even if I do qualify by some miracle, I'd rather play in the standard tournament on Sunday.
  10. Put your money where your mouth is on Tuesday. Loser buys the breakfast Saturday morning.
  11. I prefer killing schemes or markers - have never needed to pull that trick yet...
  12. Turns out reading the strategies is a good idea before picking your Master. I'll be switching from Sonnia to Guild McCabe. Sorry Dave - will pay penance with coffee...
  13. Grudge declined - I would prefer to go into the draw.
  14. There will be Squigs, we're just arguing amongst ourselves as to how many.
  15. Mr BluTac, just remember. Set this; Or this happens again;
  16. Depending on schemes and strategy, I'd probably run something like this; Justice (Badge of Office, Last Stand) Judge (Unrelenting Leader) Francisco Ortega (Hermanos de Armas, Wade In) Hunter Death Marshal Death Marshal Brutal Effigy Between Judge and Francisco, you can get Justice 10" up the board before she activates. That gives her a monstrous threat range. Francisco is here as he's also a criminally underrated melee beatstick, and using Unrelenting Leader he can get additional attacks. Use terrain to your advantage. Justice doesn't need to see a target to charge it, and with Last Stand she's Unimpeded. This means she can stand the other side of a forest or lake and charge across it with no penalty. That catches people out, even at high tournament level! Badge of Office lets you reduce a hit down to 1 damage, so even if your opponent has just Red Jokered for 13 with a Vik, pop the badge and it's 1. Between that, Justice's 0 action heal and Brutal Effigy's condition letting her heal for damage, she can be very tough to take out. Hunters are good for picking on lone targets and dragging them out of position whilst slowing them up. Funny when you drag a model into range of a big wooden box... Executioners sadly are utter garbage. I've tried to make them work but they're just too slow and too fragile to do what they're supposed to do. Equally I don't rate Scales. Does the square root of naff all due to being too damn slow by half. To beat a summoner, identify what they need to summon and then clear it. For example, Nicodem runs off corpse markers, usually generated by Mortimer. Target number one therefore is Mortimer - if you can eliminate him or stop him being useful turn 2 or 3, you're going to have an easier time of it. Ramos likes Scrap markers, so look at removing those if at all possible (I believe Justice has a 1 action Ca for that, so might be worth looking at the Malifaux Child to do it for her). Ulix needs 50mm Pigs, so that's what you go after. Never mind Ulix himself, send Justice after Old Major and his piggy friends. Yes, they're tough, but Justice can easily get up to min damage 5, Francisco to 4, and Judge can generate a ridiculous number of attacks. That will produce a lot of cooling bacon! Once the 50mm pigs are gone then you just have to mop up what's left without worrying about new things appearing. I know, easier said than done, but have faith. It's a very big sword!
  17. I'm coming over all pyromaniac - will be using Sonnia.
  18. Crispy at Gatswick... How could we refuse? Gonna have to give it a go I think. A good weekend showdown!
  19. I've heard horrible rumours that the mathematically challenged Mr Bursnell is planning to come.
  20. Prices hacked on the Ressers. Want 'em gone. Make me offers if you want multiples - worst I can do is say no!
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