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About Battlecrackers

  • Birthday 08/28/1987

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  1. I'm definitely interested. It's always nice to see how a new game develops (and lend a hand where possible).
  2. Hello everybody, I just realized when I was browsing the site today that I never made one of these despite posting otherwise. My name is Dustin, I'm 26, and I like in Calhoun, GA (basically a hop, skip, and a jump from Wyrd's offices over there in Marietta.) I got into minis, one might say, through playing 3.5 in college and finding that having a nice set of minis to use made navigating maps a lot more entertaining and fun. The hobby itself I first got an interest in through my roommate who was an avid 40k player over at a (now closed, I think?) store in Douglasville, but in college I never had the money or the space to get into the hobby in earnest. And then, a few years later I discovered Malifaux while browsing a FLGS with a few friends and wondered "What's this, then?" Those two friends weren't sold on the idea, being 40k and Warmahordes players, but I decided to give it a shot through an awesome demo at Dragon*Con during my next visit, and well, it was enough to get me interested. One other demo game later (both as 2E Rasputina, note) and I was hooked. Admittedly I haven't had a chance to play a proper game with my own minis yet, but the transparent Tara, Ortegas, and McCabe sitting on my shelf in various states of assembly and painting are itching to see use one day soon when time permits. Haha. It's sometimes a surprising amount of work teaching as an adjunct at a technical school! (And the drive and lack of a dedicated community in Kennesaw or Dalton does pose a problem...)
  3. Out of curiosity, those of y'all who already received your orders: did you get a change of status to your order or an email notification or did it just arrive on your doorstep? I was late ordering mine (Monday), so I figure it hasn't shipped yet. I'd love to know when it does, though if it's just a pleasant surprise on my doorstep, that's certainly fine too! At least it shouldn't take too long to ship. Wyrd's offices are about forty-five minutes from here.
  4. Hey everybody, After several months of digging up info on Malifaux, doing demos, and what have you (got my first serious demo back at Dragon*Con), I finally picked up some models to get started during the Black Friday sale. While they aren't in yet, I figured I'd ask around to see about getting a bit of advice on a thing or two. Apologies if I missed a preexisting thread on it. Does anyone have any advice on gluing the transparent models? I ordered the Tara set (also the Ortegas, but obviously this isn't an issue for them) but I'm not sure what would be a good glue to use with them. Thanks for the help! If there's anyone in the northwest Georgia area who frequents Hobbytown Kennesaw or Giga-Bites, I'd be glad to meet you there sometime--provided I can put these things together presentably.
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