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Everything posted by AngryMojo

  1. Some new stuff for you. Who likes area terrain? Also, our Black Friday special is still going on. As always, you can check out our stuff here. http://angrymojogames.com/
  2. Just putting a word out there, because Black Friday.
  3. 50ss Tournament at Paladin Tech & Game in Orlando, Florida. $10 buy in, registration at 11:00, cards flip at 12:00Round 1Flank DeploymentStrategy: HeadhunterSchemes:Line in the SandAssassinateBodyguardTake PrisonerMurder Protoge Round 2 Corner Deployment Strategy: Turf War Schemes: Line in the Sand Assassinate Protect Territory Plant Explosives Make them Suffer Round 3 Standard Deployment Strategy: Squatter's Rights Schemes A Line in the Sand Breakthrough Distract Cursed Object Frame for Murder
  4. Just a reminder that our tournament is this Saturday.
  5. If you do, post some pics. We love seeing what people do with our stuff.
  6. Gaining Grounds tournament at Paladin Tech & Game, assuming we have table space. 50ss, Gaining Grounds format. $10 buy in. Registration begins at 11:00, cards start flipping at 12:00.Round 1:Deployment: FlankStrategy: Guard the StashSchemes: A Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Plant Evidence, Deliver a MessageRound 2:Deployment: StandardStrategy: ReconnoiterSchemes: A Line in the Sand, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Distract, Murder Protege Round 3: Deployment: Standard Strategy: Squatters Rights Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Distract, Cursed Object, Spring the Trap More info will be posted as it's available, check out the Orlando Malifaux facebook group for details.
  7. New releases everyone! The arcane ruins is our largest box to date, and includes an even larger footprint than the ruins and rubble set. You can get this for $75. If you want just the towers, they're available for $30. This lovely clock tower is only $15. Stencil sheets cost $5, more to come. As always, you can find them at www.angrymojogames.com. Happy gaming!
  8. Designed for another game, but fully workable in Malifaux.
  9. New item posted, our abanoned train is available.
  10. We now have to-scale guitars, if people want Sue proxies.
  11. Thanks to our new shipment of acylic, we're up to making token sets. This resser set is the most expensive of the lot we've got up, and only runs $20. Egads! 12 scheme markers, 12 corpse markers, 30 poison. Get them while they're hot!
  12. New stuff up for the week. Small boomtown buildings run $11.50. Cart and troughs? $10 for the set. Coffins, $2 for a six pack.As always, you can find them at www.angrymojogames.com Happy gaming!
  13. Belles. Only belles. Everything else is circumstantial depending on strat/scheme, but I can't think of the last time there wasn't at least one belle in my starting lineup.
  14. I have a laser cutter, so I typically just make my own.
  15. I just like that my maniacal laugh will finally get some air time.
  16. Can't wait to get a second Fated book. Mine gets passed around way too much for comfort.
  17. I've had a lot of luck with reskinning beasties. All the fiction in Malifaux I've read leads me to believe the variety of horrors is so expansive, it's very possible you'll never run into the same creature twice. I'll use the game stats for a nephilim or canine remains, but it sure as hell won't look or act like one.
  18. Flesh constructs are great summons. I usually keep some belles, canine remains, flesh constructs, and necropunks on dock for summoning. Sometimes I'll do another punk zombie, but that's a pretty rare instance. Those first four will give you just about all the versatility you really need for a given scenario. Yes, I understand I'm pretty much saying "buy everything," but that's just how Nico rolls.
  19. I've had a lot of luck with my flesh constructs. They're big ol' sacks of wounds, and the threat of ceaseless advance makes them more than worth their summon cost if the schemes are right. I've had opponents frightened of cheating because they know that construct might just deliver a message.
  20. Looks like I'll be dragging two people along with, the bigger the crowd the better.
  21. Just giving the thread a bump, we've got a lot of interest in the store and the event is next week.
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