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Everything posted by Lussuria

  1. Sitting here living through the emotional rollercoaster that is apparently the random girl sitting behind me. In the past 20 minutes she has: Cried about something Gossiped about a friend of hers who's 'skinnier' Discussed her plan to only go for men with abs Annnnnnnd played an imaginary piano on her desk with her finger nails. ..........I'm ready to go home now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
  2. They're nice models themselves - but I'm not a fan of the material they're made of. My Malifaux models are sooooo much nicer to work with. And yes, I will admit, even my plastic Puppet wars guys
  3. Is Resin what most of the P3 Hordes models are? That stuff is awful to trim like flash off and stuff. It's so easy to take a chunk out of with one my finger nails Also, I want me that Even Chompier Bits!! ^
  4. Yea, Mr Monkey! Oooone day! I was going to try to see if someone wanted to skype with me and play a game on Vassal sometime - just so I can learn the rules and then teach my friends.....but I can't even work out Vassal correctly. Bahahaha.
  5. Why do they sometimes cast the model in 2 materials? Is there a benefit to doing that?
  6. Yea my main guys are Marcus and his box crew. Not that I've actually had any proper games of it yet *sigh* . No one I know knows how to play it properly - and the only guys in my area that I do know play it semi-regularly are never around the Wargaming club when I'm free. So I continue to build up my Arcanist so when I can play some proper games of it with people - I already have them painted up to try out.
  7. Plastics hurt my soul - I have no idea why. But at least Wyrd plastics are up there in quality. And really, I more want her for her beautiful sad puppy expression Yes, my Arcanist collection is slowly building! But there's a few from other groups I want just because reasons. *grin*
  8. Ooooh there is a thread on here for people's forum names. I can see you all!! Well, some of you hehehe. And metal purchases needed as a matter of priority: - Rasputina start box - All Performers and Mannequins - Coryphee - Mechanical Doves - Mechanical Rider - Raptors - Ramos normal and alt - Marcus Alt and Avatar - Rasputina Avatar - Mauler - Piggies - All of the resurrectionist dogs - Luna And...yea...well, a LOT more on my list of MUST HAVES.
  9. Looking through Gallery's like this (the Wyrd Painting challenge) just reminds me how many models I still need to track down in metal before they all gone. Time to start picking up more hours at work me thinks! Need me those dollars for shiny things. ---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ---------- Oooh I can't wait to see!!!
  10. I didn't know about it. What is it?? O.O ---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ---------- Aw just went and had a look! Wish I had of known!! No way I'd get them painted in time for it now You participating?
  11. As much as that is still awesome - I was hoping for a colour scheme that was a bit more out there hahahaha. Like the pink guy above!
  12. You might not, but I will!! I think I'm in love: And you're more the welcome, Ed! She looks fantastic!!
  13. Ok I assume most of the conversation I just glanced over was in jest. I'm not kidding - rainbow warrior SMs would be BOSS. Also if anyone ever does a documentary on you, I'm sending you something to sit in view of the camera so I can cheer and be all 'in an extremely remote way I was on TV' Woot
  14. Where is the link coming from? Is it meant to lead to the 7th Chronicles here: Wyrd Chronicles Volume 7 ?
  15. Also you don't wait for the 'go for walking' lights to come on? Sometimes we don't, but as a general rule everyone waits for the lights to change!
  16. The left of an escalator?? That's where aussies stand to keep out of the way of the people walking up them as they move!! And yes! Actually I have been looking at the Anima tactic models for a while. They all look soooo pretty. Now just to wait for next pay to get some
  17. Yay! Toronto!! Actually I get asked a lot if I used to live in Canada or if my parents are Canadian's...apparently my accent sounds...a tad not-australian and people assume Canadian for some reason? Hahaha, I'd be interested to see if I could role around Canada and people would assume I was a local
  18. Aaarg I want to come to the US so baaaad. Mostly for the food, but I so much want to visit these places I've been watching on TV my whole life and actually see them for myself. Must work out a way to move to the US for a while!!
  19. Yes yes!! Thankyou Lord Shaper! I joined And it's good to hear someone had a good experiences with the Combat Company. Put an order in with them today to see what they're like!
  20. It appears that I follow you on WordPress. I was just looking at all your photos of these over there and then opened this! Hehe. Looks awesome. I love these terrain pieces
  21. Everything is looking so cool. Can't wait to see how your Nothing Beast comes along. And holy cow - you're not wrong about Tara's face! That came out GORGEOUS.
  22. Aw, your Viks look AMAZING. The second ones blue looks so cool. When do I get to be able to paint like this!? haha so impatient. And I love love love the purple and blue on the Reaper wizard! *grin*
  23. Wow that guy always looks so massive to me. They're looking great Ed *grin* And really - who doesn't want a fully booked weekend of painting ahead of them?
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