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Parker Barrows

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Everything posted by Parker Barrows

  1. My guess: Round 1: Arcanists won big. Round 2: Guild won big. Round 3: Arcanists won, but not by much (at least compared to the first two rounds). Round 4: Probably barely eeked it out. Honestly, it was pretty impressive that they won it.
  2. Yeah. Especially if the Guild does really good with the X. The Trickster is probably going to Rezzers or Neverborn. The Arcanists likely have the lead on the Self-Righteous Man, but we don't know how much. For all we know, the Guild crushed their win week while the Arcanists have only barely pulled out the win which means that the Guild are actually winning him. That's probably not the case, but the point is just because the Arcanists seem like they are winning doesn't mean they have already won. The Inquisitive Child is actually pretty interesting. The Neverborn seem like they have the lead with her, but if they take the Trickster, it really could be anyone. The Outcasts and the Ten Thunders have a good shot, but maybe the Guild have been consistently getting 2nd place with her.
  3. It doesn't effect markers. The effects wording is to catch all abilities. Placment, movement, etc.
  4. She'll be her own unique type. Sorta like how Molly isn't a regular Belle. I'm liking it more and more.
  5. To be fair, it's Alyce calling her that. And Rusty is kind of a jerk. I don't think she'll start dressing up in lingerie. The worse threat is the Ten Thunders winning her and making her a druggie.
  6. Well, it depends more on what they have than who else has won. If Neverborn have 10 for The Trickster and 7 for The Inquisitive Child, they'll take the Trickster even if the Rezzers have 9.9 and the next closest faction for the Inquisitive Child has 3.
  7. Lost to the Ten Thunders for the man yesterday. It was surprising close despite me getting almost tabled and not killing one. But oh well.
  8. They come from the printed Penny Dreadfuls. Prerequisite is fairly simple. Must be able to shapeshift. You can be totally independent if you wish. Yeah. Technically, you got to use magic before qualify.
  9. The list should be fairly up to date. It takes a while for an inactive Henchman to be removed (I think it's six months). You can use the search function to look up specific members. Another thing you might want to consider (especially, if your Henchman seems inactive) becoming a Henchman and trying to grow the community (or reach out to others who are just playing with their friends, but haven't met you).
  10. I think I remember seeing it in an old Halloween Chronicles. Not sure which one.
  11. Actually, it sounds like Drunk and Reckless to me.
  12. The second session will be on November 2. The time will be the usual 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM at the South Rockford Top Cut.
  13. 15. Any card you are flipping has a one in 54 chance on of being the Black Joker. Unless, it's an important flip and only the Black Joker will screw you. Then the chances are much higher. 15b. Same thing when your opponent is flipping, except for the Red Joker.
  14. If you have a LGS, save your receipts. Wyrd gives promos every so often. This month, if you spend $60 at a LGS, you get an alternative Francisco Ortega. He's a solid Henchman that it's used in a lot of Guild Crews. http://www.wyrd-games.net/where-to-buy
  15. It's largely because of who won and the winning rewards. We knew she was going to get skinned alive and learn how to steal flesh if Rezzers won. If Neverborn had won, we knew she would give McMourning some Stitched would does seem pretty tricky. It's not that's not tricky. It's just that she hasn't got much of a break.
  16. I played with my usual Self-Righteous Man opponent. He convinced me that a Ten Thunders win would be awesome. And since I was playing the Crossroads Seven, it was easy enough for me to simply call Ten Thunders instead. Thus, the case was influenced for the Ten Thunders but Wrath and the Brewmaster decided to settle their own court case. In the end, the Crossroads Seven proved victorious, thus winning the case and proving the that music is more important to a party than liquor.
  17. Tried to take Rasputina against Lilith in the fight for the child. It was not a good game for Raspy. Poor child. One step closer to dead parents.
  18. The first session begins on October 19. The goal is to try to have a session on the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you're in the area and want to try it out, come on out. Location: Top Cut Comics - South Rockford When: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  19. Well, to be fair, I'm not going for them to end at any particular faction. Though I say, take up the idea I posted in the DP board, if you want to focus on the Man. Play Arcanists for the other characters (I want a boxing Tiny Teddy). If they win over there, they can't have the Man either. Dilute their focus.
  20. Yeah. I'm really torn. On the one hand, I'm all for the characters getting as many different factions as possible. On the other hand, I like the fox prosecutor. I suppose I could always go two Gremlins in a coat, but I suck with Gremlins......
  21. It sounds a bit thuggish, but I dunno if it's Black Sheep. I think there would be mention of Wastrels or one of McCabe's people. Though if it was, it might up being Rollin Black which would be actually pretty cool. Damn. I'm kinda hoping for that now.
  22. Possible, but highly unlikely. Aoinus was an Anniversary celebration model. I think the model from the last world event is a better indicator in this case. As Bengt pointed out, factions get the same amount of models per book. If they don't know where they'll end up, then they would have to hold off designing 7 models and then rushing the design and playtesting in about 6 or 7 months which seems a bit extreme.
  23. Nah. She's still alive. That was the Rezzer win condition during Round 1. "She awakens in the morgue, gasping with surprise as she sits up and startles the coroner, very much alive despite having had no vital signs a moment earlier."
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