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Matney X

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Everything posted by Matney X

  1. I have the old Raspy box, and ordered the new one. I'll have to try it as well, though you have a better idea of what you're doing than I do. If nothing else, nothing screws up someone else's plans better than having 4 gamin in or near their deployment zone at the end of turn 1. Especially after they start popping.
  2. Have any of you tried running two Ice Golems in a crew? Didn't someone mention a "Fastball crew" where they were running two, with the intention of throwing Ice Gamin at their opponent?
  3. Matney X

    M2E Viks

    So, I didn't expect it, but I decided to buy the Viks box instead of Lady Justice. I've never really looked at them, before, so I'm not sure what to expect. I haven't played a lot -- I started playing with the M2E Beta, and have so far only played Lady Justice, Raspy, and Mei Feng (and lost every game). So, what should I expect? Any tips and tricks?
  4. I can't figure out the hidden meaning to save my life. I assumed it was roles John Wayne and/or Jeff Bridges played (or roles in movies they were in), but I couldn't come up with anything that wasn't a long shot. Really, though, that's beside the point -- when are we going to get part deux?! I need to know what happens to the crafty Arcanist Barren!
  5. How did this crew play out? I've wondered about the SBE in a Mei Feng list for a few days, but haven't been able to play it (I don't have any 50mm based creatures )
  6. Nope, Kang is pure Ten Thunders. The reason Mei can take him when she's declared as Arcanist is because he's also Foundry.
  7. I think a detailed battle report is fine if it's written in an interesting way, which your way is. Narrative, then explain why the narrative played out the way it did with the nitty-gritty details. I know this isn't a 40k thread, but have you seen this: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/439793.page That picture style would match your batrep style nicely.
  8. That's a promo mini in the most recent issue of Game Trade Magazine.
  9. This is great -- possibly the best Malifaux battle report I've ever read (though I've only ever read five, or so. ) What do you do to keep track of what happened on what round? Also, I'd love to see some pictures (I always love pictures) in your "Okay, this is what happened on the table," wrap up. Still, though, I can't wait for the next one.
  10. I really don't understand why players assume that Wyrd will, at all, continue to support M1E. TSR didn't support 1st Ed. AD&D when they moved to 2nd; Wizards didn't continue to support 3.5 when they moved to 4th (well, they didn't until the players marched en masse to Pathfinder); GW only supports 5th Ed. as far as releasing FAQs to update older Codexes to new rules... And with every update, there was a vocal minority saying, "I'll never stop playing this edition! Support us, company-that-makes-the-game, because we give you our money!" And, it never happens. Some of them continue holding onto the previous editions, some of them leave the game entirely, but most of them begrudgingly take the step into the newest edition (probably because everyone loves new shiny models, the smell of new books, and actually being able to find people to play with.) TL;RD - Whether or not you're going to move into M2E or not, Wyrd has decided that M2E is where Malifaux is going, and they're most likely not going to look back. Get over it and accept that you're either leaving, playing M2E, or playing M1E without Wyrd support. I would support that, but you know it would spring off to create Classic-Only models, as people figured out the math behind SS costs.
  11. Tough call, but it works thematically. Som'er attempts to disengage, so Perdita springs on him with her Peacebringer, hoping to keep him around. She attacks and misses, but happens to fall into range for Som'er to shove her back. While Perdita is stumbling backwards from the Squeal, Som'er moves farther away. I'd allow it.
  12. You can always use precast bases as a starting point. There's a company that does hardwood-floor base inserts that you could then put a rug (greenstuff) and/or table (http://www.btsrr.com/btson01.htm -- the 36" one MIGHT fit on the 30mm base with Lynch). If you want to roll your own flooring, instead of using coffee stirrers, look for flat wooden toothpicks. To scale, a coffee stirrer is about 2 feet wide, where a toothpick is just under a foot. (And now I've officially spent too much time in railroading forums.)
  13. How does it work if you can't sell them, but we want a printed set? Do we just cover the printing cost so you break even?
  14. Sorry for the confusing title -- honestly, I'm not sure how I could explain this idea in so few characters. I've been thinking a lot about Jacob Lynch, and the possibility of making a table that represents the entirety of the inside of his club. The idea I'm throwing around would be to have the 3x3 table cut up into 1.5 foot sections, each representing a different level of the club, with clearly marked stairs to show how to move between sections. On the ground floor, I would also have a saloon-style balcony, possibly with a few rooms off to the side for flavor. Like so: I'd keep deployment the same, but I'd still need to figure out how to deal with "center of the table" objectives. Thoughts?
  15. I recently purchased the Rail Crew box set, and yesterday I was looking at them trying to figure out how to base them. The Rail Workers and Kang are easy enough -- I have some HO scale track laying around I can cut up -- and the Emberling won't be that difficult, either. But Mei Feng... What is she supposed to be jumping over? Was it a crate? A buffer stop? The lip of a platform? The problem isn't that I feel like I need to use the extra wooden bits -- the problem is I WANT to use the wooden bits, I just don't know what they're supposed to be so I can accurately integrate them into the base. So far, the closest thing I've seen is from Fred Raider, and it just looks like she's jumping over a bunch of trash. (Image inside spoiler) Open Spoiler So... what do you think she's jumping over?
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