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Everything posted by Ikvar

  1. So if I break my own rule about wave 2 models, what about this: Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap Zoraida -- 5 Pool +Animal Shape [2] +Hex Bag [1] +Tarot Reading [2] Bad Juju [8] +Eternal Fiend [2] +Fears Given Form [1] McTavish [10] +Fears Given Form [1] +Hexed among you [1] Nurse [6] Terror Tot [4] Waldgeist [6] Waldgeist [6] And when do I place the three models from "hexed amon you"? in the deployment face or after it? - and is it only minions, meaning I cant place Mtavish with it?
  2. Greetings everyone, I want to try a little game with Zoraida as Neverborn before wave 2 comes out, which means I am only going to take wave 1 models in this crew. So far this is what I have come up with: Zoraida -- 4 Pool +Hex Bag [1] +Hexed Among You [1] Baby Kade [7] +Depression [1] Bad Juju [8] +Eternal Fiend [2] +Fears Given Form [1] Nurse [6](to go with the voodoo doll) Teddy [11] Waldgeist [6] Waldgeist [6] Any suggestions or critic of the list? - and just help in generel as I have never played with Neverborn
  3. I will be in Rogue Trader this thursday around 16:00, and everyone are welcome as always Denmark City: København Shop: Rogue Trader Phone: 27502776 Harsdorffsvej 8A, kl tv 1874 Frederiksberg C
  4. If you want to include wave 2 models I can suggest gremlins like Sammy LaCroix to give Family tree, so Somer wont have to stay at home to summon(he can be VERY offensive in 2.0). Or trixiebelle in the gunline so you can use Gremlin lure to push people away from the fragile gunline, and she also have a lot of synergy in generel with Bayou Gremlins. I have also used Old Cranky with VERY big succes, in a more dmg focused Somer crew. If you use Somer on the frontile you wont have as much use for his Skeeters anyway... and Old Cranky has quite a lot of tricks and some good dmg himself
  5. The metal slop hauler that have the buckets over his shoulders is one of the best gremlins there is, I really have my doubts that they can make it better. So I would definitely buy the metal ones- besides when they are all painted no one will know which are plastic or metal
  6. You are doing really good, but I would personally add some more different shades of the colours you use. It seems like you are using only two variants of each colours, while I would personally always use 3 shades of each colour as an absolute minimum- one for the darkest creases, one for the mid tones and one for the Highlights. Afterwards you can use a glaze medium to water down some colours so you can get a smooth transition between the three shades. Later on you can experiment with using colours like violet for shadows, and colours like red, green and pink to make the skin tones more natural... but that might be going a bit to far for now ^^ - Hope my english is understandable
  7. I had no idea about this, me and the rest of the henchmen in my area have always played it as you have to make a disengaging strike if you move out of a characters engagement range in any way. So if I understand you guys correctly, you only have to make a disengaging strike if you declare a move action within the enemies engagement range. So lets say that you have a character with a move of 5, and the enemie within 6- you want to use both AP to move, but after you have used the first AP you are now within the enemies engagement range. Would you then have to do a disengaging strike, or can you just move 5 more as you have already declared that you want to move the full 10inches and use both AP on it?
  8. Ikvar

    Merris art

    I very much agree :/
  9. Yeah Burt actually ended up pretty solid and his new synergi with pigs(Gracie) was exactly what I was looking for, so I might be a bit sad about Gracie but at least they got Burt fixed
  10. I must say that I am immensley disappointed with Gracie, she was my favorit 1.5 model, but it seems like the guys at Wyrd did not want to listen to all the people complaining about her... I simply wont take her for the cost of 10SS, I mean for crying out loud she even has a trigger where she ends her own activation. But as I have said so many times, I know she is not bad per say... but she is just sooo "meeh" for 10SS :/ - I am a very sad panda :/
  11. The Nurse+Ototo combo was mentioned in context with running Zoraida as a Gremlin master though... and Nexus of Power have been cuddled btw, it only heals 1dmg now :/ - Can someone who have talked positive about the whole Nurse+Ototo explain their reasoning for it? ^^
  12. So you are in the boat with me, not seeing the whole fuss about nurse+Ototo? Can anyone explain it to me then, because I feel like I am missing something glaringly obvious ^^
  13. Why is it that everyone likes the Nurse+Ototo combo so much btw?
  14. didn't think about using the Nurses via Sewn Fate... would the target of Sewn Fate also get the full health if you use the paralyze thing?
  15. Why would a nurse be good with a Moon Shinobi? - I can see that the action "Take your meds" can give minus on all duels if you get a tome... but thats a lot of AP and SS to use just on that? Im not sure I understand the "Hexed Among you" upgrade- can you place Swampfiend models like that every turn, or only when you begin the game? Im not sure I see why Sammy would be good with Zoraida, I dont really think she have any upgrades thats worth to take a 7ss model to get- you always need to see what other options there are, and I honestly think that there are many better ways to use 7SS. Sammy in a Brewmaster crew however is pure awesomeness ^^ - and yes, Sammy can take all the named upgrades the master have, so you are indeed able to take two limited upgrades in this way. Why would Dirty Cheater be good with Spawn Mother? Its always a good upgrade ofc, but what makes it speciel for Spawn Mother? There are three models that would be awsome with Zoraida from the Gremlin faction- Mctavish, Wild Boar and Bayou Gators, but seeing as they are all Swampfiend models, you can just as easily use them in a Neverborn crew with the "Tarot Reading" upgrade...
  16. I am having a hard time seeing why I would ever take Zoraida as a master with my Gremlins, it just seems like she works better in a Neverborn crew? There is also the fact that Bad Juju can only take his upgrade "Eternal Fiend" if he is in a Neverborn crew- and although I will be the first to admit that I have VERY little experience with any Neverborn models, that upgrade just seems way to good to pass on just to play with some Gremlins... but then again I am most likely only seeing it like that because of my aformentioned very limited experience with these models, and the possibilities that might come with her joining a Gremlin crew ^^ So are there anyone out there that can help a Zoraida noob?
  17. Thanks as always guys Got some new questions again. A player asked me last time if a minion can ever get an upgrade, his example was with the guild upgrade "Flames of the pit", if a guild marshall can take this upgrade even though it is a minion... btw I hope I got the names right, as I have no clue about the Guild myself ^^ The second question is a bit odd... I am 99% sure that a peon cant place a scheme marker, but when a player asked very insistently where it stands in the books, I simply could not find it. So can anyone help me where exactly it states that a peon cant place a scheme marker? The last question is about the suit that stand beside the Sh, Ml and Ca. If we take the upgrade for brewmaster as an example, would the mask on the Ca only count towards the TN, or would it also enable BM to always be able to take the Hooch action?... and if not, why is the mask even there to begin with? ^^ - and as an added question to the upgrade "binge", what happens if your opponent simply does not have any cards on his hand anymore?
  18. In this example the target would without a shadow of doubt get cover. I would also like to add that I play with a piece of terrain which counts as hard cover fx, this characteristic would count for the entire base of the terrain. So if you had a wall or a big stone, it would not only be where the stone or wall is physically placed that counts towards hard cover, but also where the rest of the base of the terrain is. This way you wont have a situation where the artistic choice of the terrain would cause doubt about the rules, and end up slowing the game because people need to measure everything... I hope you guys can understand my english ^^ edit: this rule will however be obsolete if you play on a board with fixed terrain... which is kinda why I hate to play on a board with fixed terrain
  19. Thanks for the answers everyone! Still dont know whether or not you can charge up climbable terrain though, would be awsome if someone could answer that
  20. Thanks for the answers everyone! Still dont know whether or not you can charge up climbable terrain though, would be awsome if someone could answer that
  21. 16/1-2014 15:30 Going to the club Rogue Trader in Kbh this time, all are welcome as always Denmark City: København Shop: Rogue Trader Phone: 27502776
  22. "Am I correct in assuming I want to max my SS pool at 7 if at all possible?" It really depends on what master you are playing with, and your generel play stile. I usually just have my masters cache to play with
  23. It most certainly does, it is personally one of the very big reasons he is always included in a heavy bayou gremlin crew - only 1dmg from reckless and auto Ram trigger can be pretty scary ^^
  24. Got some new questions for you guys ^^ When you loose a terrifying duel, will you loose your current turn, or are you paralyzed the next turn? When you use SS to choose a suit, do you then add the suit or do you simply change the current suit on the card- fx if you get a ram and use SS to get a tome, would you then have both a tome and a ram, or have you simple changed the ram to a tome? Can you charge up climbable terrain? How exactly does the rule about getting cover if you are within 1inch of a certain terrain work? - we had a very awkward situation where a model was attacked from behind, but the model that was attacked from behind was 1inch within hard cover from the front... would the model really get hard cover even in this situation?
  25. Greetings everyone, I have decided to play with all the Gremlin masters, but I simply have no idea what a Zoraida/gremlin crew would look like. So could anyone with experince tell me some nice crew combinations and so on?
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