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Everything posted by Dan34j

  1. Someone follows me on twitter. Yup gremlins will be going up Monday and yes I have Chris schedules to come on for Hamelin.
  2. Ask and you shall receive Stany. I just booked a guest to talk about Hamelin. It will be a few weeks as I have a few in the queue to come out, but it is coming. Thanks for listening.
  3. Thanks. Appreciate the support and thanks for listening.
  4. Hey everyone. Some of you may have heard of this podcast already but I figured I would throw it on here as well. I just recently started his podcast and just put up episode 5 today. What is this podcast about you might be asking. Well let me tell you. Very quickly this show is about setting up a game of malifaux all the way to the flip for initiative. I am using vassal and a different guest each week and we are setting up the game on there and then going through and discussing our crew choices and what schemes we chose. We also run through our general impressions of what we will be attempting to do in the early turns of the game. That's pretty much it. I don't talk about any new releases, wyrd chronicles, or general ranting as there are plenty of great podcasts doing that out there already. My podcast is just focused on tactics and strategies that go into the game of malifaux. I am also hoping to sit down with my guests and play through the games we have set up and then do a follow up episode which will be a battle report and things we learned. I have been extremely fortunate to have some great guests on the show already and many more lined up to appear in the future. So far on the show I have had joe and Adam of cheated fates radio fame, and also mike and Joel from malifools. So yeah that's it in a nutshell. You can find the show on iTunes and also at the following link. Thanks guys. http://beforewebegin.podbean.com
  5. Yeah I will second Guardian Games on friday nights. The area we play in is also a bar, soooooo Malifaux and beer. Can't go wrong. But yeah, we generally start friday nights around 6. Hope to see you there.
  6. I guess I am the weirdo then. I sleeve my fate deck with perfect fit sleeves and don't sleeve my stat cards. I have the foil fate deck and the edges chip pretty bad without the sleeves.
  7. Glad you enjoyed the first 2. I apologize for the third one. I somehow uploaded the wrong file. If you re download it either from iTunes or the podbean feed it has been corrected. I blame a severe lack of sleep for the oversight. Again thanks for listening.
  8. Sorry to resurrect this but I had not seen this post before but I actually created a podcast that I think kind of fits what alot of you are asking for. The show is called Before We Begin and so far I have 3 episodes out with a 4th in the queue. My first two guests were peregrine falcon and cheated fates joe respectively with my third guest being a gent named Blaine. Guests 4 and 5 will be mike Marshall and Joel Henry. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks guys. Beforewebegin.podbean.com
  9. It certainly should not. The other thing that stood out with the avatar is that the upgrade makes McMourning immune to any conditions that could be applied to him by enemy models. Seems very good against certain masters.
  10. Yeah late in turn 3 but unfortunately he came in on the side of the board with no enemy models remaining so he just looked menacing and claimed a table quarter.
  11. So last night I played a game of Malifaux versus Thomas at Guardian Games. Love this place, one of the few game stores where you can play Malifaux while enjoying a beer. Can't beat it. Anyway Thomas had asked me if I could send him the final beta cards for the Avatars earlier in the week and after I did so I asked him if he wanted to play a game using the avatars. He agreed and so we met up for the game on the open gaming night. Unfortunately I was the only one that decided to bring an avatar to the game as he did not do so. So the strategy was Reconnoiter with the schemes being : Line in the Sand Bodyguard Spring the trap Outflank Distract My crew consisted of : McMourning - Moonlighting - Evidence Tampering - Avatar Upgrade Sebsastian -Transfusion -Those are not ours Zombie Chihuahua Rafkin -Transfusion Guild Autopsy Flesh Construct Arcanist Performer Crooligan Nurse I believe this was 50 Stones and therefore I started with a Cache of 4. Thomas' Crew Zoraida - Crystal Ball - Animal Shape - Pact Bad Juju - Eternal Fiend Doppelganger Waldgeist Silurid Silurid He had a cache of 4 stones to start the game. So my initial thoughts on the schemes were blech. I am not really a fan of any one of these especially with Recon as the main strategy. Distract seems awful in a strategy where you are trying to control quarters, and not being able to kill a model just to get a point seems very counter intuitive, so I was definitely not taking this. Spring the Trap is one I feel that is fairly easy to recognize as it is happening and with all of Zoraida's abilities to Obey and Raven's Form didn't really think this one was feasible. That left me with bodyguard, line in the sand, and outflank. I really didn't want to do outflank as that was also going against the main strategy and so I ended up taking Bodyguard on Sebastian as I figured it would be a good way to teach me to be a bit more careful with him as I have had an issue with running him into the thick of things a little too soon. And then I took line in the sand as I figured that would be decent enough to accomplish with McMourning's 0 action to push models and make them place markers (emphasis on place). Placing markers is fantastic as it allows you to ignore the 4 inch scheme marker rule....I also had to select a manifest and I initially wanted to do the 3 vps but none of the schemes would happen until the end of the game other than spring the trap, so I decided on the sacrificial summoning as I figured I could sac the crooligan early, or possibly summon a canine remains to be manifest fodder. To talk through my crew selection a bit we will start with McMourning. I feel like Moonlighting is an auto-include as it gives him the ability to expunge and make Flesh Constructs, and if models within 8'' dies from poison you get a canine remains. This is so powerful, and especially with the main strat being Recon it provides you with the ability to make more significant models. I also took Evidence Tampering because it seems strong, but with the schemes involved in this game it probably wasn't the best choice, and with mcmourning already having 2 very powerful 0 actions I never did use scalpel slinging once. So that was a bit of a throw away and I will attempt in the future to be more aware of what schemes are there and if this upgrade is merited. Onto Sebastian, I took transfusion as he and McMourning are the best of friends on the battlefield and you need to be able to move that poison around and get off those expunges with Doug. I also took Those Are Not Ours with the thinking that I could use some corpse markers to make canine remains as again it is bringing in more significant models to count towards Recon. The Arcanist performer is something that I have really enjoyed having as she gives you another model on the table that allows you to expunge with her lure and the trigger is built in. I have read the other views that state how this isn't as good because you aren't getting the Doug expunge with the flesh construct popping out, and to that I say, Doug can't be everywhere and also there are times when things just need to die. I also knew with Recon that it was going to force me to spread out so I would want to have this ability on either side of the table. Everything else is fairly straight forward, I gave Rafkin Transfusion to have that extra ability on the other side of the table as well so I could essentially set up two poison groups. So deployment was standard, Thomas won the flip and allowed me to deploy first. I deployed McMourning Sebastian Flesh Construct and a Nurse on my left flank and the rest of the crew on my right flank with the crooligan starting near the midpoint of the board in hiding. Thomas set up a gup and a silurid across from my left flank, Zoraida and Doppelganger in the middle and a silurid and Bad Juju across from my right flank. He was experimenting with bad juju starting on the table right away to see how that played. Turn 1 saw me load up the Flesh Construct with poison thanks to the nurse and move it forward and then eventually shove it all the way forward with mcmourning's 0 to drop my first scheme marker on the center line near the center of the table to hopefully set up for some turn 2 poison shenanigans. Thomas sprinted forward with his silurid and gup straight up the board and dropped a scheme marker on the center line, and walked bad juju in behind the leaping silurid on my right flank at the center line. I noticed that the silurid and the gup on my left flank were kind of seperated from the rest of the crew and decided to send mcmourning over to deal with them. I was able to walk up into Rancid Transplant range and this one's ready into base contact with the gup which put me into engagement with both the gup and the silurid. On the right flank I used the zombie chihuahua to load up poison 2 on the guild autopsy, rafkin, and performer, and tried a potshot from the autopsy to the silurid and also a lure. Neither were successful but I was able to charge the silurid with my crooligan to be a bit of a speed bump on the silurid and keep the rest of that flank open and free to set up for turn 2 poison slinging. The waldgeist had also moved up near the center and put up his forests to block line of sight through a narrow passageway but with my push my flesh construct was in the middle of the forest near it at the end of the turn. Turn 2 I won the initiative and in a bit of a blunder activated the crooligan first to get some more swings in when I think I may have been better served activating something else, but the crooligan whiffed and then was destroyed by bad juju, but it was a trade I would gladly make as it took up the activation of said juju. Zoraida meanwhile raven formed up onto a cliff in the middle and nicely asked rafkin to beat the stuffing out of my performer who had taken a wound from poison at the end of turn 1 and managed to straight flip the severe damage to kill her. I could have cheated it to a negative flip, but I was low on cards and still had McMourning to activate and so I took the chance. My nurse meanwhile charged sebastian and put 8 poison on him which he promptly walked up and passed it off to the silurid and made sure he was within 6 inches of the silurid and gup. The doppelganger moved up and then I got my first expunge of the day as I activated mcmourning and finished off the silurid and made another flesh construct. I then surgical implemented the gup getting a straight flip and flipping a severe which i promptly cheated down to weak to leave the gup with 1 wound left and 2 poison so that I would get my canine remains when it activated this turn and died from poison. I then walked away from the center line to claim the bottom left corner quarter. My flesh construct in the middle retreated into the back right quarter to help me claim this quarter. Rafkin and the guild autopsy ganged up on the silurid that had leaped into my backfield and managed to take it out. So at the end of turn 2 I had brought in a flesh construct and a canine remains and denied my opponent a Strategy point. Turn 3 my opponent won the initiative and activated Zoraida to bewitch and obey rafkin and take a shot at my guild autopsy. This did a fair amount of damage and gave him some extra cards to work with. I had enough models on the table to out activate him fairly easily so I put Rafkin on the extreme backburner to save for my last activation. On the left flank McMourning and his dogs and flesh construct proceeded to beat down the waldgeist leaving him with 3 poison and 2 wounds left in range of sebastian's induction and so another dog was born on his activation. Before Mcmourning did this I had the nurse charge the flesh construct one more time and then sacrificed her to get my simulacrum 29. Unfortunately with this flank decimated he never got a chance to do anything, but it was fun seeing him on the table. On my right flank I ran up the zombie chihuahua to get poison 2 on the doppelganger, bad juju, and zoraida. Also during this turn I was able to drop the other 3 scheme markers I needed for line in the sand. Turn 4 began and zoraida made a voodo doll of Rafkin and bewitched him. I got to use the chihuahua again and yapped at the doppelganger unsuccessfully, but did put 2 more poison on every1 there. I was then able to charge the voodoo doll with my flesh construct and he promptly ate it. After eating the voodoo doll the doppelganger decided she was hungry and borrowed the devour ability and scarfed down my chihuahua. This was the highlight of the turn and upon surveying the board we agreed to call the game. I managed a 9-0 victory and really learned alot about the intricacies of setting up the poison kills. I am glad I took bodyguard on sebastian as I did a much better job of keeping him out of range and moving him up later in the turns towards those models that had poison on them. I owe part of this new found knowledge to my friend Adam who plays what he refers to as a very elegant pandora, and he is very correct in how he is able to position and move sorrows into range at just the right time to protect them and cause his opponents major headaches. Thomas played well but he is still trying to get a handle on zoraida as a whole and we agreed that he probably held her back a little too long at the beginning. She seems to function best when she is up in the thick of things, and even if it does get a bit hairy she has some options to get out of range quickly. And he is also still looking for a list that he feels confident with, we will continue to work on it. I hoped you have enjoyed this report and I welcome any comments questions, or what were you thinking there replies. Pictures of this game can be found on my twitter @danissome1. Thanks for reading.
  12. That is phenomenal. Thank you guys. I unfortunately work all day Friday unless we get enough rain to cancel a ball game. And @bringerOTBD I will definitively let you know if I have any free evenings to game. Thanks again.
  13. Unfortunately I will probably not be able to attend due to work but I was wondering if there was anywhere in the area that people regularly play. I am going up to the Bellingham event here in a month and have not been able to play very many games of malifeaux recently and would love to get some games in before then. Thanks.
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