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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. You are correct that it says enter on page 58; however, I will also point out that this list is predicated that it is "...when they:" do X,Y, or Z meaning it was their volition. It doesn't say that they are approached by a terrifying effect (ie I can move my Jack Daw/aSeamus next to a living model and they don't take the terrifying until it is THEIR turn). I believe the intent of the rule is for it to only trigger on the living model's activation - otherwise this would be crazy and you'd just find a high walk terrifying model and completely wreck anything living, ever. I will agree that this is a sloppy use of language though, there's lots of those in the rules manual. If only they didn't have a legion of faithful fans who would be willing to edit for them; oh wait...
  2. I wish you the best of luck! Onto the questions: 1) While Shang does have Flay and can do very respectable damage for a totem don't expect him to last more than 1 turn in melee with...well almost anything except MAYBE Malifaux Rats, unless of course Misaki kills whatever he went after. I get the most use out of him by blasting things every now and then with his firey tail-gun and abusing the crap out of Lucky Charm. I view it as basically a free soulstone (though it isn't - because it doesn't add to you value) - or at least a free cheat. Rush of magic is boss. Shang only gets even crazier if you have some way to heal him (such as Yamaziko) for even MORE Lucky Charming. 2) Reasonably afraid. She's not great in melee, she's great with willpower duels and whenever you fail one you take 1+ damage (depending on her crew). She also gets to push 4" whenever she wins a WP duel which is evil. 3) Hard question. I'm a big fan of Ototo but he's much squishier than Taelor, he also has the potential to do far more damage. So it's up to you on the tradeoff there. You'll also want to get at least 1 ten thunders brother as fast as you possibly can. They allow you to companion chain Misaki's whole crew (since they're all 10T except for a few mercs you may hire here and there).
  3. When is Von Schill getting promoted to Master? He has his own freakin' miniature city and never dies. Schilly for Master '13!
  4. Well, since I just made a twitter account I'm down with this. I don't think there's groups though, that's what hashtags are for, yeah? So you'd just need to come up with a hashtag standard you could look up. Something original like #Malifaux or #LetsPlayMalifaux
  5. I feel this would take too long? You can mark everything up nicely in Vassal, memorizing the hotkeys gets tedious sometimes though. @crabcakes - I'm usually on Vassal with a LFG flag up if I have free time, then I just do other stuff and if someone messages me (and I'm not afk) I take the game. If a game is up it'll show as a folder below the main room that you can then right click and "Join Room" to observe. Also, extremely long 25ss games are to be expected when learning the rules. It usually takes me 90-120 minutes for a 25ss game now, tops. Of course it depends on the opponent but assuming both players are familiar with the rules that's about the timeframe in my experience.
  6. Ryu

    Sad Panda

    Hadouken! Sorry I missed you the other day, I'm up for a game in the 17-20:00 timeframe on most days though. So just name a day that works for you (except for Fridays).
  7. It's definitely possible with a willing opponent, it'll just take longer. One of my semi-regular opponents doesn't have any VoIP and doesn't want it either. So we just play 25ss games that take about as long as a 35ss game normally would. Text doesn't convey emotion well though so be sure to word things well
  8. This is going to be a discombobulated reply to most of the posts above - I apologize in advance: These are some great ideas, hope to hear a few more. I'm not restricting myself to purely Freikorp models, though I tend to only take one or two non-Freikorps; I guess that's just my playstyle. Lazarus' grenade launcher really intrigues me, but I'm not familiar enough with the model to really weigh in. I think he could work really well with Libby and a Specialist for a Blast-o-Rama Initially, I wasn't sold on the Strongarm Suit but after making a concerted effort to include him my past three games I can really see how he enhances this crew, though I think there are times (reconnoiter) that Freikorp spam will still win out. Maybe I'm just a very defensive player, but the low damage output of the Korps has never been an issue for me. If I need the damage I simply use focus shot and that seems to work pretty well for me. Wong really, really helps with the magical weapon issue. He gives another minion (usually my trapper if he can deploy to a nice location) a magical weapon, he has magical weapons, and the SAS has a magical weapon. Not to mention Wong can single-handedly wreck spell-heavy crews - I had him Counterspell something like 8 spells against Collette last week.
  9. Yep, Skype seems to be the standard. I've played a few games with pure text and they take a looott longer.
  10. Ryu

    Sad Panda

    There's been a decided lack of activity on Vassal the past couple days. I'm blaming spring break, willing to make reservations for future games haha. Signed, Ryu the Sad Panda
  11. Ryu

    Arrange a game here

    I'm interested but no twitter at the moment. Maybe I'll make one.
  12. Yeah the index in the manual never ceases to **** me off for one reason or another. Just today something extremely basic was not in there...oh yes the rules for object. This new index proposal of yours seems like a good fit for the wiki though.
  13. My list, in order: 1) Strategies and Schemes (selection and playing for them) 2) Crew Creation (Build for the strategy, take schemes to fit) 3) "Everything must die" mentality - hard to break out of, but totally not necessary in Malifaux.
  14. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. The core rarely changes though. There are very few instances where I don't want Libby + Strongarm as the base of my crew. I love Hamelin the ratcatcher, but at 25ss I think he's a bit much unless I swap him for the Strongarm. Regarding trappers: I agree that you won't normally take more than one, but for objective based strategies they are absolutely amazing. I also almost auto-include two if I know I'm playing arcanists, that + flip to constructs and beasts goes a loonnngg way there.
  15. Hello everyone, For the immediate future I'm going to be playing a pure Freikorps list in a local league. I own the Von Schill box set and am looking to branch out - the Strongarm Suit is the next purchase on my list. Our league is starting at 25ss, and incrementing 5ss every two weeks to a total of 35ss. To start I'm thinking my pool will be: Von Schill Specialist Trapperx2 (maybe 3) Libby Freikorpmann x2 (hoping to get up to 4 before league starts) Strong Arm Suit With the core of the list at 25ss being: Von Schill - 4ss Strongarm Suit - 8ss Librarian - 7ss Which leaves me 10ss for other models Past that I'm interested in hearing what other people do with their Freikorps lists? I've tried them with great success with Wong and limited-no success with Ama no Zako. The main weakness I foresee is the lack of magical weapons aside from the Strongarm.
  16. Pgs 118 and 57 of the rules manual answers your question. 118 states, "Living models without Terrifying activating, moving through, or ending an Action in this model's melee range..." A place (summon) is not a move. Thus no terrifying, a push is likewise no-longer a move and wouldn't trigger terrifying either. Edit: To clarify; the summon counts as entering the range but the terrifying rule specifically states the duel only goes off in the three mentioned cases "entering" not being one of them.
  17. Hopefully someone below will correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't reduce the damage below 1. So if it deals 3 damage on weak that's -2 from HbB and -1 from Object but the minimum is 1.
  18. Agreed. It's not like there's not enough space on the cards for most minion models. Some masters you'd have an issue - maybe.
  19. Izamu killed Misaki on the last activation of the game, netting my opponent the win 8-6 rather than my planned 8-2 victory (he could only possibly kill me on a 13 or 14 and of course, he flips the 13!)! Curse you Izamuuuu!!
  20. I love Sidir. Used him for the first time yesterday with Perdita - he didn't do much damage (Vik's made a B-line for him) but he did his job in protecting Perdita and Nino. Having two models with riposte/faster'n you in the same crew is also awesome. Not to mention the Df 10 thing and obscuring mentioned above.
  21. I believe so. There's other abilities that explicitly state "moves within". The Ashigaru's "Wall of Steel" for instance.
  22. I wouldn't call that the "vast majority"; there's a good bit left out there. It is still useful, but not complete - which almost defeats the purpose of a reference guide because then people stop referring to it.
  23. Ryu

    Arrange a game here

    Taking all comers today!
  24. Ryu

    Vassal Down 3/9/13

    Vassal seems to be down for the time being, just an FYI for everyone. Edit: Of course it was down for 2 hours and 10 minutes after I post this it comes back up!
  25. Von Schill was my first and still main master (henchmen to be 100% correct). I love how playing him with the Freikorps I never feel like I'm "out" of a game or that I have a "bad" matchup (though Kirai can cause some extreme displeasure depending on your strategy). This isn't to say I never lose with him, I certainly do at times, but I never look at the table on turn one and go "Well, I'm probably going to lose!" I really, really like running Freikorpmann spam lists with him, when the strategy allows for it (and most do). Something like this: Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Von Schill -- 4 Pool Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorpmann [4ss] Freikorps Librarian [7ss] I'm not saying this is the best list, just one of my favorites. Having that many resilient models on the table is awesome. I'll also swap in Wong or an oiran depending on the map, strategy, and opponent's faction. Edit: This is not to say that I don't make use of the Strongarm, Trappers, or Specialist. Trappers happen to be one of my favorite models and I switch the lists up as the strategy dictates but in a purely casual and for-fun game I have an affinity for Freikorpmann spam.
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