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Everything posted by prof_bycid

  1. List of missing entries: challenge painters, here is a list of participants -- months for which I don't have anything noted for Nov -- Dec. I expect January pledges are going to keep trickling in. If I have overlooked something then my apologies. I do want to be sure I pass the correct numbers to Vaiuri next month. Nov. 2016: RikLok Dec. 2016: Daju, Rathnard Cheers, prof_bycid
  2. My January models for the challenge. I need to go back and add pupils to Kudra's eyes, and soften transitions on Kudra's clothes and Banasuva's body, but I am going to have to call these done for now. This month did see me tentatively trying out airburshing on the models for the first time. I am happy with the glow effects under Banasuva's fire and Sandeep's spell. Need to practice a lot on some larger terrain pieces before I go in and apply to actual models. I really enjoyed this quick foray into using this tool, though. The bases, except Kudra's, are from MicroArts studios. Kudra's is green stuff pressed into a Basius tile. The Sandeep box is: 45 SS For February I am going to paint 3 Jorogumo.
  3. I'm in again---this year was great. I know a few other people showed interest as well, and we can let them know when we are thinking of starting it up again, maybe. I will check in Viauri and see if she is able to take it on again.
  4. Agreed, Franchute! I have had a great time painting alongside you all. I am certain my year was more productive because of it.
  5. Hello challenge painters, This is the thread for February 2017---you've made it to month 12! I know this is coming in a little bit early, but Tuesday is the day I run Malifaux at my FLGS, so I am posting now. This is the last month in this incarnation of the challenge. I will be passing your monthly SS completed to Viauri, the keeper of the challenge. Things to post here: Your completed January pledge with photographs and the total soul stone cost painted. Your plans for painting in February for the challenge. Work in progress photos for comment and inspiration, or just let us know how it is going. Things to post next Month: Your completed February pledge and SS cost. Okay, big push to the finish!
  6. Hello Kyle. Looking forward to seeing where you take Wyrd gaming.
  7. My January models for the challenge. I need to go back and add pupils to Kudra's eyes, and soften transitions on Kudra's clothes and Banasuva's body, but I won't get this done in the next two days. Going to have to call these done for now. This month did see me tentatively trying out airburshing on the models for the first time. I am happy with the glow effects under Banasuva's fire and Sandeep's spell. Need to practice a lot on some larger terrain pieces before I go in and apply to actual models. I really enjoyed this quick foray into using this tool, though. The bases, except Kudra's, are from MicroArts studios. Kudra's is green stuff pressed into a Basius tile.
  8. Looks great! Aionus model has nice contrasting colors so that all the details pop.
  9. Beginners welcome to join a 5 week campaign at The Sage's Shoppe in West Lafayette, Indiana. One crew box will usually get you started, and your crew will slowly built over the weeks. Wounds and plunder carry over from previous weeks in this series of linked games. Saturdays, Feb. 5 -- Mar. 5, 2017, 6 PM start Contact: prof_bycid here, or the shoppe at: 765-463-4841 1009 Sagamore Parkway West, West Lafayette, Indiana
  10. I am going to run a campaign in March, and would like to offer as a prize a custom tournament tray. Assuming that materials and power tools are not constraints, what would your ideal tray have? How many 30 mm, 40, 50/40/30 mm slots? What else do you need to have holders for?
  11. Exactly right, Franchute. I thinned the Ogryn to approximately 1/3 (1 paint : 1 water : 1 medium thinner), and put it on in a few layers. I also used a bit of thinned down sepia on a few other places, like the darker bits around the head and limb joints. I find that this ink layer lets me see the details for later, even if I end up covering it back up. I also really enjoy watching how the different consistencies of the paint and ink move around the model features (I mostly paint under a dissecting microscope at about 20 X magnification).
  12. Thanks Franchute! The gamin base color is Citadel's Ogryn Camo. It is a nice sickly green that suits them well, I think. I gave the faces, and upper head of one gamin, a touch of thinned down sepia ink to draw out the details and darken the eye sockets. I may go with shiny black eyes, in which case I am going to need to glaze over top of this to lighten it back up a bit so that the eyes still stand out. Those arachnids are great, as are the bases. I really like how you got the eye to be tinted blue but still really pop out of the darker background of the model.
  13. Here is my work in progress on the Sandeep crew. I am fairly excited about getting this one done now that I have the bases for them. I am just starting; only have most of the base coating done but wanted to post the progress just to keep up the group chatter (and because I am actually not leaving it to the last week for a change). I tried out a new wash on the base for Banasuva---the Vallejo wash for rust effects. I am really happy with it so far. I started with a wide area around bolt heads etc. and then made each subsequent layer cover a smaller more central area. This is likely how most people do it. How are you all doing on your pledges?
  14. Did you do it separately before caging him, or pull a ship-in-the-bottle routine to paint it in place?
  15. Nice work, Soylent. Love that emissary model.
  16. You are probably correct, Franchute. I will include the bi-bearded dude unless I hear otherwise.
  17. @Franchute Exactly! Glad someone caught that! I think there was even some snow on the ground as I finished up.
  18. Oh what the heck, I will just paint the whole Sandeep crew. I already started Sandeep and finished his base, so I won't include him in the challange tally, but he will come along for the ride anyway.
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