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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. He (we?) definitely haven't learnt to stop derailing threads ... Spooney - do you know what strats are being played at the tournament? McMourning is a pretty good Master for most strats/shemes but what he takes along for the ride will depend.
  2. OT - but what the hell is with your profile pic?!?!
  3. I'm going to roll out the inevitable here - but there's no such thing as a list for all schemes and strats (and that's why no tournament I've heard of demands single lists). That is the reason you find these things out before you construct your list. That list would probably do ok in Recconoiter/Interference/Squatters Rights (depending on the schemes) but would be pretty horrible for Reckoning as most of the stuff in that list goes down easily. The list also relies on McMourning doing all the heavy lifting as there are no other decent beatsticks around. What do you envisage the list doing? Also, pretty much every McMourning list needs at least one, if not two, Guild Autopsies which is about as close as you can get to a 'standard' McMourning list.
  4. I love Unnerving Aura but the Stash markers again throw a spanner in the works because of blocking LoS. Although if you've got something engaged with Izamu it generally struggles to get away!
  5. Ah, not making Cow Wars (and didn't play Malifaux when I only lived an hour away from MK!). I've found Guard pretty hard to stop people scoring from. I quite like it as a strategy as it feels like a proper slog trying to battle over the two markers and get your VPs (I generally find that one is quite easy to hold and then it's a bit of a last minute suicide run to get to the second one at the end of the turn (something that's easier with Nico handing out Fast!)). I've still not decide which Master I'm taking for May Feng either! Took McMourning at Here Be Dragons so I've been leaning towards Seamus or Nico (don't have enough experience with Kirai and waiting for plastic Molly box). It would be a much easier decision if we knew the schemes!
  6. I think I'm just going to have to drop out of this like a sucker Unfortunately I haven't got as much painting time as I thought I would have and the time I do have is being dedicated to painting my Ressers for a tournament. I really didn't want to use these for ToMB as they're my main faction so not really in the spirit of the Tale. I hope to return next time you do one though and best of luck to everybody else.
  7. Was just going to mention to LoS blocking myself! Negates Belles somewhat. Last game of Guard the Stash (practising for Bournemouth Kogan?!) I took Nico, Izamu and a Graveyard Spirit and parked Izamu (with Bodyguard on him) on one with the Spirit hiding behind him and held it from turn one onwards (I gave him Fast to move him up first turn). Got to watch out for things that can ignore armour but it was a pretty lovely (gross) combination.
  8. Indeed. We really need to do something to ensure the games are even next month. Though using VP difference does mitigate somewhat against missed games the amount of games we're playing is small which means that this could skew the results. Let's theorise that team Resser wins four of those missing games at an average of 3VPs per game that's another 12 to our score putting the Guild scum only one VP ahead.
  9. Slander, McMourning is a Resurrectionist, not some scummy Guild lacky.
  10. Nah, you're right! It's definitely odd and I'm not sure it's necessary (apparently people moan about random pairings skewing the tournament results if you get an easier draw so first round is worth less TP and is Henchmen led) but it's not my tournament so I'll go with what's on offer! I am getting a little Resser'd out mind so might hit up my Outcasts for a bit (though I'll get the games in for this).
  11. People practising for a tournament where the first game is a 35SS Henchmen led Headhunter game!
  12. As two of my games were only 35SS I think I will only use 50SS games next month.
  13. Something that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that cards are often completely irrelevant to accomplishing strats and schemes in Malifaux. Of the strats in the rulebooks Squatters Rights and Stake a Claim require you to be in the right place and take Interact actions whilst Turf War and Reconnoiter only require you to move models into particular positions. Reckoning is the only one that requires you to kill and so is dependent on cards. The scheme breakdown is even less dependent on cards with only Assassinate, Bodyguard, Make them Suffer, Vendetta and Murder Protoge being particularly dependent on cards from a possible 19 schemes. Of course the cards will still have an impact because killing off enemy models and protecting yours will help you accomplish the schemes but I have never looked at my hand and thought I'm going to lose this game/turn.
  14. It sucks if we don't get even games! The Guild are six games ahead at the moment and those six games could make a big difference! The VP difference isn't too bad but even the is swayed by uneven games, particularly on a small scale. Though it doesn't count for this my most recent game will please MasterDisaster as I lost with McMourning due to Viks applied to face!
  15. Listening to Beartooth a lot at the moment. They're at a festival I'm going to in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing them a lot.
  16. As above regarding hiring Nurses. If you're both learning/new to the game then I would suggest that you don't summon with Nico to start, or impose some sort of artificial limit. Summoners are unbalanced at 35SS when you less resources to manage and Nico is probably the best summoner in the game. Your opponent is certainly going to get a bad impression playing against that!
  17. A piece of metal being Lured is not more strange and a ghost suddenly deciding to materialise itself when falling off a building that it can fly up or walk through no problem! Or a machine being scared of... well anything! As you say, logic is pointless in wargames, and 'faux in particular! Good shout on Gremlin Lure.
  18. Well this! And those dead boobies to bring all the toys to the yard.
  19. Do you have a reference for this? This is essentially what is unclear so it would be great to know for sure. I can't think of anything that has a 0 characteristic so do we know for sure that - isn't just a 0 (or isn't meant to be)?
  20. Hi folks, so a question just popped up on AWP about Scramble (+1 Wk/Cg) and Ashen Core (Wk/Cg -) and also got me thinking about Lure's. According to the rules models with Cg - can't declare charge actions (page +21) but how does this work if you have Scramble. Are you now +1 Wk/Cg or because you don't have a Wk/Ch at all then you can't have a + to it? Similarly can you lure Ashen Core/Clockwork Traps if you have Sybelle with 'Not Too Banged Up'? Assuming you can't declare Walks if you have - as your Wk value in the same way you can't declare charges would you become Wk2 because of Not Too Banged Up and be able to be Lured 2" (because a Lure is a move not a Walk?)? What say you fellow Wyrdo's?
  21. I think another player would be better too as it would be more even. Plus I am a super skilled player ... I'll be the (Necrotic) king soon enough* ... Muhahahahahaha * this probably isn't true.
  22. They definitely shouldn't count as losses! I think any missed games (are there any others who have missed any/all of their games) should probably count as draws. Though if we're missing a whole player from a team for a month should we look at recruiting somebody fresh(ish) for next month?
  23. We are Masters of the art of extending life, being knocked out is a mere hiccup. In which case I should totally take the three immediately after the three I submitted for this already right (which may or may not all be wins ...)?!
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