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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Machine Head were my favourite band when I was a wee lad (probably my first favourite in fact) but I have a habit with music of getting into a strop when artists I like do something I perceive bad. With Machine Head that was Supercharger. It was such a terrible album that I just switched off and didn't listen to them for ages until somebody convinced me I should listen to The Blackening which is indeed very good. But Unto the Locust and Bloodstone and Diamonds are both very meh.
  2. I saw a Dutch hardcore band supporting Comeback Kid. They were called No Turning Back and were quite good. Coheed are prog-rock but they're incredible, anybody who says otherwise is wrong! They're pretty geeky too (there's also comics/graphic novels that the albums are based on as they're all concept albums telling a story). Soulfly, Lamb of God, Sylosis and In Flames are all good too. I like old Machine Head (plus the Blackening which was ace), Killswitch Engage, One Minute Silence, Slipknot and others when it comes to metal (I have quite diverse music tastes from Ska to Hardcore!)
  3. You know nothing! NOTHING I tell you! I have to say I haven't actually see C&C at a festival (I am seeing them at Hevy this year) but everytime I've seen them live they've been phenomenal. Tool are also all the win. Random list of other bands that I love: Rise Against Pennywise Sick of it All Madball Bad Religion The Bouncing Souls Jimmy Eat World Thrice Brand New Comeback Kid I could go on! Money that I don't spend on toy soldiers gets spent on gigs!
  4. There is often a lot of derailing (I sometimes get involved) but they're a good bunch around here generally! The rules forums can sometimes get a bit argumentative (and I'm guilty of that somewhat) but everybody does their best to help in the main. Glad you've found an enjoyable game and forum (they are few and far between and rarely together!). I will be sarcastic a lot though, I'm British and it's what we do and I'm especially guilty of it. But feel free to do what my wife does and ignore me!
  5. Was listening to Hatebreed then The Dillinger Escape Plan on way to work. My favourite band are Coheed and Cambria though so you should definitely listen to them! Also, they're not German but Germany seems to love them - boysetsfire
  6. Applying Burning isn't really Sonnia's thing. Mauling things that are already on fire more so! I'm not even sure how it's possible to play her without the Burning goodness (or what the point would be, that's her thing after all!). Playing with the full crew box for ToMB tonight. Guessing I should probably get out a Witchling Handler proxy!
  7. Very! And just make one yourself! Not like you don't have the skills!
  8. But with the current Errata you could fly over a 2" wall and then break LoS and trundle off with your next AP.
  9. I also go with Reaper Grin most of the time. You can usually activate Nico later in the turn unless you have a reason to activate him early as you tend to out-activate people with Ressers so you can summon and give them Fast and have them go next without the Companion a lot of the time. Toshiro also goes very well with Nico and the double buff's the pair can hand out can be gross, particularly in strats where you and the opponent tend to group their models (like Turf War and Extraction).
  10. Why would you do that! Good advice though, the dumping of cards works very well with Tara and Void stuff so it's a very nice combo.
  11. Freikorps heavy list includes Strongarm Suit and Lazarus for added weight ...
  12. This is basically exactly what I was going to write! Deleted the rest to reduce the length of quote but agree completely with everything being said. It's much more counter-intuitive that you cannot hit something that you can already see before it leaves your LoS. Whilst it makes some sort of sense if you are engaged with more than one model (if Lenny was trying to smash me in the head with a log I'd probably be too distracted to notice the tiny female gremlin running away) but it makes no sense that I could be looking directly at somebody then they could move behind the corner of a building and I'd just forget all about them! But whatever. A ruling has been made and Malifaux is full of abstractions and crazy stuff so I'll live with it.
  13. Exactly as you describe! And it certainly is counter-intuitive.
  14. With the clarification you now get to spend one AP which is guaranteed to get you away instead of spending one AP that could end up getting wasted because you fail to disengage though. This is much better to how I (and others) have interpreted the rule previously where you could spend both your AP trying to get away and failing or you could now spend one AP to move out of LoS then use an AP to do a projectile attack which you couldn't have done if the first move away had failed.
  15. Two tickets ordered for me (Michael 'Jonah' Rees) and NeilH (Neil Harrison).
  16. It is a very nice bonus but you only have a limited number of cards so discarding them to get focus will deplete your hand quickly. Agree with Praetordragoon that abilities that allow you to draw cards (or Hannah who allows you to start with extra) work very will in combination with IPB.
  17. Another one who think the ruling is a bit daft, especially as it negates the usefulness of tying up several models in combat in some instances. But at least it is in the FAQ and clear now.
  18. I've made Langston a Flesh Construct. Very satisfying it was too. Also claimed a Reckoning point for taking out Langston and a Rail Golem in the same turn. Also very satisfying!
  19. I picked up the metal Datsu-Ba anyway because I like the model and it's not too expensive even if it does get replaced with a plastic version (or if it ends up being a Freikorps and exactly the same just try to sell one of them!)
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