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Everything posted by Aloki

  1. Hello one and all! Every Tuesday night at BC Comix in Fenton is your new Malifaux night! Come on in for demo and pickup games! And starting in April we will be having a Slow Grow League! Come and down and Cheat fate with us!
  2. To kick off the upcoming Malifaux events (planning on starting a league after the new year) - we will be running a Multiplayer Event on Sunday, December the 15th. The doors open at noon and play will begin shortly before 1pm with a minor $5 entry to cover a pile of prizes to be given out. The basic event structure: - 30 Soul Stone lists - Minimum 4 members in your list (after all - this is a fun style event) - Fun Objective based Scenarios using the Multiplayer rules published in the Wyrd Chronicles v4 Even if you are unsure of what the event details actually mean, PLEASE feel comfortable in showing up and talking with Alex. He will happily explain what the system of Malifaux - an amazing Victorian Goth Steam Punk Horror Western Genre Miniatures Game. This event is designed to rekindle the Malifaux community - NOT to scare players away with confusing rules and tournament lists. Come on down and have some fun. BRING A FRIEND TO LEARN AND PLAY - RECEIVE A FREE ENTRY INTO THE EVENT!! All players will also receive an additional 10% discount (ON TOP OF THE SALE PRICES) on all Malifaux products and accessories for the entire day of December 15th to help support you, the players, as a way for Pandemonium to say "THANK YOU FOR SHOWING UP .... AND HAVE SOME FUN!!" Alex has also volunteered to help run demo and pick-up games on Monday nights. We also plan to build some new Malifaux terrain tables and add additional boards. So stop on by Mondays starting around 6pm-ish to chat and connect with the Malifaux community. The store will be providing the materials and even dinner if we get enough players to hang out as another thanks.
  3. Every Monday usually between 6pm and 7pm, I've all the faction decks except gremlins (for now) Feel free to bring a friend! Both new and experienced players wanted! Plus, get 10% off your Malifaux purchase on Malifaux Monday! Whether Beta rules or released all are welcome!
  4. Can't wait for chompy. I llike his new art in the new Chronicles too. I even snagged a NE chompy on eBay for only $100. I'm excited
  5. The way that I've always looked at it is that a Master/henchman's cache is what they have for their own personal use
  6. All depends on the schemes and strategies. Night Terrors are going to be your objective grabbers for the most part. They don't do much else. I started with the dreamer, and the box with a pack of daydreams was enough to get me familiar with the game After that I got the Night Terrors, Alps, and Teddy. At 25 stick with the Box and Daydreams. As you get into bigger stone games, that's when I would start to use some other models like Teddy, the Twins, and others.
  7. Honestly? Everything about it. It uses a unique and understandable mechanic, the fate deck. The setting is interesting, and the models are fabulous. Horror, steampunk, western? Three of my favorite things
  8. I've been a bit strapped for cash, so I was reading around online and a lot of sites said cheapo acrylic paints work just fine, they're some no name from walmart I only thinned them down to about the consistency of one of those yogurt smoothies, though the more I read the more people say it should be about the consistency of milk. Lesson learned I primed them all in black, I wanted them to look grittier and grimer, since they're nightmares and all. I did the usual paint from the inside, start with a darker base then work your way up. With LCB from the black primer, I went to a gray, did a coat of that. Did another coat and I thought it was a tad dark so I added a touch of white. Followed the same process with the red on the sash, I had some darker red paint for the base then I added a touch of white. I forgot exactly how many, but I think it was 3 coats of gray and red. Since he is an unnatural abomination I didn't want his mouth to be the usual pinkish red, so I mixed up a foul looking purple. I'm quite proud of the color scheme actually. The skull and teeth was white mixed with a bit of tan and yellow for a boney/off white. Applying a couple of coats of that over the gray wasn't too bad Took a bit of dark red for the eyes and used a really fine brush to get it in the sockets for an evil look, though the purple might have looked better. Not sure. For the chains it was yellow with a touch of black to darken it up a tad. using a fine brush I was able to get them fairly well accurately. I also tried dry brushing some white onto LCB's cloth to make it look a little more sheer. The Lord of Nightmares has to enjoy the finer things in... unlife? no? I was going for a sort of "connecting theme" of red. LCB has his red sash, Coppelius his coat, the gore of the stitched togethers, and the Dreamer I gave a red blanket. I plan on stripping him, priming him in white and then going from there
  9. Heya! I've been into tabletop games for the last 5 years or so, mainly RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons and Word of Darkness, but Malifaux is the first war/skirmish game that I've enjoyed playing beyond, "Oh, that's a pretty cool model." Now, I've been looking into it for a while, and my FLGS had a sale going on. I was able to get the new plastic fate deck and the dreamer's box for about $40. I also went and got some paints and brushes not too long after that. These are the results. This is the first thing I've painted aside from a few walls These pics were actually taken a while ago, I've been trying to take better pictures, but I don't have any good lights around, and it's been overcast here in SE Michigan for a while so using natural light is out. Any tips for taking good pics on the cheap? I was too afraid of over thinning my paints, and it shows. I also was kind of rushing near the end, and I was excited that I just finished painting my FIRST models, I didn't even let the wash dry. I'm most proud of Lord Chompy bits and Coppelius. Though they both still need to be touched up in a few places (looks like you've got some muffin top goin on there LCB) I don't have the dreamer pictured because he looks like utter ****e. No two ways about it. I'm ashamed of him. And the other Stitched Together I finished not too long ago, I just haven't been able to take pics Welp, Have at thee! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wtqiuzz4qhwgo4r/n53yQwsX5_
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