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Everything posted by wadesauce

  1. Hello all. Me and some buddies are going to be starting a shifting loyalties campaign, and I was thinking of doing a nakima grow crew. Problem is, if I "sacrifice" my terror tot to summon the young nephilim in game, do I need to make a finishing off flip for my terror tot? Could I potentially lose my tots and Youngs permanently from the grow mechanic? Also, I know you can buy 1 upgrade for your crew at the first crew creation. Can you buy more upgrades later? Not the campaign equipment or skills, but the actual faction upgrades?
  2. One thing I did as fate master was made NPCs sound scary, intimate the players. I could tell right off the bat how overpowered Fated would be, so the first encounter I put them in was against about 50 mindless zombies and about 5 punk zombies. The overwhelming number of zombies put serious wounds on the group, I had death marshals "save them". The guild then charged them a rescue fee, and they started their first day in malifaux in debt to the guild for about 6 scrip and respecting death marshals (even though the group would mechanically trounce the death marshals.) this set the mood for tread lightly. I consistently reminded them that bad things happened. Describe all of the opposing NPC's In graphic bad ass detail. If you say ok the two ronin in the tavern want you to leave... doesn't sound too bad If you say "two sword maidens approach one wears tattered denim with a leather vest her stark black hair cascades over her muscular shoulders, but not concealing the three kingdoms blade on her back. Her friend looks equally fierce in her raw hide duster and honey blond hair bound up into a bun, pined in place with two chop sticks. A nickel plated collier rests at her hip." Now how easy of a decision is it to start a fight with the above description over the bottom. Also scatter the presence of a master once In a while, just to remind them there not the bad ass on the block. My grave robber PC ended up working directly for Douggy Mcmournong, and Doug frequently discussed turning the PC into an experiment in front of him in open dialogue with his goons. Make everything sound like it has teeth. And starve them of resources.. And my players thanked me for it the entire time, because they felt like they earned every bit of gain.
  3. I haven't received anything yet, and no tracking information or confirmation was sent to me.. A bit distressed people in Spain are getting their stuff, and I'm not even filled in about any delay in my package
  4. Hello everyone, decided I am going to run ttb on Thursday, and part of Friday. I sent you an email shadopal
  5. I'm free Thursday and Friday for adepticon, and I'd be willing to run a TTB game for the first two days. Anyone interested in playing?
  6. Asylum stone, thalarian stone, guardian stone, etc. Every faction has one, as an upgrade. What are they, fluff wise? Are they featured anywhere? Are they special soul stones?
  7. Obviously for right now, us fate masters will have to write in our own weapon spreads however best fits our games and needs, but i hope future books address these issues, and become more clear of what weapons have the heavy rule built in automatically. I'm excited for the expansion books, me and my group really enjoy this game so far, and i think the expansion books will not only add more awesome fluff and content, but clarify some rules and fix a few oversights.
  8. I feel that is a really clunky way to handle grappling. And one shouldn't have to take a general talent just to even have to option to grapple. Anyone can do it, just a difference in skill. What we came up with was an opposed athletics check, and the target is pulled into base contact and the two characters have the grappled condition. Grappled condition: make an opposed athletics check, 1ap: winner gets to a) make a melee or unarmed attack, b. ) release the grapple, or c) knock the target prone. We are tinkering with added talents so one may specialize in grappling. . I really like your suggestion for point 2. I haven't that about that. Up the difficulty for targeted attacks, (specific suit added on. Basically) or for combat maneuvers. Nice. Elegant I disagree with everyone saying a katana is just a calvary saber with the folded steel upgrade. What about low quality katana? What about high quality longsword? Initially I looked at enemy damage spreads for katana stats, punk zombies and ronin both use katana but have different spreads. And a custom blade with the folded steel upgrade is powerful indeed, and valuable. So for each punk zombie killed the players earn two of this powerful resource? I know I'm being nitpicking about this, but just a little bit bigger of a weapon pool would have made me feel pretty good. Like someone earlier suggested, treat melee weapons in the same manner as ranged ones.
  9. Auto correct for the win! Believe me, I totally understand about overuse of katana. Ever play vampire the masquerade? Should be renamed vampire the katana trench coats. Btw, that's exactly what I told the guy, "fine, dual wield gate spears, but everyone's going to avoid you and shun you. Because your a psycho walking around downtown with two spears." I think I'm going to play the book straight for a while longer before I intend to fix or home brew anything. This rules set is really flexible, most of are group is really crunch focused roll players, so sometimes a loose rule set is awkward for us.
  10. 1. For grappling I think maybe creating it's own skill and damage/effect spread, simular to publish/martial arts, a lot less damage then the others focusing on effects. 2. I can understand that. Not bogging down the game with too many rules. Although the situation of wanting someone shoved with your kick, i feel there is an option better suited then just adding on a TN that he had to meet with athletics to add the effect like I did. 3. I simply disagree with having the Fate master decide how crafting should work in his/her game. The Fate master has a hard enough time balancing combats, writing stories that need to tie into cryptic fates, developing a rich story and environment, balancing sandbox time with fate-fulfilling quests, let alone having to create his own system for how the crafting works. Number three is really my only rant, because I feel like the planned future books will touch on these and I feel like we will need to wait until future books are released to finalize mechanics highlighted in the core book. Like waiting for the construct book for construct crafting. Etc. 4. I recently read that. And my understanding is then. Enlarged upgrade for heavy melee, and pneumatic upgrades are for the pneumatic (weapon) skill. The thing that throws me off is the gate spear, and the rail hammer seem like obviously two handed weapons, and nothing in their rule entry suggests that they are "enlarged" two handed, or heavy melee. I had a player who wanted to start the game with 2 gate spears he intended on dual wielding, lol. 5. It's opinion I suppose, but if a sword, is a sword, is a sword, then every sword is just a calvary sabre renamed? If an axe is an axe, all axes are boarding axe? The list should have just read, sword, axe, knife, club, hammer, spear. Upgrade and flavor as necessary in the rules. Lol.
  11. I was looking, and i didn't see any clarification or options for certain rules. 1. Is grappling anywhere? One of my players is a max strength Ht3 monster who wants to grapple. I can't find rules for it. 2. A character wanted to kick someone off of a chair from behind. I resolved it by adding a skill check for his desired effect, but it was a sloppy solution. I think a few more common combat maneuvers like shoving and sunder attacks should have rules. 3. Crafting skills. How do you use them? I might of missed it, but i didn't really see anywhere that explains crafting skills and how it works. 4. What melee weapons fall under melee, and which fall under heavy. I'd like it to be set in the book and not something I have to determine myself. 5. More of an annoyance then anything. I feel like the melee weapon list is too short. When one of my players inquired about buying a katana I was surprised it was not on the list, given the high amount of far east influence. I added my own stats, but weapons like this should be in there. ~~~ Please don't just tell me to stop complaining and that a good fate master would just improvise. I am improvising. I'm not here to just complain, I'm here to brainstorm solutions to these problems, or get corrected if i over looked something. And also to wyrd, although I may be annoyed by these oversights, thank you for a very nice game. Besides a few problems, the setting, story driven mechanics, and unique magic system are very good and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I understand it's your first attempt at a role playing game, during an overhaul of your flagship game, during non-stop play testing, through a volatile crowd funding experience (which I was a part of.) with all that to consider, thank you. Man that was lengthy
  12. What country or city is the earth side breach located in? I'm curious and would like to know for my upcoming TTB campaign. Thanks
  13. I just received an email via Kickstarter that everything has shipped out with extra multi pose minis included. Here is hope I get mine tomorrow. As tomorrow is my birthday W00t
  14. This. I think two entirely new henchmen, two alt sculpts of enforcer level, and a couple minions each. Two decks One mini rulebook And a small guide on terrain idea with an advertisement for Terra clips. (It'd be cost prohibitive to supply any helpful amount of terrain imho)
  15. Wow. I'm not sure about Colette. Top hap definitely in order
  16. I honestly can't wait. I rush home from work everyday salivating over the possibility of a 10lbs fed ex package.
  17. wadesauce

    Ulix art

    he has a bow. In reference to the odyssey it seems.
  18. more than likely. how many hours do you plan on your sessions being? I have the PDFs also BTW.
  19. I am highly interested in playing. I am not free Friday, or the weekends, Thursday is best for me, but any other day works. I have Skype, and Google +
  20. I've been trying to be patient about all of this. And although I completely understand setback, after setback, it's getting exhausting. Wyrd should take potential risks into account when determining release schedules. I know that all the staff at wyrd would absolutely put the books in our hands now if they could, and are probably even more frustrated about this ordeal then most of us, however, I'd find it hard to believe that wyrd is not at any kind of fault for different delays
  21. back to the original post. I think that an awesome crew would be A child master, who leads escaped orphans and backstreet pick pocket kids. Probably an outcast crew, all made up of street children, turned organized crime/information brokers.
  22. that's a hard one to say. to me it feels like B. usually when I get in these situations I try to opt for the worst case simply because in malifaux "bad things happen." this keeps the game thematic and consistent.
  23. what about minions and enforcers? these need work too.
  24. Yea, I can see Skype being difficult. Lol. I am trying to piece together a decent collection of physical models to help represent real space in combat. My group is a pretty tactics oriented one, and I feel that they would get the most out of combat in this way. This of course could make encounters drag out a bit, so I'll have to quicken the process by having pre designed encounters. As to my original question, what physical models do you think would make good staples of the game? Do you think using the malifaux rules for combat would be a detriment to the TTB system, or do you think either would be fine?
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