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Everything posted by eaglebach

  1. Dude, Wyrd should hire you to pain their miniatures. You got mad skillz there.
  2. Tara is the character from the Dead of Winter campaign. As I recall, she's an outcast who happens to meet a rezzer... Go read the story yourself
  3. Dear Wyrd, I've been a good boy all year long and now I'd like to see these changes in M2e: pole dancing Colette, bikini Perdita and Rasputina, topless LJ, Lilith (not as a tree), and young Zoraida. Pretty please? . . . . Now I'm just trolling everyone here
  4. I totally agree with you on this. Only that I think the ones for outcast should be Levi, Viks, Tara, and Von Schill. Don't think that Misaki will be dual though.
  5. I don't think that Misaki will be 10T/outcast. I have the feeling that the most beginner friendly master of a faction should remain pure (like Perdita, Seamus, Raspy, Lilith, Von Schill). So with that logic, Misaki should be pure 10T since she has the most straightforward play style, comparing to the other guys in 10T. Well, unless the last 10T master is easier then she can go dual. (We are still missing 1 10T master, right?) Fluff-wise, isn't she the boss of the thunders in malifaux? Why would the boss infiltrate this ragtag band of mitfits? Shouldn't she, as the boss of 10T, be more concern about THE man in Malifaux(aka the guild)? There will be a 10T/outcast and his/her play style will focus on hiring mercs or flooding the board with cheap stuff, I think.
  6. This just occurs to me, but is there any chance that there will be a limit to the max number of one minion that you can have, i.e. every model now have Rare X? This may be the only way to include the correct amount of card into one faction deck, without forcing the player to buy more deck and ending up with redundancy.
  7. So there will be 7 factions, but we only have 4 card suits. How are they gonna decide on the suit mechanic?
  8. As a guild master, may be the Doc can lead an army of undead guild hounds and death-row inmates. But I don't see how his summoning ability can fit in with the guild theme. There's no way that LJ would turn a blind eye to all that necromancy I also not like the idea of having too many dual faction master in the guild. Dual-faction is supposed to be the unique theme of the 10T. Giving it to every other factions is kinda rejecting the very essence of the 10T
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