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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Collodi's action has resolved kill joy is not at zero wounds. Why is he killed? He does not fit the requierments to be dead. It needs a faq. Killjoy question 2. He attacks ladyj triggers onslaught. First damage flip reduces her to 0 wounds. Onslaught attack killjoy misses he is reduced to 0 wounds from riposte. Does he heal or does he die. (in this case I think he dies tbh)
  2. You might have intent and that's a might. But as it is written. He flips they heal.
  3. Mcabe with what ever. Toshiero Dashell 3x rifleman. Punk zombies. Most obnoxious thing I can think of. Pluses all around focus shoot focus. No charging and what ever mcabe does. Course theoryfaux. But I think it could be quite viable.
  4. Would it not read "all friendly M&SU models within 6" make a healing flip 1/2/3 that cannot be cheated." If that was the case? But as is i see it as one flip.
  5. No he killed the leader. If it was before turn 4 I would let him have full vp. The original leader was dead and yhe replacement cant be placed.
  6. 1.5 there was a jump mechanic not so much in 2e. Why Idk.
  7. Now a more answerable question. Collodi attack killjoy and hits him declares Do My Bidding trigger. The damage flip kills killjoy. Before killjoy ie removed the action he takes kills a model and heals him. Now is killjoy still killed or is he alive with what ever wounds he healed.
  8. Common sense says that if I hit you with an attack that kills you but generates another I should not need to attack a dead model. Common sense to me means making a killed model perform a (1) action is dumb. But in the cinematic side its cool. Sonnai lashing back at rasputina. A dead justice making a final swing. Perdita last gasping shooting something. Collodi attaching strings to corpse and making it dance. Etc. In the strategic point of veiw you both burn cards so what ever. Killed needs a definition. Being reduced to zero wounds is one way but there are clearly more.
  9. Don't summon lcb next to rusty when she has a fist full of cards. Makes a sad day to be had. Summoning dreamer us good cause of what you can do. Cards permitting. But lcb version is mice for things like turf war or reckoning.
  10. So decapitate headshot etc. In reality they say reduce this model to zero wounds counts as killed? No. They say model is killed. The difference is that if that was the case these instant kill triggers could trigger things like sonnias reincarnation which they dont.
  11. For a decapitate trigger it clearly says it is killed. When it was reduced to 0 from the attack that allowed decapitate it was killed. It as now been killed twice. Killed is not a condition therefore the +1 is irealavent.
  12. MR Onslaught: After damaging, immediately take another (1) Ml Attack Action against the same target. This Action may not declare triggers It does not say you may take another 1. It says do it now. Now you may declare triggers but once you do you have to follow through.
  13. Well this is going to get buried but my other thread was locked so my question how ever stupid or counter intuitive it is Posted Today, 02:01 PM Model A targets model B with an attack action declares onslaught as his trigger. The damage flip reduces the model to 0 wounds and kills it. Before the model is removed onslaught happens you attack the model again and succeed in hitting. Go to the damage flip you have succeedd in doing damage(was not prevented etc). The model was was previously at 0 wounds. Does it count as being killed again. Next thing. Decapitate, headshot, disembowl. You deal damage which reduces its wounds to 0 (kills the model) The trigger happens which says discard 2 ss or 2 cards or it is killed. Does this model count as being killed twice if the cards/ss are not discarded. Why this matters killjoy healing twice. Icegamin/Golem fire gamin witchling stalkers deathmarshals doing their "when killed" effects twice. Tally sheet drawing 2 cards. Etc. Please direct me to the appropriate pages saying a model can only be killed once in the rule book
  14. .....are you messing with me right now? If you are disregard if not please continue. Rare X only counts models that are in the game. If a model is dead it does not count towards the rare limit. So if you have 3 daydreams out and you sac one you now have 2 of 3. So when dreamer activates you can summon one. (which is a brand new model) and then do what ever. You can never hqve more than three but if you have less summon as many as you want up to the rare limit.
  15. I point you to the other thread. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/99040-actions-causing-actions-when-a-model-is-killed/
  16. Well no. It's a brand new model and even gets to activate. (slow Ofc)
  17. For a secondary attack generated by the first after the first haskilled the model.
  18. Model A targets model B with an attack action declares onslaught as his trigger. The damage flip reduces the model to 0 wounds and kills it. Before the model is removed onslaught happens you attack the model again and succeed in hitting. Go to the damage flip you have succeedd in doing damage(was not prevented etc). The model was was previously at 0 wounds. Does it count as being killed again. Next thing. Decapitate, headshot, disembowl. You deal damage which reduces its wounds to 0 (kills the model) The trigger happens which says discard 2 ss or 2 cards or it is killed. Does this model count as being killed twice if the cards/ss are not discarded. Why this matters killjoy healing twice. Icegamin/Golem fire gamin witchling stalkers deathmarshals doing their "when killed" effects twice. Tally sheet drawing 2 cards. Etc. Please direct me to the appropriate pages saying a model can only be killed once in the rule book.
  19. Getting a plastic version anyways. And if you previously played dreamer you should have some alps floating about. I only recently got the dreamer but had alps due to coppelious.
  20. Sac a daydream. Now you have the mask. Summon all the alps and dreams you,want.
  21. Now let's use the honor system here how many times have you actually flipped cards after declaring a trigger of after damaging. When the model died from the attack.
  22. Did you read the rest of thread? I say once a model is dead then its not around for other actions caused by an action. People above me seem to disagree.
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