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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Why would the ice gamins abilty effect this discussion? Its if a severe is delt not addtional damage from bite of winter or crit strike or sweet breads etc. Don't want rampant confusion going on. Also Weakness: If an enemy model within a3 would deal Severe damage, it deals Moderate damage instead. Severe by itself is not done by the red joker. Severe plus weak was. You only do one damage source. Bj=no damage. 1-5 =weak. 6-10= moderate 11-13= severe red joker = severe + weak. So according to nix severe was not delt but severe+weak was. If i cant express my "interpretation" with this then so be it. But i said my part quoted rules and can do no more. Guess we need a clarification.
  2. It's right there. Clearly written. Not degrading anyones opinion i am clearly saying its wrong. You are allowed to think how you will write what you will. And no my interpretation is not my way or the highway. But to claim Severe+weak=Severe. Is wrong. Nix reduces severe damage which is defined as 11/12/13. Where is the "wiggle room" its clear and concise. So please calm .
  3. If they can't make the charge they can't take the action. Printed clealry in the rule book. This clause "This model is now the target of the Action, regardless of range or LoS." Negates it. So yes would move as far as he could but would not make it to strike.
  4. If she took decembers pawn and flipped it agaist nix would you still say it counts as just severe. Or is it a joker. Which has its own little column cin the rule book. Rules guess a waste of ink to some people. Why use them one you can interpret how you will.
  5. It does a combined total so its technically more than severe. Its not a straight severe. Its better and its a joker why should he be immune.
  6. In damage calculation you add everything (crit strike etc) then after you reduce( armor incorp ) then its applied. So its not hit twice but i do agree it is its own thing not just severe.
  7. Nix the only being in Malifaux that says sod off to a red joker. But i could argue that severe was not flipped but a red joker was. Severe is 11/12/13. Jokers are jokers. It just applies severe and weak but itself is not...severe. But not sure if it is worth my effort.
  8. In the rules for simple duels we are told what to do. By following these steps we reach a consensus. Autopass and fail are NOT in the rules. Nor does the - stat at any point where it is found says it grants immunity to duels. So if people stop making rules up and we follow them the only thing we can do is flip a card add the applicable stat and move on. No matter what a duel is made. That is without question. That is an integral part of the base rules. Nothing in any of the scenarios changes that.
  9. Or we can take the completely literal wording and say spending no ap is not spending ap. Therefore you can not take the action. I like that better.
  10. But under general. Actions it says these are not listed on cards and may be taken. Ie. Charge and walk and defensive stance. I don't like it but you can us defensive as a zero action. You don't gain the condtion but you can still. Discard a card.
  11. Yes. When ever they are allowed to activate a model mood swing can intervene. Mind you the model you choose would still activate but afterwards would be your activation.
  12. Who is doing the damage. They get the benifit. This case rasputina is the one that has to be in the aura.
  13. Knowing the Wind and Stone: Friendly models within a6 may take the Focus Action as a (0) Action and may take the (1) Defensive Stance Action as a (0) Action. His abilty works fine. You are taking a 1action. But spending 0 ap. Or rather gaining the benifits of a 1 action.
  14. Shenlong specifically states his crew can do it. So to me this means you cant do it. Page 34 small book. But frankly under the defensive stance it does not say you cant. Nor is anything preventing you from doing so. So sure you can do it. But it feels.....uncouth.
  15. Makes a simple duel. Does the afflicted model exceed the duel total. If yes it passes if no it takes damage. Yep seems solved.
  16. It is defined. Are you making a simple duel? Follow steps 1-x making a opposed duel follow steps 1-x. Clealry defined.
  17. Again though when would this ever happen? Nothing is stopping the duel generated. The afflicted model would still flip. If you can poimt me where it says it does not i would appreciate it. So rules say what to do for simple duels. We can argue amd say no stat no duel but then you are ignoring the rules. You can say no stat autopass no flip but again ignoring the rules. So the only solution is to make a flip add the applicable stat and continue. If the applicable stat is - then you do not add anything.
  18. Sure but if you add nothing to a number in math term you added 0
  19. The only common sense we can do is apply the rules in the rule book. Autopass/fail are not things that happen in this case. The model flips adds the applicable stat and gets a duel total. Adding - to a number is adding no number. Which is 0. Top of that everything has a - walk stat are immune to conditions. So when would this ever apply.
  20. Only reason why its a - not 0 is that 0 could be modified and - can not be. Again why over think.
  21. Page 22 of the small book. Step 2. Why over think this? It's not an auto pass or fail you still flip. Unless for somereason the rulebooks rules are being ignored or modified in a way i don't see.
  22. Lets try looking at this a different way. Lilith can target the model all she wants. Nothing is stoping her from doing so. (Applicable tests for targeting ofc). If the the model cant move since it does not have the required stat than it does not. (See pandora clarification in faq).
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