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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. candy died to a torakage? that's really really weird. poltergesit giving out -wp duels is amazing and if you charge with him he attacks on wp and gives slow. teddy is teddy but otototo is hard to kill, have you tried peekabooing into kade for some pounce action.
  2. Are you watching me. Outside my window waiting to see my hand? Creeper. Played against it once or twice i dont remember.
  3. Stalking is Really Really good. +attack and +damage is really good as is 4 attacks. 2/4/6 does its work. but some times i like using thunder. blasts are fun when you have +s. if i dont want to be charged i will just charge them first. wish out cast misaki could take misdirection but meh, survivalist is good.
  4. Yamaziko is amazing? 3 inch melee nimble anticharge and a 3/3/4 profile with blasts built in. Also stubborn. For 7 stones. She is really good. Df 4 sucks. And ml 5 is bad ( she taught misaki dammint least she should have been 6)
  5. Take assassinate and murder prot. Then lure them in to bag seamus or mcm.
  6. 'Dita is op. 14" gun free push mechanic. Papa can give her dynamite, el mayor can make her df wp 9. Clearly op.
  7. The trigger is the worst part. Wish oiran had that trigger.
  8. I just don't see it winning in tournaments. Guess people should prove me wrong. Ca 8 is good sure but hey adapt and overcome.
  9. How does a belle lure something when it is paralyzed? Wp 4 is supergood when targeting scary monsters.
  10. Just to clarify you are playing belle spam and crushing. Or you are on the receiving end and can beat it?
  11. I blame your meta. But i have confidence in your ability to adapt and overcome.
  12. and yes they are that way so you cant exploit things like nicodem drawing a billion cards from a zero action
  13. oooh and Qatar....Funny story though i was deported from there. (not for doing something bad btw)
  14. nope Afghanistan, Kuwait, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Ireland. yeah been across the pond a few times. but still think of something more appeasing lol.
  15. PB and J is good not going to lie cheap and easy. But hummus? side of olives and watermelon?
  16. I think i just threw up in my mouth. That can not be called a sandwich.
  17. So i Challenge you all to come to adepticon Bring ALL the Belles and i will glady walk away with the win. if its so good play it in the Tournament. i will be playing never born. i might dust off my zoriada to obey your belle into luring my stuff closer or your own stuff yeah. PLease Please Please bring belle spam. i want wins.
  18. Planet CueBall psh who needs terrain. you would be surprised how far you walk in severe terrain tbh (not very much)
  19. Hire mercenarys lol. solves all problems. shoot it with a merc, lure it with a merc, punch it with a merc, Mercenarys are way to powerful cuddle THEM ALL!!! Give AMisaki Ca 8 watch the world cry foul. limiting it to 2 times a model per turn might help but that is alot of words to put on a card. that way one model doesn't traverse the board per say.
  20. Step 1:Lure said sniper Step 2:?????? Step 3:Profit
  21. the rat would still apply +1blight regardless.
  22. they are mercenaries so at 6SS mcm can have them!
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