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Everything posted by Evilbleachman

  1. I had a spunky idea for a Raspie crew. I suggested it to a friend but I may end up doing it myself. The crew looks lovely. :0
  2. It really depends on what you want with the model. The method I suggested would toss out a huge contrast, whereas your method would keep it rather darkish. You could always go for a turquoise coffin.
  3. How about a yellowish wooden coffin with a sepia wash. Would clash nicely with your purples.
  4. Another update! I finally finished the three guys! I can tell I am really rusty. The NMM is not as good as before. This basically tells me to work on the small fry first before I get into the juicy and delicious models. Tell me what you think!
  5. Did I miss the Nothing Beast idea? lol All this legal mumbo jumbo is giving me a headache. ^^
  6. Looks like we got your hair color! =D Actually just paint it in whichever color you are in the mood for. So purple with turquoise highlights. ;D *hint, hint* ;D *nudge, nudge*
  7. I was going to say purple with turquoise highlights. But I am sure Ed would disapprove.
  8. Funsies? http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/index.php/katalog/artikelinfo/21227-1-show-mimic.html
  9. *watches this thread turn into one of bragging* D: Someone sell me one? So I can brag too! <3 </3?
  10. Datsue-Ba, Cassandra aaaaaaaaaaand Burt. Oh and also Ryle. Hoffmans henchman
  11. Thanks! I do think they are pretty sloppy. I tried to rush them since I planned on playing with them this weekend. I will, however, clean up a bit here and there and make them look better. Take a bit more time to make them look more appealing. Sheriff LaCroix: Hat band = clean up and more subtle folds. Hat = cleaner and thinner highlights. Boots = cleaner and smaller highlights. Duster = more popping highlights. Marshal LaCroix: Hat = cleaner and thinner highlights. hat band = more popping highlights. Slop Hauler: Beanie = cleaner and thinner highlights. ropes = cleaner and better
  12. He is in my line up. But I will be waiting until the new plastics are out. Mostly interested in new Myranda and Cojo. Here a quick update on GREMIN MONTH shenanigans. I haven't been able to finish these guys in two days. 5 hours of over time kind of prevented me from doing it. Still here's what they look like thus far.
  13. Thanks! As mentioned before I wanted to make them look more interesting. The little things are kind of dull as such and aren't really that fun to look at. It is just unfortunate that the piglet in the hog whisperer pack is one of the original 3. Would have preferred a fourth alternate model. Though it seems I will be adding M2E plastic pigs (and bayou grems for that matter) to my mob. You can only have one Chihuahua though. :0 Technically you can field 100 piggies. A 400SS list would be pretty crazy though. PIGAGEDDON!!!! Also Marcus can field dem pigs. *guess who else is going to be in my line up for gremlin goodness. *
  14. xD They really are little swines! Game-play they are just small fry to harass your opponent with. Avatar Som'er used to poop those little suckers out in game. I wouldn't say they are figuratively ****ty, if you know what I mean. Literally on the other hand... Thanks! But as said, me thinks they are pretty sloppy. I am easing myself back into painting. ^^
  15. Yeah. I am trying to cut back on models and restrict myself to certain projects. Luckily Wyrd wont be releasing the new plastics all too quickly. multicolored piggies would only work if you went for a really funky crew. A hippie alteration of the grems would make that work. Thanks! The problem with the pigs is that they are so dull in a simple way. Such tiny little things. So I tried to come up with a way or two to make them look more special. Yeah. Though I will eventually repurchase him. Probably some time next year, should I be ready to paint him yet. I still want to play the guy, just I have many other priorities atm. ^^
  16. They are all kind of sloppy. I like the piggy in the water cause it is such a perfect fit for it. He and charging piggy are my two favorite. I also have stuffed piglets. But those are not going to rush it now. Gotta paint them orange skins. I did have Yan Lo. M2E and no rules for him basically pushed him way back on my to do list. Also the Brewmaster... I am utmost anxious to get my hands on him. This far mechanics wise my favorite master of the game. So there will be more 'orange' in future orange models.
  17. Its the miniature malifaux matters curse. Stupid me, thanks for proper placement! I hope they release it soon. D:
  18. This phone's browser is killing me. Logging me out not showing posts. D: but yes, please people! DO NOT CUT OFF THE JUDGE'S HEAD THING. IT CONNECTS TO THE BODY.
  19. Lol well the way you phrase things let's a vivid mind have a field day. XD
  20. Hey! GenCon is over and things are easing into place. I wanted to ask when we could expect the rules to be downloadable, if even. Not everybody was able to snag and pick up one of the new books at the Con and who knows when everybody worldwide will have their orders shipped to them or in their LGS. Any ETA on this matter? I may have missed it in some other thread or something. ._.
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