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Everything posted by Evilbleachman

  1. Thank you! At first I was unsure about using such a bright color scheme, seeing as Malifaux is actually pretty dark and has a gloomy setting. I am really pleased with the way this turned out. Thanks! There are more to come. I have to agree that the pads are kind of iffy. I had a hard time deciding what to do with them, partially because they are the only thing I would complain about the model. Seeing as knee pads do not really fit a suited mad hatter much. Haha. I went through my color base. If I had used brown it would have been too much down there with the boots and the bag. The grey tone wouldn't have really improved it either, seeing as I highlight it with a peachy orange. I could have used a metal based paint, like I did on the blade, saw, barrel of the gun and boots. But I just don't like the look of metallic paints, especially since thus far Seamus is my only model with such parts/paints. I just went for the dark white and must say I am still pretty happy with it. Would you have any recommendations or suggestions? Thank you, Sir! Yes. I grew up with other table top games, mostly Warhammer and Warhammer 40k. After years you grow accustomed to the general unifying look of your models on the table, all in the same color scheme and painted similarly to another. Malifaux is a game with a lot of rather unique models and potentially you can paint every model as a unique individual for the game table. I dislike this though. I prefer a way to identify them as a group (much like modern day gangs wear silly headbands of the same color, etc...). Thus I had to come up with a way to make them look different, but also alike in a way. I can list my colors I use and also make a 'how to' on painting these models.
  2. Really nice. I wish I could work as well with pure whites as you can! Hahaha. I am also so stealing your objectives base idea.
  3. Here's the whole group together. Well I tend to highlight with a mix of greys and off white colors. The grey parts are all highlighted with a mix between the original grey tone and that extremely bright orange I use. My matt varnish probably helps out there a bit as well. Glad you like them though! Haha.
  4. Hi there! I am pretty new to this forum and I decided to share my pretty sloppy models and just rant and rave about my current projects with you guys. This thread will be full of pictures and I hope you don't mind scrolling through the (future) pages to see more of my progress and finished models as I go along. First off I wanted to show you guys my little Seamus crew. I have plenty of additions but these are the first six finished models (definitely more to come). I wanted something really odd and awesome for my models. Seamus, crazy as he is, suggested I use something flashy and bright and he got a real kick out of the idea of walking around in bright orange while on a night's prowl to 'recruit' more belles. (Side note: Here is a tutorial on how I paint undead skin!)
  5. Wow! Your crew has a kind of black and white comic feel to it. As if they jumped out of a newspaper. I like it! Also the Dorothy shoes are a really nice touch to the female desp. I think a little dog on the base would make it hilarious, but still awesome. ^^
  6. This is hilarious. Though, $$$$$$$$$$ haters are probably going to hate you for adding another dreadful image to their minds. Haha.
  7. Damn, that supply wagon is really nice. I love the idea!
  8. Wow pretty neat. I have to agree with the others. Your show girl crew is really great looking. I was wondering what that goop is on your spirit models. Then I started thinking way back and remember a cool movie called 'Ghostbusters'. Is that pink goob supposed to be something similar as seen in those movies?
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