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Everything posted by Shadai

  1. Yep, I am indeed an idiot. I forgot the mannequin has companion, and even more distressing, didn't realize companion could encompass multiple models. I always thought it was just the one model. Wow, learn something new everyday. However on your Cassie thing about losing celeb, I'm assuming you mean to do that so you can link the mannequin, which I think technically you can't target Cassie with link when celeb is up. That just seems a real convoluted way to accomplish the goal of "get mannequin into the hot zone" when you can just link the mannequin to the Coryphee before they form Voltron. As a side bonus, linking the mannequin to the Coryphee saves you AP that you can use for something else (like leaping into combat with the newly formed manne-link-Duet).
  2. As to point 2, the coryphee is actually "replaced" and although I think it says "sacrifice" the non-activating coryphee (bad wording to be honest I think) it still falls under the rules for "replace" which wouldn't trigger those victory conditions.
  3. Not trying to pick or anything, but you are confusing me big time here. Perhaps I'm still newer then I thought. But first of all, Why do you need to bash to drop celeb? It drops as soon as you attack. But that was mentioned earlier, so it brings me to my second point of confusion... How are you "mass companioning" Cassie, Duet and Mannequin? I was with you for this entire wall o' text until I got to that point. Do they have some companion trait on them that isn't listed on the card I somehow don't know about???? I've been playing Colette for a while now, and I don't know anything about those two points. Granted, I'm no expert, but please, help me out here.
  4. /cast necro-bump Lets see, casting 7 plus flip, 12 and a tome! Yay, spell is cast. In addition, I have a question relating to link. And it includes a Mannequin! Joy! So I want to get my Mannequin into combat quickly. I could just link it to Cassie, but i decide I want to give my Duet a bodyguard. Unfortunately, it's Turn 1, and I don't have a Duet. So the question is, if I link my Mannequin to one of my two Coryphees before they combine, when they DO combine, does the link hold? And if they do, which Coryphee does it have to link to? Here's my thought process, trying to figure this out myself: Activate Mannequin, cast mirrors, link to Coryphee A Activate Coryphee A, walk twice for 16" Activate Coryphee B, Dance Partner, Dance Together. Now the Duet at this point has one fast action and the three 0 actions. But Coryphee A was "sacrificed" according to Dance Together, so does the link transfer to the Duet? I'm thinking not because the original model it was linked to was sacrificed. The other way would look like this. Activate Mannequin, cast mirrors, link to Coryphee B Activate Coryphee A, walk twice for 16" Activate Coryphee B, Dance Partner, Dance Together. Now because of the place rules, and the Duet inheriting all the previous wounds, spent actions, etc of Coryphee B, does the link transfer? So that if I move the Coryphee on its fast action, does the Mannequin ride shotgun? Thanks for the help, and sorry, I couldn't seem to find this answer anywhere.
  5. I actually think any list that doesn't include mostly showgirls actually hampers you in the way the crew is supposed to actually work. However, I've been toying with the idea of adding Johan to the crew, especially considering Colette can hire him for a mere 5 SS. Johan is serious firepower for that low cost, and considering both Colette and Cassie can play the roll of APC with him, using the Duet as scout really has me intrigued. Seriously, the thought having the Duet, Cassie and an untouchable Johan around midtable at the end of Round 1 has me giggling a bit inside. And at 5 SS, he is definitively a better buy then Angelica, who I generally regard as terrible. Is he better then Performer/Manq? Well, I guess it depends on the game/matchup/strat/etc, but it would be a close call in favor of the Performer/Manq just because those two models bring sooooooo much to the table.
  6. Undisclosed I'll answer that with a quote from that wall o' text I just posted. Cause the anti point to your point was already in there. And he does this for a couple of reasons. 1. It's all he knows how to play right now, and/or 2. It's all he has. So there is no advantage for the new person at all. Just a disguised bigger advantage to the guy who has more models to bring to the table. Being "daunting" has nothing to do with it. I'm "daunted" every time I take the table against a master I've never seen played, played myself, and/or played against.
  7. Yes, and you are talking metagaming. Using knowledge gained outside the game for you own purposes inside the game to increase your chances. It is unavoidable, people are nosy, and this game is not played in a bubble. But for that one game... that one, perfect game, even David can beat Goliath. Is that new person, with his box set and a couple of clamshells he spent his hard earned cash on after visiting our community and checking out the forums here for advice, and reading all up on it on the tactica, going to win the tournament? Probably not, due to the unavoidable fact he's going to get metagamed into losing. But at least he has a shot to win. And even if he only wins one game, it is at least something for him to look at and enjoy, and maybe bring him back to the forums, to the tactica, to buy more models, and become a better player. Like shooting the perfect shot in golf. Sure, you don't hit perfect shots all the time. If you did, you'd be pro. But you all know when you hit that one perfect shot in 18 holes, and it's the memory of that shot that keeps you coming back. You want to reveal masters at the start and completely screw that person's chances over from the first game? I say that's just selfish. It's a game. It's meant to be fun. It's probably why I don't do many tournaments. Cause while I like everyone I meet that plays Malifaux, we all know there is that one guy that is just NOT FUN to play against. You want to be that guy? Fine. But no one else wants to, nor do we want to play you. Let me tell you a story about a boy. This boy went to Gencon a year ago and fell in love with this game. What's not to love? The models are sweet, the fluff is interesting, the card mechanic is (excuse the pun) aces, and the best part is IT DOESN'T TAKE A LOT OF MODELS TO PLAY. You can play this game and be competitive with just a starter box and a few clamshells, depending on the master. I am that boy. I really enjoy this game for all of these reasons. I like this game for all the reasons I hate Warhammer. In order to be competitive in Warhammer, you need a whole hell of a lot more models then Malifaux. And you know, all those wonderful people who helped me pick a faction, show me how to play etc etc are great ambassadors to this game. They told me that you can have a crew at a disadvantage to your opponent and still win, due to the victory point system. You know what, they are right. Any given Sunday. Even someone at extreme disadvantage can sometimes pull out a win. Well, unless you're Spiku and his opponent is playing Hamlin. But I digress. There are really few matchups as one sided as that though. It does? Are you arguing both ways? Because I don't know how you think that is going to help the new player. He's still going to hire the same few models, maybe swap one in for another occasionally, but the list is going to pretty much stay static. And he's going to do this regardless of what the other guy is bringing to the field. The only person this helps is the guy with all the models being bushwacked on the first round. Part of the game is the random draw. I like that about this game. It keeps it interesting. Some times you're the dog, some times you're the hydrant. The only thing you can do is keep your head down, learn some things, and try to get as many victory points as you can.
  8. And while initially when I heard this I thought "That's a pretty good idea..." Now I'm like... eh... At what point to you hamstring and frustrate the new player? While its great for those of us that have enough mini's that we can effectively build all crew combinations in our respective faction, the new player is going to only have one maybe two crews, and certainly not the stuff to counter what I'm doing. Meanwhile, you allow me to know exactly who he's playing, and build for it, insuring that he is going to have a frustrating game at best, and more than like a loss for his effort. I dunno. The power-gamer in me that wants to win all the time is like "yeah bring that rule on" but the actual what to have fun gamer in me likes the challenge of the chess game draw.
  9. Yeah drop the Gamin. Sub in a Silent One for the Ice Gamin since he has perfect mirror and is a better fit. Then for the Fire Gamin I would use either another Gunsmith or swap in that SoC. Would leave you with: Tina (8 Pool if SoC, 6 with Gunsmith) Kaeris (8) Gunsmith (6) Silent One (6) EoP (2) and either SoC (4) or Gunsmith (6) You're model count goes down by one, but you gain serious shooty-power. In addition, remember Tina and the Silent One can give another model Frozen Heart, giving Tina another mirror to use.
  10. While I think you are on to something with "Ease of Play", you're not hitting the right perspective. There are some masters that are really easy to play. Like Viks, its pretty straight forward. Slingshot in, beat face, blow soulstones till that face stops moving. But being easy to play does not make them good. What should be taken into consideration is "Forgiveness" Some masters are really really good/powerful but have no forgiveness. I would use Colette as an example of this. She's really good when played properly, but you can't make a lot of mistakes with her and expect to win in the end. So if there is a master who is really powerful and can make up for mistakes in play, then he's top tier. This doesn't mean someone who is harder to play like Colette should drop to the bottom of the list, but Forgiveness should play a part in separating like Tier masters.
  11. You can't field the Duet from the start, it has to be 2 Coryphee and you have to dance them together. Also, some time during the game you may find it useful to dance them apart to get the 2 Coryphee back out of the Duet for strategy taking purposes. The blister comes with the 2 figures, 2 40mm bases, and 1 50mm base. So if you have the magnets already you're good to go. I used the wide thin magnets for mine (I don't have the measurements cause I'm not at home right now). I thought about using smaller magnets and drilling them up into the foot of the standing Coryphee, but I wasn't sure the smaller one that would actually fit in the foot/leg would actually hold the model to the base standing. Those things are more powerful then you realize, but even I had doubts, as the standing Coryphee is pretty top-heavy. Plus that contact point is smaller then it looks, making magnet insertion a bit beyond my skill level right now.
  12. My understanding of the spellcasting rules is if the spell is resisted, it's considered to have never gone off. Similar in the way if you fail to cast the spell in the first place. Menace doesn't state that you move the model, THEN cast. It's cast first, then you get the effects, and one of the effects happens to be a move.
  13. That's exactly what I did. I was a little put off initially when I got my Colette army and found out the Coryphee blister was both for the Duet and the two Coryphee. I carefully snipped off the basing fin (I don't know what else to call it) and glued a wide, thin magnet to the bottom of each mini. Because one of the mini's is in a "standing" position that is the only magnet you see, but I made it look like a raised platform. The cool thing is I only had to paint two mini's. Unfortunately, the magnets almost cost me as much as if I just went out and bought another model. But it's cool when you have both mini's out, then when you dance them together you can just put the bigger base down and pull off the models from the smaller base and attach them like magic to the bigger base. A tip when working with magnets. Take your time, and be sure that the magnet is A) in the right place on the model and the base, and that you have them all going the same polarity. That last one is super important, you don't want to make a mistake there and have to drill that thing out after the glue dries.
  14. Yes. The coryphee act one at a time. So if you use the first Coryphee activation to Dance with the second, the second technically hasn't "acted" yet, meaning it grants you a whopping 0 AP. Think about it. If you got the 2 AP from the other model that hadn't activated yet, you would have a Duet sitting with 4 AP, plus 3 zero actions. There is no way that can be right, or fair.
  15. The Duet can have a high damage output if you play it right. :-\ And while Kaeris is nice and all, I actually prefer to pair him with Tina, as the Fire and Ice combo not only kills people with extreme prejudice but controls the battlefield as well. Toss in an essence, student, silent one, and a couple of gunsmiths and you got yourself a shooty-fun time. I don't usually like to sub stuff into my Colette list unless its a showgirl. There is just too much synergy that you lose by dropping a girl for something that doesn't work at all. Sadly, the OP's list is about all you have for 35 point Colette unless you are going off the reservation. You could use Angelica but I personally don't like her for several reasons and I only use her when facing a lot of terror, IF I think it's going to be a problem.
  16. I think it is similar to the Performer's Siren's Call spell. It is just like Menace but without the acting model moving. When the Performer casts Siren's Call, the target (if it fails the resist duel) moves it Wk towards the Performer. And some stuff happens. But the stuff isn't what we're talking about. Since the performer's cast, if resisted, doesn't make the target model walk toward, then it should be the same for Menace. If the spell is resisted, its resisted. When a spell is resisted, NONE of its effects take affect. Meaning, no cast, no move, no stuff.
  17. This is why many use the first Coryphee to "slingshot" the Duet around the table. Obviously with Sword Dance the Duet's threat range is effectively 27" (two walk actions, zero action Sword Dance, walk action, free strike to the face), but you can still get an effective range at the start with two and not lose any actions. Simply walk the first Coryphee twice as his 2 actions, then when you activate the second, spend 1 to Dance Partner, 1 to form Voltron with Dance Together, then you get the fast action along with his 3 zero actions, provided you didn't take any 0 actions with the second Coryphee. This gives the threat range at the start as: First coryphee: 2 AP 16" (walk twice at 8" each walk) Second coryphee: 1 AP Dance partner, placing him ahead of the first one, so an extra inch or so for the base Second coryphee: 1 AP Dance Together (We Form Voltron!) Place the Duet ahead of the second Coryphee for additional range Duet: 3 zero actions and a fast action, which you can use to (0) Use Soulstone, (0) Sublime Performance (always worth a shot and hey, you may trigger Swirl of Motion for an additional 4"!) then (0) Sword Dance, (1) Walk 9" then free kick to the head. With all the placement that's about a 27" threat range as well (31" if you get off Swirl of Motion). On turn 1. Hilarity will ensue if you appropriately walked Cassie forward with Confident at the beginning of the game, then walked on her Nimble action, then 1 to Dance Partner to the Duet, then 1 to do something that reduces the life of the target. As fun as it is, care needs to be had, as you'll have those two well out of reach of Colette.
  18. I don't have a lot of luck with her. Honestly for 1 more point you can bring along an extra performer/mann which is WAY more useful then Angelica. The Mannequin is just uber useful, and the performer I use as Cassie's personal walking spellbook/objective grabber. Bring out the Next Act is pretty nice and all, but I've never really been in a spot where I just HAD to get another crack at someone. "Do you want to see more" is worthless unless you are playing the right master, and even then it's situational. Her best move in my opinion is Projected Voice/Showstopper, but since it suffers from the terrible shooting into melee rules restriction (shoot into melee, random flip for who you actually target, aw $$$$$$$$, target a showgirl, wasted AP /sadface) its not that good. The only time I would actually prefer her over a Perform/Manne would be if I think I'm going to face a lot of Terrifying. Other then that I just don't see her as being worth the points.
  19. Well that's kind of lame. It makes that model's usefulness drop down to about zero unless you are playing against a boatload of terrifying One would think the shooting into Melee rules would check for legal target BEFORE flipping into melee. Would make a lot more sense at any rate.
  20. So I just started playing a Colette band of heroes after playing the Viks. I'm really enjoying Colette and her sneaky, switchy, interesting tactical play. It's just different from the Viks style of kill one, kill another, kill some more, and when everyone is dead try to achieve an objective or two. I'm rounding out my Showgirls collection and I've stumbled upon Angelica. Mainly I see her usefulness in preventing falling back, but her lack of anything defensive as well as no Use Soulstone makes me pause a bit. She doesn't seem that interesting to add to what currently works on the Duet, Col, Cassie and Per/Manq. Then I spotted her Projected Voice/Showstopper ability. However, it comes with questions. First of all, Projected Voice does no damage to showgirls. Presumably this was added so when I start tossing blast markers about my already wound-weak showgirls don't take unnecessary friendly fire. But its the second part of "Cannot target Showgirls" that confuses me. I understand why, it would be uber powerful for me to just target and cheat in low defense cards to up my chances on Severe damage, but here's where the questions come in: 1. Projected Voice cannot target Showgirls. However, when shooting into Melee the rules are quite clear. Flip for each model engaged in melee to determine the true target. As discussed in another thread earlier, this even allows you to go around the usual restrictions like LOS and what not, making illegal targets legal again. So when shooting into Melee with PV, do I have to flip for my showgirls? 2. If the answer to #1 is yes, what happens when I supposedly lose the flip and target my girls? Does the attack go off? 3. Finally, if I can't shoot my showgirls after the random melee flip, what happens to the AP I spent to do the ability? Do I lose it? 4. Or is it since the showgirls can never be a legal target, are they "ignored" by the random melee flip?
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