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Everything posted by Boshea

  1. So with the imminent release of Yan Lo's box, I think there may be some updates on how to approach ressers. Mainly I think that the best starter combination may become Nicodem, Yan Lo, and Seamus. This is mostly from some great model overlap between Nicodem and Yan Lo. Currently looking at something like the following. -Seamus box -Yan Lo box -Nicodem box -Mindless Zombies -Izamu 126.5 The three boxes give a good number of models that all work well together. Punk Zombies are always a solid melee threat, Belles are great utility, Ashigaru are good defense pieces, Chiaki is an amazing support model, and Izamu is a complete beast. Each master also plays very differently and can use each of the pieces in their own way. If there was one more blister to add it'd be Toshiro, and possibly Yin depending on costs for the two models. Both are Ancestors for Yan Lo, with Toshiro buffing Nicodem's undead army and Yin helping Seamus with WP shenanigans. The main problem I see with this list over the first one is that it is significantly slower due to lack of canine remains, so some strategies will be more difficult. This is of course solved by making Night Terrors the next purchase outside of the initial limits. I personally like the second list better since every model has a use from the very beginning and each master is fairly easy to figure out. With the first list Molly is a very difficult model to use, and the Nurses don't really shine until investing in Avatars.
  2. I'll be running demos at Gamezilla Fredericton from 6 until close for any one celebrating single appreciation day this Thursday. Gamezilla is located on 1211 Prospect Street
  3. Off the top of my head I know Hoffman has records for it, but I don't think they every explain how he got it.
  4. My first tip with the vik starter is get the Alt Viks, because starter stabby Vik is a giant pain to put together. They are all great models, but I just got tired of reattacching her hands, plus I prefer her with pants over the battle thong. As for paints most people covered the basics, it really comes down to personal preferences. I strongly recommend picking up some Agrax Earthshade (new Devlan Mud) from the citadel line though, its refered to as liquid talent for a reason. For brushes you mainly want to look in to round tips no larger than 1. A 1, 0, and 18/0 will do pretty much everything for you. Don't go with expensive brushes when starting since you will wear them out pretty quick when learning to paint. Oh almost forgot, thin your paint.
  5. Doppleganger has Shapeless, which is basically a special version of instinctual. It can use 2 (0) actions per turn, instead of 2 different (0) actions.
  6. Rat-Catchers are missing from the Hamelin update.
  7. Mobile toolkit unless you're playing a strategy that needs a lot of interacting. Brass Arachnid is pretty ace for Deliver a Message.
  8. Misaki can hire some mercenaries at no additional cost, and they gain Ten Thunders as a faction. Overall I feel an Outcast/10T master is redundant since both factions have similar hiring tricks in that it is very hard to predict what a player will play when playing either faction. Its just harder to predict for Outcasts than 10T.
  9. No, the effect ends at the closing phase. Look at the ability in long-hand and it makes more sense. -Mimic is choosing an effect that lasts until the end closing phase -Mimic Talent can thus be written out as "Gain one talent possessed by target model, until the end closing phase" -Gaining The Oldest of Magic would be written as "This model is immune to .... The ability cannot be negated or removed by any means. This talent last until the end closing phase"
  10. Well there is an overall look at starting the guild linked in my signature. -Lady Justice is definitely a great melee master, but she does best against one or two models and will get swarmed to death if you throw her into too many. While Riposte is a nasty deterrent, Df5 makes her pretty easy to hit. -The Judge is a good bodyguard for the faster guild masters, and a good melee model on his own. Death Marshall are the base-line for 4 point guild models, since they are a steal for the ranged capabilities as well as being decent in melee. -Haven't had a chance to play them yet, but the riflemen look good on paper for a 4pt ranged model. It does look like you need to at least take them in pairs to get the most out of them.
  11. Logical answer, its less about removing "Oldest Magic", and more about resolving Mimic.
  12. 1.Yes 2.No 3.Assuming Anathema gets around Breach Psychosis. Anathema ignores all immunity to Morale duels, which immunity to WP duels covers. 4.Edit-Forgot can't copy an Avatar 5.Yes
  13. So I'll be running demos from 1 until midnight February 9th at Communicon. Communicon is located in the UNB Student Union building on 21 Pacey Drive, and runs from 10am-12pm on Saturday February 9th and 10am-3pm on Sunday the 10th. Schedule is still being updated, but there are tons of different games to play. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj02pVzmwIA3dHN2NkVwdUdXMFIzcl8yR2p0MXY5cUE#gid=0 https://www.facebook.com/events/389417161138057/
  14. Arcane Effigy would just give you an AP for casting. Granted it would lead to +2Dg probably being on them all the time.
  15. Second this. I feel that people are just over thinking this.
  16. So in my continued effort to get my terra-clip stuff assembled, I've come into a new problem. How do you best balance your table so that it doesn't favor one type of play-style over the other. Basically a question of how much terrain is enough. I had a template figured out, but after getting some of the buildings built I started noticing two problems. -The first is that table complexity can make it so that less mobile crews have a difficulty simply navigating the board. -The second is that table complexity also determines how well ranged performs. How open your table is determines what kind of threat ranged abilities have. This came up when after finishing my central building I realized that it created a large area to navigate around, and blocked a significant area for LoS. Granted this could be simply from the size of the building, 12X12 lower level and roughly 9x9 upper level. So based on the Gaining Ground terrain requirements, how many sections of a terraclip board should block LoS. The Gaining Ground requirements are 12-18 pieces with a minimum of 8. So if we were to convert this to a terraclip board how many section should be able to block LoS. Another way of looking at is if a terraclip table consists of 144 3x3 sections, how many should be buildings. A different question would be how high should buildings be built. I feel that two levels is good for most buildings, with maybe one or two having a third level.
  17. Molly is hard to use was the lesson of the day. Wish I had just kept the new stuff to the hanged and the Avatar and took Sybelle with a third belle instead. Was also the most shooting into melee and morale rules I've had to go through for a game. My third scheme was Kill Protege on Nino, which was bad call on my part since my Seamus crew can't cover the table as effectively as my Viktoria. I didn't realize how much slower Seamus is when he basically loses Fast on his first two/three turns to casting Face of Death.
  18. Don't have the rules on hand, but fairly certain only the Desolation engine has the clause that prevents summoning. SPAs are fair game.
  19. Focusing on a Master is usually the easiest way to get into a game, but focusing on a faction makes expanding easier. There are exceptions to this though. Most everything you get for Marcus or Kirai won't be used by the rest of their factions for example due to their deeper hiring pools. As for fighting within factions, there is definitely some animosity between some masters. Resurrections are mostly a ragtag group of misfits with their own agendas and a love of raising the dead. Rasputina doesn't get along with the rest of the Arcanist. Dreamer similarly doesn't interact with the book 1 Neverborn masters very much and follows his own agenda.
  20. In preparation for the Fresh off the train league, I'll be getting back into the habit of weekly demos. Tuesday, Jan 29th I will be running demos at the CFB Gagetown Gaming Club from 7pm-12am. The club will be meeting in the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering at Base Gagetown Thursday, Jan 31th I'll be running demos at Gamezilla Fredericton from 6 until close. Gamezilla is located on 1211 Prospect Street
  21. McCabe isn't overly suit dependent. Likes the odd Mask or Ram, but nothing like Criid or Perdita.
  22. The dogs are likely just going to be cut up into better things.
  23. Viks, Vanessa, Jhohan, Joss Its the current box, but with synergy.
  24. Date updated to avoid conflict, and to allow better time to acquire product.
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