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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Did I see someone talking about Anima Tactics? The only game that could be cooler than Malifaux!
  2. That was the same thing I was thinking.
  3. Resurrectionist are still my main faction, though I am not getting any of the new models. I do like the looks of the Ten Thunder now.
  4. I really wanted to get into the gremlins, but I just can't get into the art. And the models look like the art so...
  5. Nothing major. It is just a mini game based in the malifaux world. I guess you would need to know how to play malifaux. ---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ---------- Well, thank you. I am getting Tara for sure and maybe the Viks. Not sure what else yet.
  6. I am doing pretty good bowchikawowers. As for a preview of the mini game, I am looking for some people to help playtest.
  7. I would kill a bus load of small children for the chance to go to Gen Con, but sorry to say I won't be there. Adepticon seems to be my con of choice, but I would love to go to Gen Con, so much stuff there! As for projects, I always seem to be working on something. I am currently working on Loxley Maliquest rules to make them a little more like Warhammer Quest. I am also working on a mini game I am hoping to get in the Wyrd Chronicles.
  8. Hey! Doing good! As much as I am here on the forums, you would think I would spend more time here.
  9. Don't forget to see today's M2E update if you want to join in the fun on Saturday!
  10. This summer I will be hosting The Summer of Malifaux, with our friends over at Dragon's Lair, just in case you can't make it to Beerlifaux! All three events (June, July and August) will be linked together as one story encounter. First Event will be Saturday, June 29th starting at 10am. Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo St. Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141 Here is a bit from the packet: The Unusual Suspect Rules: • Single Faction (Does not have to be the same each weekend, but it could make the story better) • System M2E. Players must have the current cards from the Thursday before printed out into order to use the model. Most current rules for the week will be in effect. • All games Standard Deployment • Game sizes will vary from game to game. • Models do not have to be fully painted, but it will make the story more fun. Also, bonus points will be given for fully painted crews towards becoming the “Master of Malifaux.” • Have fun! Game Setup: Before the start of the encounter you will need to determine who will be the attacker and who will be the defender. To do this each player will flip a card. The player who flips the highest will be the attacker and will play the Attacker strategy and/or gain the Attacker benefits. The other player will be the defender and will play the Defender strategy and/or gain the Defender benefits. Shuffle your deck and continue setup as normal. Prizes: a raffle will be held at the end of each event for prizes. The Master of Malifaux: This summer you will have the honor of battling it out to become The Master of Malifaux! During each event, you will be able to earn Story Points. These story points will cumulate and will be counted during the last event, where the person with the most Story Points will be named The Master of Malifaux (with dog tags and a special prize). Points will be awarded as thus: • Play with a Fully Painted Crew (awarded per night)- 3SP • Play the same Faction during all three events (awarded at the end of the event)-3SP • Play the same Master during all three events (awarded at the end of the event)-5SP • Bring a snack item (Once per event)- 1SP Thanks for looking at the post and hope to see you there! Oh, and a sneak peek of the story: A lone lantern softly swings from the ceiling in a otherwise dark room. In the center of the room, just behind the light, is a wooden chair. You find yourself strapped to this chair, beaten, bloodied, and broken. It is a small room. No windows, just a single barred door. You can hear water dripping from the ceiling. Clearly this is a lower cell in the Guild prison. This fact is made even more evident by the two Guardsmen standing in the shadowed corners. You don’t know how long you have been here, or how you got here. All you know is that jaw hurts and that things probably could, and will, get much worse. The last thing you can remember is jumping off of the train heading towards the breach. As you hit the ground whistles rung out and Peacebringers were fired. You can remember dodging around the corner of a rundown building before darkness set in. And now, you’re tied to a chair. In the Portland area? Check out The summer of Beerlifaux. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?43779-The-Summer-of-Beerlifaux
  11. Yeah, Through the Breach really does need to get a M2E episode out. But would agree that the new edition has killed some of the podcast. If you don't like game, you are not going to like talking about it. When that happens, show is killed. Not so much a bad thing, maybe there will be fans of M2E that will start up some new podcast. Guess we will all have to just wait and see.
  12. And we came to a close on the case of the Moonlight Killer, but not before he could strike 2 more times. What happened on the last day? Night 9, 1 attack. Chiaki is rescued by Leveticus Night 10, 1 attack. The Mechanical Rider is rescued by Leveticus. In other news, the bounty hunter Vik was killed by Perdita and crew. That gave Leveticus the most wounds on the Moonlight Killer and thus winning the campaign. Some tips for those looking to host a campaign using the rules. One, keep the length to about 4 weeks maybe 5. By the end of the campaign, I was down to 3 players (this could have been the holiday, but many were getting burned out playing the same crew all the time). Two, maybe try a hiring pool. Some players felt very helpless on some match ups, so maybe a way to change the crew just a little would help that. Hope you enjoyed watching along with my group. Now it is time for some Malifaux 2.0
  13. Two more nights have come to pass over the careful minions of Malifaux. The Viks have joined the hunt and have already scaled up the scoreboard. Here is what happened. Night 7, 3 attacks. Ama No Zako was killed. The Viks rescue Joss and Nino. Night 8, 2 attacks. The Viks rescue Hans. Ophelia rescues Jaakuna Ubume. Next Saturday is the last day of the campaign. Who will come out on top and who is the Moonlight Killer?
  14. Time once again to post up some updates on the campaign. It was a little lite on the player front, but not on the murder front. Night 5, 3 Attacks. Sebastian is rescued by Leveticus, Rafkin is rescued by Karis, and Yamaziko is killed. Night 6, 2 attacks. Both Abuela and Burt Jebsen are killed. In other news, Ophelia and her kin killed Izamu. It was a day full of murder for only 4 players.
  15. Ok, I am going to really try and give this a go this time around. I got to work my writing and what better place to do it.
  16. Those are the special edition Through the Breach podcast Malifaux fate decks. You could get one in two of the events at Adepticon. Not sure how to get them now days.
  17. Oh yeah! I seen that also! It was pretty epic! Even got to shake JoeyBerry's hand. How about that?
  18. So the campaign is moving along nicely. Here is some updates for the days that have happened so far. Night 1, 3 attacks. Tuco is rescued by Leveticus, Sadir is rescued by Perdita, Wong is rescued by Yan Lo. Night 2, 2 attacks. Iggy is rescued by Leveticus, Sebastian is rescued by Von Schill. Night 3, 2 attacks. Mr. Tannen is rescued by Von Schill, Johan is killed. Night 4, 2 attacks. Cassandra is rescued by Von Schill, Vanessa is killed. As a side note, Yan Lo turned traitor and joined Ophelia and Taelor gained her avatar.
  19. The other thing about a PDF, is the ability to change things on them. We all know there would be at least one person that would try that and ruin it for everyone. Besides, I though it kind of sounded like the cards in the first deck would not be in the second deck. So, two faction decks and done. Sounds cheaper and faster to me than waiting for new updated book 1,2,3, and 4 and then new cards.
  20. You got all of that info from the Through the Breach podcast? Wow, those guys must be pretty good!
  21. Even the minions and masters of Malifaux love free comic books! Join us this Satuday at the Dragon's Lair for free comics and special offers. After you check that out, drop by the game room for Malifrag! Unique edition. Pick your favorite 10ss unique minion and enter the arena! Can you hold on the most comic book counters by the end of the 6 turns? If so, you could win a prize! It all happens this Saturday on Free Comic Book day! Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo St Omaha, Ne 68134 (402) 399-9141 When? Saturday May 4th Time? The Malifrag arean opens at 1pm! Cost? Free! Malifrag! rules https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oWcCSCHhnfwd6v1vSLgdIQWdUyQiFYqIxqHhHdPStRk/edit?usp=sharing Free Comic Book day info http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992 It all happens at the lair!
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