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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. I still say the dart method works. or they have random word generators on the web,..
  2. Mission Impractical ---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ---------- just throwing out random titles and trying to get your brain juices flowing
  3. I'm telling you,.. The System Bytes,.. awesome title,...
  4. Is this for the future tech story you've been sending us?
  5. mostly, I'd say to pick something that defines the story
  6. Write random words from your manuscript on pieces of paper. Attach papers to wall with tape. Close eyes and randomly throw between 3-5 darts.
  7. tried the wood-grain,.. didn't like it. Going to try gold metallic next. ---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ---------- brb,.. pizza run
  8. I just finished doing the base on my elf mage. Now, on to the staff,..
  9. *swings in and takes up my usual spot in the corner* Hey guys,...
  10. ok,.. I think I have the base the way I want it. The glue is still wet, which is why you can see it at the bottom of some of the grass, but that'll disappear as it dries. Otherwise, just need to do the weapon. I tried the wood grain pattern on the staff, but don't care for it. I think I may just do a gold metallic staff, to play off of the lines in the clothes, with a purple jewel inlayed in the center. Anyways, here it is,...
  11. Looking really good. I dig the way the purple came out.
  12. I give it a shot and see what I come up with
  13. yeah,.. thinking about a leaf pattern,.. or maybe see if I can pull off a cherry tree pattern of some kind
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