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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. latest update,... (had to custom-fab the syringe,..)
  2. Yes its freehand. Is it that obvious? And the kits can take as much freehand as you want to put on them. See the demon fox kimono girl, for example. The entire cherry blossom pattern was freehand and covers most of the model.
  3. Ok,.. it's been a while since I posted. We are having an Anime Kit challenge over at C'mon, so that's where I've been as of late. But just to keep you guys posted, here's a shot of my current work. What can be said except,.. Hellllooooo Nurse!!!
  4. (not that anyone but me really cares,.. but over at C'MoN,.. we have an October Anime Kit Challenge,.. halloween themed. If any of you guys should happen to be interested) Just thought that I'd toss that out there.
  5. ok,.. so this next one is a model that I won on Ebay for $5.00. So given that I don't have a lot of money tied up in it, and given that I don't really care that much about the model,.. I think it's time to try to experiment with my paint and try to step outside of my comfort zone. So, if this one comes out like crap, you guys are going to have to forgive me. (Also, I'll be hitting you guys up for advice as we go) So then, this begs the question,.. what do I want to try to learn?? I'm considering several things,... 1) zenethial highlighting? 2) maybe some OSL? 3) realism? 4) try to perfect my blending? What would you guys like to see from me????
  6. Chuno Shiryu,... complete,...
  7. For the hair,.... gonna go with a light grey. Something just this side of white,.. (see kakashi model for general hair color Idea) And yes,.. I meant the red ribbon color going a "hair" lighter and brighter
  8. also,.. I'm thinking about stepping the red up a hair. It feels a bit overly dark. Maybe a bit more of a cherry-red???
  9. It's actually a combination of "all of the above". I usually use the pastels to do all of my shading. However, there are times when the pastels aren't "strong enough" for whatever my desired effect is,.. in which case, I'll then use the more traditional shade/high-light methods with paint. And then there's a secondary method which imploys both methods. In this scenario, you would "pre-shade" with the paints, and then go back over that with the powders in order to "feather out" the edges
  10. crappy night time pic,.. but here ya go,..
  11. I'm always happy to get suggestions,.. and thanks, but I'm a total hack (at least compared to some). But you are correct. It needs some more highlights and shadows. And the sleeves will have a stripe or two around the cuff. Just didn't want to do all that work if I was just gonna change the base color anyways. But I think I'm gonna keep the grey. I've already added the sleeve cuffs and the collar and bow-tie. I'll post some more pics and catch you guys up when I get home from work.
  12. trying to decide if I like the grey or not,...
  13. Ok then, onto the next one.
  14. actually,.. the breach just closed,.. a few of the nastier critters managed to sneak through to our side,.. you know, some nephilim, a teddy or two,... Justin Beiber,....
  15. This one fought me the whole way. But even so,.. Elf Warrior complete,..
  16. But if this is the case, and it counts as all suits at the same time,... wouldn't then the +2 for the mask, and the -2 for the tome, cancel each other out?
  17. The stronger the exterior case, and the more padding you have inside the case,.. the better. You have to assume that during shipping it's gonna get dropped, kicked, tossed, get something far too heavy set on top of it, and/or fall off a shelf during transit. If possible, use the aluminum case,.. and put the aluminum case inside a crate.
  18. You could make life a bit more worth living,.. if you included pizza and beer vouchers with every purchase. *sagely nod*
  19. still some touch up to do,.. but here's where I'm at,..
  20. Speak for yourself. All it does is spend my money, and it never sleeps with me,.. that's the definition of a marriage isn't it?
  21. I laminated my cards so that I can mark on them and erase them all I want to. It's not really expensive to do, and you can usually get it done at your local staples or office depot. (I actually happen to have a laminating machine at my house which makes it even cheaper)
  22. Nah, don't play Guild!!,... Guild players are evil cheaters!! (Snickers and ducks to avoid the incoming bullets,..)lol
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