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Everything posted by Slimnoid

  1. From the album: Kaeris and Gunsmiths

    This one, and the male Gunsmith, were painted with dark skin and white hair to try and tie them together on a familial level. A father and daughter team, of sorts.
  2. Slimnoid

    Kaeris and Gunsmiths

    I finally got around to painting these three after 2-odd years of having her in the carrying case.
  3. From the album: Kaeris and Gunsmiths

    This one, and the female Gunsmith, were painted with dark skin and white hair to try and tie them together on a familial level. A father and daughter team, of sorts.
  4. Slimnoid

    Kaeris 1

    From the album: Kaeris and Gunsmiths

    The wings are from Microart Studios. I didn't like the weedy-looking ones from the standard model, as I wanted something to make it look like it could actually carry her aloft. The base is mostly plasticard and greenstuff, with the smelting pot being one of the drums from a Warhammer kit.
  5. Slimnoid

    Snow Storm

    A converted Snow Storm. Inspired by silly death metal music videos by Dimmu Borgir, and during a long sprint of making each and every model in my Malifaux army unique in some manner.
  6. From the album: Snow Storm

    The mask is from the Games Workshop Defiler kit, and the throne is from a Reaper Dark Elf. Converting Snow onto the throne required a lot of careful cutting and sculpting with greenstuff to make it look seamless, but overall I'm happy with how she turned out.
  7. http://wyrd-games.net/community/gallery/album/83-bayou-gremlins/ Hey, why fill up the screen with images when I can just link the gallery? I totally love the gallery function by the way This was a fun crew to do.
  8. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    The entire force in one shot. This commission was finished in two weeks, and I enjoyed just about every minute of it. They're a fairly easy group to paint, lending itself to dynamic greens and drab browns, resulting in a striking image on the tabletop.
  9. Slimnoid

    Warpig, 2

    From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    In contrast to the other warpig, I'm generally content with this guy. Just simple shades of black and grey, with some leather drybrushed along the legs and stomach.
  10. Slimnoid

    Warpig, 1

    From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    Over the years I've found that I kind of hate painting standard Caucasian skin tone, and I think it shows that here. I'm not all that happy with the end result, but after a while you just have to step back and say 'good enough.'
  11. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    The glow effect from the torch was pretty easy. Using an airbrushed and thinned Reaper Master Class Phoenix Red and Fire Orange, I angled it near the torch at around a 45-degree angle and gave a couple quick spritzes. You could probably do the same effect using drybrushing.
  12. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    I think I am most proud of how the glass bottles came out. Just some washes of green and blue with a coat of gloss after I was finished gave a pretty convincing effect.
  13. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    Probably the least favorite to paint. The entire time it felt like I was working on some weird blow-up doll, and ended up foregoing painting the lips the usual red because it just looked bad. The upcoming plastic set looks a lot better in my opinion.
  14. Slimnoid


    From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    He was a lot of fun. I especially like how his face came out.
  15. Slimnoid


    From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    I decided to stick these little plastic tree bits from the WHFB Dryad set on here to make them easier to pick up and move. Trying to move them by gripping the base or model itself would've been annoying otherwise.
  16. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    Definitely tried for a "The Man With No Name" look here, all solemn and badass.
  17. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    I purposefully kept with a dark, drab look on his coat, to better blend in with the background and try to fire that gun of his from a sniping spot.
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