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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Sorry, can you repeat that? I can't hear you after Hamelin turned you Insignificant.
  2. I would attack your excess mention of Jack, but I would need a Spell, Magic Weapon, or Focused Attack to do so, and even then you'd just discard one Control Card to ignore me.
  3. Yeah, this is how a buddy of mine manages to do his Nephilim Grow Crew when the opponent is playing Bete Noir.
  4. 1. Jack Daw: Because only I should be able to Cheat and spend Soulstones, not my opponent. 2. Pigapult: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The whole board is just a Df->11 duel away. And there's nothing better than hitting your own Pere Ravage with a Stuffed Piglet when he's right next to a Coryphee Duet. 3. Leveticus: Takes a lickin' and keeps on kickin'. Done right, he can kill or sacrifice one enemy model every round. Plus himself. I know the other threads don't include Masters in top ten lists, but Leveticus has plenty of his own rules anyway. 4. Freikorps Librarian: Very few units can heal at all. She can heal more times than she has general AP. 5. Killjoy: Killjoy is a tactic. With proper setup, he appears out of nowhere and whomps on all of your favorite dudes. 6. War Rooster: The regular Warpig is good. The War Rooster is finger lickin' good. 7. Sue: I see the train a-comin', it's rollin' round the bend, and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when. Sue has a lot of different tricks, surprising resilience, and incredible style. But he's definitely trouble when you let him get up close with a Nurse. 8. Nix: The Dg 4/3/2 just makes me boggle, even if it makes sense in context. He's got a lot of weird tricks and there's always more to learn about how to use him. 9. Giant Mosquito: Another model with many different and surprising applications. Fast and flexible, with a lot of great attacks and clever manipulations. 10. Rami LaCroix: A powerful sniper, and the counterbalance pig just makes my day.
  5. Yes, they work great together. I don't take Levi without Jack Daw these days.
  6. Dorian almost has it. Dg is subject to Armor. But Object affects Wd, too.
  7. I believe the answer is yes -- after the damage and before the death. http://www.malifaux.com/Errata.php 1. Total the Damage being inflicted. c. Then, any Triggers which occur when damage is inflicted occur now. ... 5. The model suffers any wounds remaining. b. Then, if the model has been reduced to 0 Wounds check to see if it is Killed.
  8. Interesting, Golden! That kind of makes it more of a combat unit than I wanted it to be. The idea I was going for was a utility model that dies easy, but is worth it until then. Making A Hero Emerges work without another model Sacrifice sounds appealing, but I'd probably want to raise the cost a little first, or it would be too much of an auto-buy. The idea isn't to make Death Marshalls cost 2 soulstones plus one Spell -- that's a Resser tactic -- the idea is to give the Guild a utility model with good flavor. I'd love to see a separate Angry Mob model based on what you're talking about. Maybe even have it so that the Honest Citizen can turn into one of them with A Hero Emerges too.
  9. Oops, I keep thinking from a casual gamer's perspective. Yeah, in a tournament, you'd have to ask the TO. Because the rules do not currently contain an answer to this.
  10. My thoughts on this: 1. I'm super-excited that we're having this discussion. 2. Yes, Malifaux has some sexy imagery and sexual content. Some people are going to be offended by that. 3. Honestly, I think Malifaux does a much better job than other games of portraying a wide variety of demographics of characters. There's a stunningly high level of parity between male and female Masters/Henchmen. (50%, by my count.) There are also powerful, believable, and well-portrayed characters of various races, ages, class origins, and levels of physical ability. I think that's really impressive and it makes me excited about the game. 4. Some of the female models do play into sexist stereotypes. Some don't. Malifaux has a wonderful way of playing with and against literary stereotypes, many of which are very sexist. 5. From what I've seen, most of the female Malifaux players are pretty enthusiastic about Showgirls. 6. There's a difference between sexy and pornographic, and an appropriate time and place for each. Malifaux does a great job (in my opinion) on having plenty of sexy and not so much pornographic. 7. The sexuality of the characters in the game is overwhelmingly heterosexual. As a queer gamer, I'd be thrilled to see even one LGBT character, but I don't really begrudge it much, because Wyrd does such a great job, generally, on portraying a lot of different demographics. 8. Honestly, I'm accustomed to seeing most games have very few female characters, and all of them being totally oversexualized, and none of the male characters sexualized at all. Malifaux has a ton of female characters, some of them very sexualized (Nurse, Lilitu, Cassandra), some not at all (Sonnia, Zoraida, Rusty Alyce). It also has sexualized male characters (Lilu, Seamus, and in a way Lost Love) which is rare to find in any game. 9. Personally, I feel a lot better about sexy portrayals of characters when it happens to both male and female characters. 10. Overally, I'd say that Wyrd takes some really interesting risks with character portrayals in Malifaux, and I'm really happy about that.
  11. I think that, until an official ruling is made on this, it's pretty likely that the answer to this is "Each side cuts for a card, and go with the interpretation from the player with the higher card."
  12. Usually, the main thing that seems to be different is that you kind of need to negotiate how each Scheme and Strategy works.
  13. Som'er is also hard for a starting player. I would suggest either Von Schill box plus Ronin and Hamelin Rat-Catcher, or Ophelia box plus Young LaCroix and Slop Hauler and Bayou Gremlins blister.
  14. Jackanory, Harmless would kinda fit the fluff, but more staying power and a more expensive model are two things I don't want. The idea I was going for was a very fragile "victim" model that was nonetheless worth hiring. You know, the innocents who seem to die left and right in the fiction sometimes. My goal was for a Guild player to say "This model is going to die for sure, but it's still worth hiring them."
  15. I'm pretty sure that Avatar Hamelin is the most infested man in the world. Perhaps you mean the most INVESTIGATING man in the world. Which is Sammael.
  16. Sometimes this can matter -- if someone summons a new Graverobber, for instance (such as the Gaki) or a Graverobber comes back from the dead (such as Leveticus.)
  17. It is a new mystery! http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?32323-Campaign-Map-and-Sector-Points&p=421406#post421406
  18. So good! I've found four pieces now: 2 on the wiki 1 on breachside 1 on the forum (in the dead heat thread) 1 on the facebook page I won't spoil exactly where or give links. Anyone found any others? Places I've looked but found none: a few other blogs and podcasts, EricJ's blog, the download site, the crew creator
  19. Thanks! That's part of the idea, yes. My hope is that it's worth it for Guild to take them, even though they'll surely end up slaughtered and made into Belles and so on.
  20. Haw! Thanks. But as much as I like writing fan model rules, I think I'll leave printing, casting, and marketing to the pros.
  21. I love Collateral Damage! Okay, I updated the model suggestion some to reflect these suggestions. Hopefully it's a little more useful now, while still balanced at 2 SS.
  22. They do indeed have such a rule! Flock: When activating this model, simultaneously activate all friendly Malifaux Rats within 4" that have not already acted this turn. There's no choice on this one. If there's another Malifaux Rat within 4", they activate simultaneously. And if there's another within 4" of that, they activate simultaneously too. And on down the chain. If there are any that are more than 4" from all other friendly Malifaux rats, then and only then does that Rat act separately.
  23. Wow, neat, Omenbringer! I added it to the Index. Thanks!
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