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Everything posted by Oscilioth

  1. I never liked the crazy hair flip on the alternate metal Viktoria's model, but I liked pretty much everything about them. So I made them a hat each! Apologies for the poor lighting. What do you think of slightly more cowboy-ish Viktorias?
  2. Oh you're right, the first time I looked at the pictures I thought I saw them on 30's, but they are on 40's! My mistake! I think them being singular might have confused me.
  3. These are all pretty cool conversions! You've done well to fit the theme! Looks like you're using a mix of Tyranid bits and greenstuff? And you're right you're paints could use a little watering down (good work on acknowledging the room for improvement), but otherwise the painting is pretty good! Lines are good, and you're free hand stripes around the place are good! I especially like the Rattler! What are you going to be using the 30mm based Hoarcats for in game? Or is this just a hobby collection? Awesome work!
  4. Those bricks are pretty convincing, awesome job painting! This house looks very well built, is it all scratch built or is some of it from kits?
  5. I have taken all the good advice and kept a model on hand for scaling! I also followed the 1" rule and made my fences, they vary a little in height but it's no big deal and they are in a much more natural scale than before. I cut up a bunch of popsicle sticks into much thinner widths, which I thought would be incredibly hard, but turned out to be pretty easy! Cutting the rounded ends off with a saw was a pain in the neck, but cutting along the grain took me only a fraction of the time. I just used the chisel shaped head on a hobby knife instead of the basic one and it cut right through. So now I have some nice to scale sized bits of wood. I have six fences altogether. Here's a few scale shots with an old metal Ronin in case anybody was wondering just how big the building is. Any comments welcome! Do we think the scale is looking okay?
  6. Thanks Antebellum! No I'm going to leave all my buildings roofless to save on the hassle that it'll cause while playing. I actually just let the warped shelving dry up and it came back pretty close to flat, so the shelving you see in the picture is actually the same one. Next up to build is some fences! I'll probably build a fair few over the course of the project, so for now I am just building six lengths of fence, all in a wooden kind of farmland or animal pen style. As I was doing a mock up on these I realised that I'd better get them to be about the right scale to the building. Then immediately after that I realised I hadn't checked the scale against any of my models! So I put a few humans in the warehouse and have found that it is incredibly large in comparison, the shelving units are about three times the height of a Desperate Mercenary. I guess that means they just got reclassified as industrial shelving! Hopefully I can fix the scale issue with the fences. It's not super noticeable in the warehouse, because well it could really be any size, but fence size creates a fairly concrete mental image in comparison to the human body. I'm thinking of trying to make them about waist or mid torso height. Does that sound about right? Has anyone else had scale problems? Is it really that noticeable when you're playing? In the meanwhile here are the bases for my first six fences!
  7. That sounds like an interesting way to make up some hazardous terrain! I don't know of any rock shows around here so it'd be interesting to see how that goes for you! Okay so I made the shelves out of some large popsicle sticks and balsa wood. I then just used some cheap craft paint, you know the kind that comes in hobby kits with several little paint pots all stuck together in a line? Either way it was a cheaper dark brown paint that I watered down A LOT, like 100 parts water to one part paint. Just because I kind of wanted to darken it a little bit first and I'd hope that the way the water dried would give it a natural look. Unfortunately I forgot that popsicle sticks are just made out of cheap wood, and it does not take a lot of water to give them a bow or a twist. So I had pre-glued the shelves before I painted them and then they all bent and twisted apart and I had to redo it again later. To get the streaks of darker mouldy bits of wood I just used a less watered down mix and then blotted, or lightly stroked the boards. Hope that helps! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Next update on my house! I have added in the outside! I didn't go to a lot of detail on the outer walls of the building because well I couldn't really think of anything much exciting to add. So I just flocked it up. Then that was a little too dull. So I made it a little bushy and added in some yellows to break up the green grass! Now it is nearly all done! I'm going to add some extra accents to the inside, just some bits and pieces on the shelves and some wall posters, but after that I don't really have much in the way of ideas. So unless anyone has a great idea they'd like to tell me, we are just about done here! What do you think?!
  8. These all look pretty awesome! The barn is definitely a standout though! How do you get all fine turf to stay on the terrain? Is it sealed with anything?
  9. Good ideas guys! I think I might be able to whip up some barbed wire later on, so that ideas a keeper! Thanks! I also considered making some piles of jagged wood like you suggest, not sure how well it'd turn out but I'll certainly give it ago. I'll also have you know that these are no lollipop sticks! Any more ideas are very welcome!
  10. Appreciate the comments guys! Thanks a bunch! Dgraz I am right there with you and know exactly how useless a one entry piece of terrain can be, so without further ado... As advised it is a two entry building. I did however completely forget to add the windows in when I was cutting up the wood, so hopefully that doesn't cause too much trouble! Good advice for the next one though! I also think scatter terrain is probably the most important thing in Malifaux and so plan on building a lot of it! I wanted to make a bit of hazardous terrain also, but couldn't really come up with any ideas? Anyone know any good pieces of hazardous terrain I could add to a foresty type board?
  11. So I've decided that I want to be able to play Malifaux at home because the nearest club is about forty-five minutes or an hour away from where I live (which is the most populated part of the country). It's a little bit of an ordeal to drive half way up the cost on a Wednesday night to play one game of Malifaux and then not get home until midnight. Welcome my friends to... Australia! Where instead of going out and being sociable in the middle of the night, we are gonna be build a board so we don't have to go anywhere! In all seriousness though I've always wanted to build my own gaming table so I can play at home, but not only that I enjoy the creative outlet and sometimes I don't have the time or resources to do a painting session, so terrain it's going to be! There were about fifty ideas floating around in my head before I finally settled on the one I wanted to do, and could get all the materials I needed for. M&SU Mining And Earthworks The idea is to dream up something that I can build out of basic and cheap materials, I don't particularly want to buy any pre-built structures or anything like that, half the fun will be crafting everything. With that in mind I also want to see if I can do it on the cheap, and so have set myself a budget of $50. I intended to build some bits and pieces of scatter terrain for the board a while ago, but talked myself out of it pretty quickly (anybody else immediately lose motivation when the planning phase ends?) and so instead decided I had better by a mat so I know what colour grass to I'll need to match on anything I build (you know, the important stuff). So I bought a mat. Also immediately blew my budget, the mat cost over $50, but I bought it anywhere. I also learnt that customs is pretty iffy about anything coming from Lithuania. It did however eventually arrive and here it is in all its glory. The brown sheets are spray painted bits of styrene, I want to have roughly three pieces of large terrain on the board so they were to gauge how much space I'd have left, turns out it's a lot. First up for a construction is a warehouse! I'll be building it out of popsicle stickls, which I painstakingly sawed into plank shapes. I then cheated and use timber stain to paint up the whole thing when the walls were done! Afterwards I got some old cheap craft kit paints, watered it down significantly and applied and reapplied to the floorboards and ground end of the walls to give the building a bit of a decrepit look. As we know all good things come pre-ruined by the Neverborn, so this mining site is going to overgrown and dilapidated! The paint doesn't show real well in the pictures, I'll try and take better ones when the building is all done. Then I built up a few little decorative bits to make it look nice, and painted those up. I've mostly left the middle of the room free so it's accessible by tape measure and can be functional in game. I want to add some extra little details too but I'll save that for later on. All that's left now is to do a little gardening around the outside and that will be the storage warehouse for my dilapidated mining camp done! Appreciate any comments or ideas for terrain to add in! Let me know what you think!
  12. Thanks SpiralingCadaver, this was actually my first attempt at painting white. It ended up not getting much lighter than cream though, but I liked how it looked so I left it that way. It was fun to paint, so yeah I'd recommend giving something like it a go!
  13. Thanks for tips Viruk, much appreciated! Got around to painting a few more models after a long break! Mindless Zombie Cerberus Bete Noire Let me know what you think!
  14. I've painted a few more guys in the past week and would like to hear some feedback if I could! After about 18 months away my hands were not so steady but I think I did alright: Mindless Zombie Myranda I was pretty happy with how the skin tone came out on Myranda and so I'd like to hear what people think about it!
  15. Very nice lines on the models! Interesting to see some green skinned zombies too! Very nice!
  16. I'm not sure if you're saying you aren't particularly interested in using the Wyrd models, but if you are I think you could fairly easily convert the theme from ice to desert. Switching to a primarily brown colour scheme would allow you to make the robed models appear if they are wearing those long white or light brown robes that are worn in the desert, or maybe duster jackets. The golems could be switched to rock golems also if you want to keep a unified colour scheme. I imagine that that wouldn't look too bad!
  17. Yeah looks good! Nice transition from blue to purple, looks very ethereal!
  18. Yeah looks good! Nice transition from blue to purple, looks very ethereal!
  19. Well I don't have the box set myself, and this might be something you already know, but these construction instructions may help: http://www.malifaux.com/Instructions/WRD20303.jpg Perhaps, it is the piece on his shoulder, or an alternative to it?
  20. The layering is really nice on these, very smooth. I think the blues on the Ice Golem are especially nice, really awesome stuff!
  21. The model does look nice! But I do agree with Omenbringer, a closer shot or some better lighting would be good, I'd like to see it up close! Nice colours on the base too!
  22. I like your white robes, pretty impressive shading on them considering how hard it can be to get white right! Would like to see how well it looks on the Witchling Stalkers if you have any close ups! Awesome stuff Ryoken!
  23. Thanks for the compliments guys, very much appreciated! If anyone is still interested I will hopefully be posting more pictures soon!
  24. It's part of Nicodem's Zombie Control rule. If he wishes to Cheat Fate for a Mindless Zombie, he must first discard a card.
  25. Thanks Viruk, it's not my best paint job ever, but earth tones just tie together so well that it looks good. Basing these Beasts is a lot of fun also!
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