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Everything posted by Spiku

  1. I would just like to say I think he's pretty darn good, especially with mozzies, and with ophelia to pull him about. I just don't like his model, him, or the idea that anyone but Ophelia should be at the front ;3
  2. Edit: damn, was writing my response between work so it ended up posted after you responded. I'll second Zorida, even if you just want to take Remi and Ophelia with some Bayou's! Zorida is a very different angle given the WP game. Though I'll always run Ophelia (until I get my Green Justice!) In my short experience of Malifaux I've found that many people fall into the like Ophelia, don't care for Som'er category, myself included. Personally I suggest lots of Bayou Gremlins, because shooting is good, but I don't like feilding multiples, so definately get Young LaCroix, they count as totems anyway =D Slop Hauler is a really, really good suggestion though. If you like Pere, and feel silly, you can also get a pigapult; you can't fire pigs, but you can fire pere at people (then shoot him if he doesn't die) or you can throw gremlins at objectives, which is funny~ but yeah, Slop Haulers, Young LaCroix, and Bayou Gremlins are all good
  3. Tell us about it Janet! Both =3 I got a pencil that needs to be put to work~
  4. I have to admit I'm really surprsied at the vote turn out, but given I have Hulk Hogan and his midget wrestling show added on facebook I'm not surprised by him being voted 1st, especially given how strong he is. But Ophelia being 3rd place is a tragedy! Her grotesque little sculpt and funtastic background and GREMLINS 2 PEOPLE! WATCH GREMLINS 2 AGAIN!
  5. Thanks again for the kind words =3 I'll draw some more stuffs up on the weekend. I also agree the switching thing is not very suitable; I mean, if she were to have something like that, it would make more sense to let her have a spell that she can replace with one from the target master at some arbitrary cost. The thing is that Ophelia's character is pretty established in that she has plagarised Perdita, and there is a background supporting it. For her to be able to switch at will in taking the character of someone else seems to be breaking away from what has been established. Lady Justice Ophelia was more a ponderation of what could have happened if she met the death marshals first. Sure we know she values human gear, there's probably all sorts of weapons, clothes, snatched magazines, bottle caps and who knows what back at her base, but I can't imagine she'd have a wardrobe of costumes and matching weapons for each person she encounters ;3 I think my picks for avatar Ophelia would definately be more like, riding a piggy with pistols akimbo or something. I just -want- a Justice LaCroix, preferably with some sort of way of disabling Insignificant during her activation, because full melee gremlin with other gremlins shooting over her head (or each other) into combat makes me giggle!
  6. Bugger, if I realised this was still ongoing when I saw it on 1st I'd have jumped in >=3
  7. Yeah but you field them at the same time, rather than alternating the model for one character~
  8. When you attend with a dozen different ophelia sculpts for fielding one model at a time... youch.
  9. I generally don't like it =3 Battleaxes don't seem to fit in with the Bayou image Even more so because he doesn't have a built in way to overcome being made Insignificant~ If only
  10. You seem to have accidently written down some names alongside Ophelia's. You should probably edit the other ones out
  11. What's Wevelation? By the by, was it you on the ophelia vox? That was some impressive Gremlin support if so ;3 Amusingly this all started from a mispronounciation of LaCroix as LaCruce. So Bruce LaCruce came about, a Crocodile Dundee joke Gremlin alligator (crocodile) hunter with tooth necklace and machette as big as himself, give him things like scout, bonus vs animals, that's not a knife riposte vs others with swords, and an action that could remove insignificant for the duration of his activation. We thought it was funny ;3 When we first talked about an Avatar Ophelia in the household, people were suggesting all sorts of ways to make her height 2 to get over Hamlin: Riding a pig, a still turned into a motorbike, a Bayou hovercraft, a scrap Cadillac... it went on. I did like the pig mounted Ophelia but then Som'er did it! So I think having an ability or what have you that would let you remove insignificant in mêlée would have been fun; bad enough you have to get her that close, should at least be able to jump on Hamlin's feet a bit ;3
  12. When I'm not painting, or assembling, or wenching, or working, maybe; for now simple sketches are easier when I have no real commitment to them! When I was looking at alternative minis to represent Bayou Gremlins, because I don't want to have lots of the SAME miniature on the field, I saw the guns/hats accessory pack and thought: Man, I'd love to see an gremlin in the bonnet with a gun. Just the aforementioned amusement at the idea that they're wearing human gear, so they think they look awesome. I still need to work out what to do about alternative Bayou Gremlins mind you =< I'll have to sculpt up my idea for avatar ophelia, and green justice, then get petitioning at Malifaux! Given the nice little reception from you few chaps in this thread I'm sure I could get a little ineffectual hoard of gremlin begging =3
  13. I'm flattered, you certainly may. I suspect I'll be adding it to my signature at some point though XD She's definitely my fave~ Hell she'd have been the only one I drew if it wasn't for the fact people liked the idea of the different ways Ophelia might have turned out depending on who was nearby.
  14. took me ages to find a picture of that weird sword thingy, I probably should have just given her a meat cleaver or something instead, far more Gremliny =3c If I spent more than a few minutes on these, my original plan was of course to have the gremlins as death marshals with justice; with Colette, I would have drawn all the gremlins in dresses (with expressions indicating that they felt badass due to their awesome human gear). I was intending on doing the very same as your suggestion there later on XD Great minds ;3
  15. Sorry not as neat as the others, ran out of space on the page and I realised that doing big oversized boots is a bit hard when the person in question has little legs. We'll pretend that I didn't forget to shade the other parts of the coat Decided to make the fringe cover her eyes to stick with the theme
  16. I shall treasure this message forever~ That's a mechanical pigeon I'll have you know! Feel a little silly for not having noticed your signature featuring lilith... Oh well, let's see what I can't do
  17. I'm ashamed to say I'm not familiar with Lilith =X Guess who:
  18. I dig your name by the way; reveals your faction to anyone in the know even without your signature ;3 Any recommendations then for someone else she could have mimicked then? I was originally just going to draw Ophelia if her crew had been hired by the Guild, and for some reason this came out of it XD Thinking about it, a gremlin Justice would be pretty scary; size 1 in mêlée combat meaning she wont get shot by her own side What would Ophelia's avatar be called though? Avatar of Tenacity?
  19. Thanks guis! What of Ophelia as Lady Justice? I'm not sure LaCroix Marshals would be able to carry/fit anyone inside of a coffin though! Or do you mean like if Ophelia had met someone else first? That's awesome XD I had been trying to think of a good Avatar Ophelia but couldn't think of one.
  20. Edit 2: Anyone got suggestions to draw for this weekend? Edit: So this was supposed to be just the picture below because I thought it was a fun idea, I might even try sculpting it, but now there are other pictures in the thread, so do have a look through~ Original: What if the Ortega weren't who the LaCroix met first? Justice Lacroix?
  21. Just throwing in another support for detol! I stripped about 900 metal minis with it, a few plastics, and don't have to smell as bad as Ratty!
  22. The Malifaux website itself is a lot of fun for reading, character -and- game information is appreciated. I was worried that it may be the only meat to read through though~ Once I return from work I shall certainly peruse the links you mention. Much obliged.
  23. So myself and my faithful manservant had picked up some Malifaux boxed lot, largely following her harping on about how fun the background fluff was: She went for Seamus, I've gone for Ophelia. Not yet picked up the actual rules and what have you, but I was wondering how much background material is there for the reading of? Clearly Ortega and Lacroix have their engagement going, but is it pretty much as fleshed out on the site, or is there greater detail to be had than the brief snippets?
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