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Everything posted by SpiralngCadavr

  1. Okay, thanks, I'm sure there are more mistakes I'll make, but I think that's all of the questions I have right now.
  2. Cool, thanks for the info. I've come from WM, and while not a tournament-goer, even casual games of WM are pretty competitive. I'm very much enjoying Malifaux' more flexible/casual system, but wasn't sure about picking crews, so, thanks!
  3. So, I'm getting the sense that Malifaux, because you choose your crews after finding out the scenario, has a lot of list customization. I'm curious how people customize their lists. Is it… 1) have a given list for a master, pick masters based on scenario 2) have 50-75% of your force picked out for a master, flavor to taste (i.e. enemy faction, scenario) 3) have a core of your force picked out for a master (i.e. master, totem, a couple minions that work well with them) 4) start from scratch most of the time 5)something else?
  4. Yeah, I thought it was around the turn of the 20th c., with a few incoherencies, mostly from before they had a game.
  5. Okay, so, are there any other types of duels that look like simple duels, but are treated as opposed? Thanks, again
  6. Okay, thanks. I guess this thread will probably walk the line of painting and gaming, so, for my current list, it would look something like: Mcmourning + 6 -Zombie Chuhuahua 2 Sebastian 6 Rotten Belle 4 Crooked Man 4 Dead Rider 10 Flesh Construct 7 ---possibly replace for something cheaper? Maybe a punk zombie? 3 soulstones remaining @30 points
  7. Thanks for the info, that clears most things up! Okay, so, a simple duel is a stat plus your draw, to reach a target number, right? Does that mean that most vs. WP spells ignore Immune to Influence, b/c it's Attacker: simple duel to cast, followed by Defender: simple duel vs. the total the attacker got? To clarify, the two abilities I was looking at were McMourning's Wracked with pain (cc: 12/Rst: WP/ Rg:12) and Rotten Belle's Lure (also Rst: WP)
  8. Thanks! I've already gotten a set of guild autopsies done (and their living counterparts done at the same time, to match) and intend to do the same with Justice/Dead Justice. I tried out a belle and some crooked men and liked how they handled, so may paint them, too. After that, I'm not sure-- I've recently traded for a ton of Malifaux minis, so potential crews include any of the construct masters, and bits and pieces of other stuff. From my two games, I was feeling sort of like I didn't have a serious punch to my crew. Any suggestions on what would be the best? I have a Desolation Engine and a Dead Rider waiting for paint, I forget what else.
  9. Nicely coherent. Also, showoff! (re: the box they're on)
  10. Very nice detail work, there! It's been ages since I've touched a 54mm mini...
  11. Hopefully it's fine to post a few questions in one thread here... Composition 1- is Zoraida supposed to pay extra for out of faction pieces? I think all of the other special ones I've run across (Marcus, Leveticus, etc.) don't 2- what are common point sizes for games? I know there's ranges, but, for instance, I assume 32 soulstones isn't common 3- it seems like Kirai can ally w/ the Dreamer in larger games b/c he's a spirit? Is this incorrect? If so, why, and if not, how does that work with taking more Neverborn? Rules Q's 4- what is a WP duel? any duel that involves the WP stat? It seems like Immune to Influence is a very strong ability... thanks in advance!
  12. Yeah, it's a pretty standard color scheme-- Wyrd's one of the first companies where I don't often feel I can improve on their color schemes. Thanks, re: the turquoise-- it doesn't fit the time period, but reads much stronger. I can't remember how I mixed it, though, so I'm worried about any more medical-themed minis... Re: resizing, I meant on the forums-- I uploaded these for my blog, which auto-resized them, and was looking for a %scale or something like that here...
  13. Just thought I'd share my first bit of a collection. I've only played two games with it, and am pretty sure I'm still playing a number of rules wrong, but I'm still loving the game, and buying/trading way more than I probably should. I wrote a bit more on my blog, but for those of you just interested in pics, I re-posted them below. I'm not sure why they're appearing so large, so if anyone knows how to resize them here, I'd appreciate it. I've finished some Guild Autopsies, but haven't based them, then I'm looking at possibly doing a Leveticus crew.
  14. Oh, I guess this was also the same thing, but the order confused me...
  15. This is what I was looking for, thanks! Can you give a page # for this, because I never got the sense that you were comparing the two numbers. Looks like my first game of Malifaux was particularly brutal (we were basing the combat total off of the attacker's total, until we decided that must be wrong, so stopped modifying damage based on duels (just on rules that stated +/- cards)). I also see how adding to a losing score is still beneficial, thanks for noting that, too. Thanks!
  16. So, I finally played my first Malifaux game last night, and, while I'm a bit confused on how to use some pieces (not the rules, but what they're best at), I'm loving the mechanics and feel of the game. However, I'm confused by how damage is worked out. I get the +/- card part, based on various abilities, but not what the bit is with the "combat total"(? I don't have the rules with me) does. If I'm interpreting it correctly, it seems like almost all of the time, you get zero or a bonus card for damage, and having more than one card penalty seems almost impossible... Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any FAQ (please send a link if you've got one...) Thanks in advance
  17. Cool, thanks. I'm looking forward to my first game this weekend, and I'm sure the adaptation won't come immediately, but I'm pretty stoked to try the game out finally...
  18. Yeah, I've learned to step lightly after a bad loss So, I was thinking maybe I'd do me playing McMourning vs. her playing Rasputina (rules disadvantage for me)?
  19. I'd say, all of the last few books in an Orson Scott Card series (of the ones I've read, haven't read one in 7+ years at this point). There's always one that I just can't finish, a couple books from the end. Also, not that I'd necessarily call them books, but lately the Warmachine fiction has really ticked me off-- part of why I made the leap to Malifaux.
  20. Hi, thanks, and I definitely agree-- I've started a few different armies/factions/gangs/whatever based on stats instead of minis/fluff, but invariably find myself bored unless I like them. So, when I started collecting malifaux, I started with pieces I liked (that I could also get by trading off other minis). I haven't gotten anything based on rules, but now there's the conundrum of not knowing if things would be a bad idea to try the game with. So, basically, the thing is, my wife has a nice enough time playing miniatures games, but I'd rather not turn her off from a new game (for us) because of what's inherently a bad matchup.
  21. So, being a hobbyist first and a gamer second, I've collected a few malifaux crews and started reading the rules, but am not sure which would be a good match to try first. I have a few other models, but have started with the following starter sets: Lady Justice Rasputina Viktorias McMourning …and I was hoping for a pretty even match: for instance, it seems like Rasputina's crew would shut down most of McMourning's abilities, given that there's only one non-construct, so (I think) I'd want to avoid that one. Thanks in advance for any advice. …edit: I realized this might not be the right area for this question, please let me know if there's a better one.
  22. Oh! That's hard to notice, thanks. Looks like I have a few new and a few old.Any chance Wyrd has any sort of exchange program? Also, when I saw people playing malifaux, I noticed some extra wide card sleeves- I assume they aren't specialized, but don't know what they're called… Thanks
  23. Hi, again, thanks, everyone, for the feedback. I ended up getting a few things from trading minis, but realized, I wasn't sure how to tell if cards are new or old? (My rulebooks haven't come yet, so I'm not sure if that would cover it.) Thanks again.
  24. Yeah, colette was appealing b/c they're some really neat/unconventional minis. I decided to pass on them first (going with Dead Justice and Friekorps for starters), mostly because I don't want to start with trickier rules. I also got the basic mini rulebook. Since I don't have the rules yet, is one deck enough for two people to play with, or do you both need decks? Yeah, I have plenty of gaming materials and, conveniently, a number of Malifaux-sized minis, so that's easy. I also hear that Malifaux tends to have a lot of terrain, compared to a typical miniatures game? Thanks, everyone, for all of your help! I'm very much looking forward to trying this system out!
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