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Kogan Style

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Posts posted by Kogan Style

  1. Hi all,

    I keep hearing that when Brewmaster obeys a target to hit Brewie, Brewie manipulates the total to hit his trigger, the model's original controller gets to place the model in the deployment zone. 

    Can someone explain why this is? I understand that normally if an enemy model attacks Brewmaster and he hits his trigger, the opponent gets to place the model but it seems like Brewmaster becomes the model's controller for the duration of the action, and the defence trigger says the attacker's controller gets to place the model, which would be Brewmaster? 

    Rule text:

    (1) Obey (Ca 7 / TN: 14:mask / Rst: Wp / Rg 12): Target non-Leader model immediately performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model’s controller. A model which performed an Attack due to Obey may not be targeted by Obey again during the same Activation.

    Df (:mask:tome) You're drunk, go home: After an Attack Action fails against this model, the Attacker's controller places the Attacking model anywhere in its deployment zone.

  2. I'm struggling to follow the diagram but I'm looking forward to 1 AP combos that might work! 

    Mei w/ Press the Advantage and Seismic Claws

    Tiger Claws :mask (+ Stone/Flip/Cheat :crow) to trigger Ride the Rails. Place within 6" and auto-trigger either another rail walk or Jackhammer Kick. Then you can kick and declare one of the 2 Seismic Claw triggers depending on the situation: :mask Tremors: Tiger Claw attack against another target after pushing the model 3" away, or :tome Rolling Ground: Push the target 2" and take the Jackhammer Kick against the same target.

    Starting with the Jackhammer Kick is a little more resource intensive as you need a :mask and a :crow.

    Of course the dream set up is that 2 enemies trapped with no way to push out of engagement, then Mei tiger claws them both as much as she is able before you decide to trigger Ride the Rails and go fight something else. 




  3. 48 minutes ago, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

    Are you sure it works this way?

    The Charm of Hiding  action doesn't have the usual 'model's next activation or or until this model is removed from play' wording on the playtest cards, so it should work if it stays as written.

    Disguised is a condition, so it can be removed.  

  4. 18 hours ago, Angelshard said:

    I'm curious as to why you don't think cheating bastard is good enough.

    Your whole crew cheating last seems so strong to me that it's worth risking huggy for. Every time the opponent wins with a weak or low moderate card he's forced to cheat air take a huge risk. Coupled with your already awesome deck management and I think it'll be amazing.

    I want to like it, but it is only model within 6" :aura of Lynch or Huggy (this might have changed; my cards are at home and I'm going off the playtest cards). The usual way of playing Huggy and Lynch means Huggy will rush off and die (but then come back ;)) and lynch activating last which means the rest of the crew will be fairly spread out. 

    Without Rising Sun you'll be towing round a def 3 henchman  that you'll probably want to activate later in the round to get some healing from it's trigger. 

    Can we think of builds that might make use of the Cheating upgrade?

    Lynch - Cheating Bastard, Expert Cheater, Woke Up with a Hand

    Cheat second if within 6" of Lynch or Huggy, cheat face down if within LoS of Lynch. Lynch gains a layer of defense with the squeal trigger and Woke up with a hand for more cards at the end of the turn. Hopefully Cheating Bastard would be able to put Brilliance on one target via card draw (Lynch activates and you choose to activate Woke up with a hand, and then House Rules) which will save AP for Final Debt (and possibly a card. Opponents don't want their model to gain Brilliance with Lynch around and I usually have to cheat to ensure it goes off) 

    Even with the possibilities this provides, I'd still want to include 2 TC warirors so I could switch to Rising Sun in a turn (1 TC activates, switches Cheating Bastard to Wanna see a Trick, 2nd TC activates and switches Expert Cheater to Rising Sun)

    Any other ideas?



  5. I have two - and what is hugely frustrating is I buy them with the specific intent to use that ability:

    1) Equality - I regularly forget to use it in-turn when VP is scored, and usually forget it twice before finally remembering on turn 4

    2) Death Contract - I usually put it on when I think the model will be targeted (for scheme purposes) and when the model dies, I promptly forget to reveal Death Contract every single time :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

    • Like 2
  6. Welcome to Malifaux, and specifically; Welcome to the Greatest of the Factions, beloved of the Game Designer, and whose models draw the green gaze of jealousy whenever they are announced at the crew selection stage,

    You will always (99% anyway) be choosing from either: Shadow Emissary or Sensei Yu. These guys supply fast and pushes in different ways, which is really key as we tend to be low on activation count so its imperative to get maximum efficiency from our activation when its our turn.

    Terracotta Warriors, Low River Monks, and Thunder Brothers are common hires but I suspect the Thunder Brother might get replaced with Charm Warders once they arrive.

    Common models with the Master (from the second faction)

    Yan Lo - Goryo

    McCabe - Guild Hounds

    Lynch - Illuminated are the best (and TT) but you might see a Depleted if the strategy calls for it

    Mei Feng - I don't take Arcanist models but I do take the Mech. Porkchop as it has the Foundry characteristic. It can be found in the Gremlin faction

    Misaki - Nothing. I might take a Wokou Raider in Interference but not usually

    Brewmaster - Wesley (and the 7ss tax *mumble grumble*)






  7. 15 hours ago, Hound Grey said:

    Would like to see an Alt Pathfinder, its a model that you could easily take multiples of but the model is so unique looking it dosnt look right on the board with two of them.

    Can it please be a Bear with a rifle, with a Human skin draped over its shoulders?? 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  8. I think its fine to have large teams formed from club mates, I think its fine that people who play each other regularly Don't want to pay for the privilege of driving 5 hours only to find out they are playing one of their regular opponent(s) in Round 1.

    I think the only issue is when a large contingent of such a team turns up to an event. If either all the Paintpot guys turned up (14) to a 28 man tournament and expected to face none of their own team I think that would skew the draw too much, same as if the Flippin Wyrds all turned up. Now I don't know if this has ever happened outside of Nationals (where the player pool is big enough to accommodate) but I think its something to consider.

    "If a team of more than 6 members had 6 members turn up for a tournament, then the TO should be able to prevent any club matches. If more than 6 members turn up, then there should be a reasonable expectation that you may play one of your own club mates in round 1."

    Something like this in a rulespack could cover the situation/debate here (I just picked 6, could be higher as I'm not in a large team and don't know how many from such a team travel round together)  


  9. I like Otto, but I prefer him in McCabe or Brewmaster Crews. Misaki models need to be self sufficient and Otto needs extra thought with regards to his wound count.

    I'm not a fan of Izamu, back in my Ressur playing days I found him to be a grreat tarpit and not a damage dealer and I think he has a similar role in TT.

  10. On 8/20/2017 at 9:44 AM, AJ said:

    How many players have you got  signed up for this event it looks like only 4 so far  looking at this forum can you put up a list of who is attending ?

    12 on Facebook group @AJ

    1. Sean Wheeliker (paid)
    2. Adam Perry (paid)
    3. Karl McConnell (paid)
    4. Craig Woods
    5. Ellis Roberts
    6. Marcus Rose (paid)
    7. Ross Baker (paid)
    8. Paul Rigden
    9. Scott Wyatt
    10. Rich Bream
    11. James Marlowe
    12. Ellis Roberts

    • Like 1
  11. To echo others - it's how you play Misaki and what the strategy and schemes require. Something that requires a dedicated kill (Eliminate and Quick) I would favour Yu over Emissary as fast Misaki is likely to kill what you need to get the VP. 

    Games where Hunting Party or schemes that make fielding henchmen a liability (tail em or FFM) or a secondary beater is going to be helpful (and in most games they definitely are) then the Emissary gets the nod for me as he can give the enforcer/beater fast and still pull some weight itself if needed. Plus giving Misaki an extra AP can really help as she pin balls through a crew.

  12. It's a real nice decision we get to make in deciding whether Yu or the Emissary get in at the crew building stage. For me the Emissary is a great fit for Lynch and Mei while Yu is great for Brewmaster and Asami (the conflux might swing it The other way). I find Shen and Misaki crews benefit from either well enough. It's really about what the models in the crew are there to accomplish that helps decide which to include. 

    What is a little sad is that you never see Yu in anything but Wandering River style, his card just seems geared towards it almost exclusively (focus for fast etc...)

    I have made crews with neither and felt fine but in theoryfaux world it's hard not to lean on push+fast option!

  13. Obsidan Oni damaging an enemy will generate a scrap marker.

    You could add Burt Jensen into that list. Keep him close to a peasant and he can make it the target of an attack via Slippery. Peasant gets killed and you get a corpse marker and a stone!


  14. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    It was also only 2 gremlin players in the top 50, out of a total of 12 Gremlin players at the UKGT2016. Not really dominating. 2 firsts, 1 second and 1 3rd in the last 10 ranked events in the uk is right on the average

    I would have reckless (and drunk and ) give fast, but thats about the only change I would think was needed.


    A mono Zipp player was 33rd @wobbly_goggy

  15. 12 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:
    22 hours ago, Wake of Godzilla said:

    So I have a larger step to suggest. One of the main "comments" on the TT within the UK at the moment is that they lack the activations to be competitive. With the High River supposed to be fast and hard hitting, what about dropping the card requirement for the 3rd attack and adding in a zero which allows them to discard a card for reactivate. 

    Lynch breaks that. :(

    Just place the card at the bottom of the deck like the Terracotta Warrior does, as a rule for reactivate 

  16. On 7/8/2017 at 2:03 AM, InvokeChaos said:

    Saracenar's Plight: Reduce the damage this model suffers from the Burning condition to 0.

    Even better (and more in keeping with the monks) give them Brutal Sensei like the Low River Monks. Immunity to Slow, Poison and Burning.

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