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Everything posted by Mehter

  1. Ya, my Tara came with no bases or cards at GenCon. But I went back to the booth the next and they took care of it.
  2. You have to treat the Nothing Best like a pretty pretty princess until it's time for him to do some damage. You can do this with belles. And more belles. Then some belles after that. I'm not overly impressed with the Wretches, but I guess I need to use them more. I'm going to try to make a Tara resser list that doesn't use Dead of Winter. But I don't think it'll be viable until wave 2 releases, for reasons Fetid has said. I'm willing to bet our in house beatsticks will be more survivable and do roughly the same damage as Nothing Beast.
  3. You'd have to have extremely small magnets and drill bits. I don't think it'd be worth it. That said, Death Marshall 1 seems a bit larger than the rest, so maybe on him.
  4. Flaming heads would probably fit better with Tara. But! I'd rather use normal heads and paint them like zombies. Just like what I'm doing with the new Ronin box. Plus some bits from my old punk zombies/Ashigaru
  5. Nicodem can do much the same with Rigor Mortis and dogs, but still. It's fun either way.
  6. I broke my retro deck in with a night of poker and euchre. It was pretty fun.
  7. Also, I tried that one game. Took Tara, a couple wretches, cthulu, then Sybelle with Not Too Banged Up and a bunch of belles. I lured a Death Marshall to my side of the table on Turn 1, gave Fast to everything, killed the Death Marshall with Cthulu, then threw down all my scheme markers for Line in the Sand. I may have had to put an extra one or two down on T2. But I guess you can't have everything.
  8. You are welcome to greenstuff as much clothes as you possibly want, you know.
  9. I liked the old west feel of the old Ronin. The new Ronin, however, will look amazing once I do a bit of kit bashing and painting them up as zombies for Seamus themed punk zombies. I'm also considering doing a second box to further customize for Doug themed punk zombies. Like cutting two Ronin in half and gluing the torsos together, so they're just a torso rolling around with katanas. I don't know, Doug's weird.
  10. His 0 action does help with getting cards out of your hand as well. 13 is a high price to pay, though.
  11. Ya, he and Betty both. As a Resser I guess you could do both.
  12. I think the Hanged may be good with her if you want to try and emulate a Seamus terror list, but with Fast/Slow/Bury instead of lure/lure/pounce. As far as Outcasts, I have no idea. Hanna would be decent, as would Ronin. I'm not really fluent in list building with them, though.
  13. I figured the last line on Pull the Void has something to do with setting up the next turn. Or something.
  14. She's pretty heavily Outcast, which makes sense. However, I'm trying to think up a Resser list to run tonight as it's the normal Malifaux day. I think just the usual suspects of Belles/Punks. I'm thinking if you want to run a Henchman, only Sybelle really makes sense. Morti's Fresh Meat doesn't work with anyone but Tara (Which could be useful in some cases), but I think Sybelle and a couple belles to go along with the Nothing Beast/Wretchs would work fairly well for a base list. Having two or three belles pull something across the table for Tara's Temporal Shift on Turn 1 could be pretty useful as well.
  15. I think Tara will be a blast to play and figure out. I can't imagine her having a set "Crew" in either Outcast or Resser. Killjoy will be great with her, but so will Bette Noir. It'll take 10 losses to figure out how to use her abilities, I think. I might try her out tomorrow. Wretches remind me a lot of the tiny beasts that Legion has in Hordes. I think they'll be fun to paint.
  16. Just read all the cards, now my head hurts. I also, for the first time ever, wish Death Marshals were good. I feel like I'll be buying an outrageous amount of Guild models for my Resser crews at GenCon.
  17. If anything, the first fifteen minutes I was actually able to sit through made me like M2E more.
  18. Yin is decent with Yan Lo, as is Toshiro. But Toshiro really just becomes another buff support for Izamu with Yan Lo. He is simply too many points when you factor in Izamu and the rest of his crew. I still very much like the Drowned with him. However, I really like him with Nicodem. His optional summoning is great, as you can let Nicodem have all the corpse counters, or just use all his actions to paralyze things, then let Toshiro summon a punk zombie then hit something. Plus his high cost doesnt' get in the way, as Nicodem obviously summons things, instead of just recycling them. The combination of +2 Cb and +2 fate on the attack means your punk zombies will never miss, unless you flip the black joker. (Trying to remember all this v1 stuff is making my head hurt. I've just decided to do the v2 stuff at GenCon, heh)
  19. I don't know where I'm supposed to go now. I can't just start yelling about how Seamus needs 4 different heal triggers on his bag in the normal faction forum.
  20. If you're staying in 1.5 for a bit, Izamu doesn't have much synergy with Doug unfortunately. He is to slow without some form of pushing him up the table, and Doug doesn't help with that. However, look into the Dead Rider. He's fast on his own, hits about as hard, and can heal himself if needed. Other models I use for Doug are The Drowned, Canine Remains, usually a Belle, and various other things based on the strategies.
  21. I'm willing to bet that his paths will be seperate, limited upgrades. Or something to that effect.
  22. Well the Africans could grip it by the husk.
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