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Shank Seamus!

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Everything posted by Shank Seamus!

  1. Hi all, Wondering as the last post is dated 2010 whether this is still relevent? I.e are in character batreps still rated and prizes given for the best? Cheers, SS!
  2. Also, and this was used against me last night, in heavy terrain boards(so a good Mali board) his toss trigger is horrible! I had a wood with 3 gremlins in, making use of the terrain against the ortega's.. in charged bishop and threw them out, straight into firing lines.. was just lucky the attack flips were naff.. SS!
  3. Thought I read somewhere that mctavish was outcast, it was just mis labels on press release... Could be wrong... SS!
  4. Well he is a merc afterall, why on earth would you hire a specialist if his/her skill set has nothing to contribute..? I understand where people are coming from though, its hard to break the warhammer and 40k habits if Youv played it for so long.. just wish my bayou crew had the option.. well kinda.. SS!
  5. The additional soulstones are the number that follows their henchman characteristic, so in a 25ss game if you take a henchman 4, it gives you an additional 4 to play with, a henchman 6 would give you 6 more and so on.. SS!
  6. This is correct at least, It's how I play my Orphelia crew so I hope your right SS!
  7. Well ikiryo is unique and buried models only count as dead If they'r still buried at the end of the game. So id say no.. could be wrong tho.. SS!
  8. Hi, I would play it as your option b, I believe you declare which pigs you want affected, then make wp and damage flips. Would seem a little cheesy to be able to crowd a target and explode them one at a time til the jobs done and then save the rest for another target... SS!
  9. It's artillery, so I would say it ignores cover. Walls, bushes and similar 2d scenery isn't gonna do much from something falling from the sky on you.. unless by cover you mean the Target is in a building, what with buildings having roofs an all.. SS!
  10. It's artillery, so I would say it ignores cover. Walls, bushes and similar 2d scenery isn't gonna do much from something falling from the sky on you.. unless by cover you mean the Target is in a building, what with buildings having roofs an all.. SS!
  11. Well as hamelin can't be the Target of spells or abilities from ht1 or insignificant models, I would say no.. Could be wrong, but at first glance, it reads like that. SS!
  12. Also If the rules (don't have em on hand) say the bracket below.. 0 dg isn't a bracket, surely?
  13. For what its worth, I would agree with this.. SS!
  14. Hey, well nix isn't a merc, so couldn't be hired by anyone else that isn't an outcast, right? And although old hamelin can hire 1 height 1 model new nix is height 2, so that wouldn't work. Perhaps abit more context on how you'd be using them, might help with a more definitive answer.. Although I would say no based purely on fluff.. SS!
  15. I would have to agree with cerealkiller, I wouldn't worry so much about what your opponent is taking as both 'should' be selecting what would win the mission for you. SS!
  16. I think both answers have their sides, just be nice to get some clarification, but I do realise that the powers that be are busy with gencon.. wish I was going..
  17. Ok, but if that is the case, then the current explanation of the rule is so so far from being accurate.. surely (having not checked every possibility) there's plenty that adds +1 to things, damage/blasts that are redundant when flipping weak? SS!
  18. Afternoon all, So here's question, the rules say that any model caught in a resulting explosion, I.e not the hit but the placing of 2nd or 3rd explosion, takes the lower bracket of damage. What if the damage is weak? Does it mean that the models caught in the blast take no damage, or weak like initial hit? Context: I launch an exploding pig at a clustered belle and sybelle, once hit and blast marker placed, I flip weak damage, as the belle is the Target and hit, she takes 2 wounds, plus 1 and blast for using a stuffed piggy, which catches sybelle, sybelle should take the bracket below damage, but as its weak anyway.. what should she have taken? We played that she took the damage, but I know i won't hear the end of it if she should have taken nothing.. Cheers! SS!
  19. Just another Thursday night in malifaux's red district...
  20. Really good game, I had deliver a message which had me laughing to myself all game, til I.got carried away with the pigapult and forgot to lauch Orphelia turn 4.. which unfortunately meant seamus won. The suggestion of dropping Rami, in exchange for more bayou gremlins is a lesson learned, as Rami got lured out into the open.. and I did find myself being out activated. SS!
  21. Do it! Be nice to not have to face the undying seamus.. I could take on the malifaux mindset but I didn't think you'd be too happy playing against a random assortment off bases.. plus I spent ages sculpting my swamp bases especially! SS!
  22. I did consider that.. however as il be model repping the youngster, pigs and bayou gremlins, I figured is try and keep it simple for tonight.. are the young'be worth it?
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