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Everything posted by LonelyPath

  1. In lots of pain here Steam. So much so that I had to miss my doctors appointment this morning coz I can barely move. Then again, I also couldn't get a taxi. Currently waiting for them to call me back with a new appointment. However, I have filled out my pledge manager for reaper Bones, disappointed international backers now have to wait until next year to get anything, but I can be patient. Still, I do want them all now dammit! Also, anyone else disgusted at the prices of the new Chaos Codex and Horus Heresy FW book? I swore out loud when I saw them!
  2. Afternoon all! I have been off busily finishing off my Graveyard terrain for Malifaux, playing on the Xbox and messing about with Magic cards. Sadly it's left very little time for forums and I am slowly assembling my Gencon minis, heh. I have another set of Gravestones to paint up, plus 3 mausoleums and my terrain set will be finished (and amazingly it all fits in to a box the size of the GW Dark Vengeance set) and then it is on to my Mining Town. Steam, I agree with you on whether or not things are intentionally there as tabs or things to be removed, I had to green stuff the back of Misaki's neck because a tab looks like a bit of excess sprue. Also, the Ten Thunders box does not have the parts numbered, thankfully someone has posted a link in the Gencon Orders thread for me to print off so I can work out what part belongs to what model. Shang's Tail is a nasty piece though, plus it seems the Ten Thunders models do not like to fit on the bases provided for them (Shang is huge and his paws hang off the base) all that well.
  3. ~Sneaks up behind everyone, shouts "BOO!" and then hides again~ Yep, still alive, just caught up on the Xbox a lot again... Well, when not assembling decks for magic: the Gathering, painting minis, etc.
  4. Sorry to hear about the fire. I have been told by many that I know that Gremlins are fun, but never tried them myself (never liked the models for them personally and not seen any suitable proxies yet) but will eventually. I do like Sonnia and Colette though and always found them fun to play.
  5. Hey all! Malifaux tonight against one of my regular opponents. I think I'll try Sonnia with the Witchling Handler and 4 Witchlings tonight, heheh.
  6. Afternoon all! Had great fun at the Kill team tournament yesterday but am really suffering from it now and will be stuck in bed again today (still, at least I have the Xbox up there to play on if I get bored). I finished very low down in the rankings yesterday, but it was a laugh all the same. My Grey Knights did admirably, just a shame that my Orks didn't do as well. Then again, game 2 had me facing Sentinels (in KT?!) and I couldn't beat their armour, the 3rd game had me against terminators that couldn't fail a armour save, grr), so there wasn't much I could do against things like that. People loading up on flame-based weapons and taking Torrent also did not helps, the organiser has already said some things will be banned from the next tourney (no more than 1 vehicle per list, no 2+ saves, not Torrent, etc) to bring it back to something more fun that cannot be taken advantage of. Currently waiting for all the Gears of War 3 DLC to download, I wish my internet would just stay fast and not keep slowing down Catch ye all later!
  7. I like the Sophie model, lol! I was tempted to chick on another \|$3 to get her nekid though, hahahah!
  8. The Reaper Bones kickstarter is only hours from ending and I couldn't resist that Undead Dragon any longer so picked that up too (I have uses that that model). Wish I could add more add-ons as well but maxed out on what I can spend for now What's this about horror movies? I'm a lifelong horror fanatic
  9. I wish there was a tier for book + 1 starter too. If I can afford it, I'll back this one next week unless something else (like Dark Vengeance) takes all my money away form me.
  10. That one is very tempting, even at the Roamer level, I am always in need of more modern day zombies! (I have big plans, heheh). Right now though I am invested in the Reaper Bones kickstarter at Vampire level and sorely tempted to add some extras like the Zombie Dragon and extra Marines. The Relic Knights has been tempting me as well, how long is there left on it?
  11. Morning all! Despite being stuck in bed the last couple of days I have been productive and managed to assemble and paint 10 4"x4" stands covered in graves for my terrain set and started on some forest bases (only painted 2 of them so far and still need flocking, etc., got more to go yet) and begun assembly on some fences (then realised I need bases for them too, oops) so that terrain set is moving along nicely. ~Is about to say more but is interrupted by a fanfare and the huge tarps drop to reveal the Girls stood on a stage that is dominated by a giant box. #66s Younger Sisters Clone gives some big speech before pulling on a rope and nothing happens. She whispers something to some Mannequin which then goes to the box and kicks it repeatedly until the top lifts open to show a 15' Mannequin rising out of it~ Umm... I don't see this ending well... ~After the Mannequin finishes its ascent it stands for a second before plinky plonky music starts to play and the Mannequin turned and dances on the spot~ What the..! A Damned music box?!
  12. Thanks Mako. it's a combo of not resting enough the last few weeks (seems sitting at the pc does not constitute as rest, lol) and not being able to settle well in bed. Still, it means I get to play KoA Reckoning some more and maybe get more gravestones painted (maybe some fences too!), or perhaps put a few walls together, I have enough modeling bricks for them, lol. Either way, if it includes my bed, it's rest and I can easily do any of that there since I do most of my painting in and around my bed, lol! As for the Girls, I really do not want to know. ~Mech Doves flies over, drop and note in my lap and flies off again/ I nervously open the note~ It says here "We are proud to announce the unveiling of the threads newest and bestest feature of greatest awesomeness of all time tomorrow. be here or not, we don't really care, but it's gonna be so awesome you have to be here for it!!!! Signed, the Gothic Showgirls". Of course, I edited it on reading, I don't think the word "awesome" is spelled "OSSUMZ"
  13. Afternoon all! Another bad day for me so I'll be heading back to bed again in a bit, but I just gotta add that I am glad I've opted in to the Bones kickstarter (at Vampire level), all those lovely models. Very tempted to add a couple of extra options like the Zombie Dragon (huge model for $25!) and so on, but Dark Vengeance is out soon so I had best behave myself. Now here's hoping it makes the next goal so I get a free Griffon and Owlbear (though I may add 3 extra Griffons or something small to make in to statues for terrain sets, heh). Hope everyone is well. ~Noticed the strange noises behind the tarps have finished and instead some paint covered Girls are sat in front of them having a smoke~
  14. Since I want many of the minis, it is a bit of a bargain for me, even when you add the $25 shipping. To many models included that I've been aiming to buy in order to paint heheh.
  15. Afternoon all! I see the girls are still busy guarding their tarps and with lots of strange noises coming from behind them, hopefully whatever they are up to will not spell doom for us all. I promise this is the last time I let #66 young sisters clone loose on the thread! Been looking at the Reaper Bones Kickstarter and damn that is to tempting for words, about the drop in to it and pledge at Vampire level. To many models to resist!
  16. Welcome to the forums, just remember to carry some cookies at all times to dissuade any hungry Teddies from eating you
  17. Hamill will always be the Joker for me also, no one's ever gonna top that guy! Shame he's not doing the Joker anymore Loed those cartoons, I need to get them on DVD. ~Notices a 3rd tarp now linked the other 2~ Does anyone notice when the Girls put these things up? They keep multiplying and have managed to close off half the thread!
  18. ~Tries to sneak a peek behind the 2nd tarp and is chased off again~ Ouch, they hit hard with those brooms! ~Settles back in my chair and drinks some more and watches the girls bringing various crates in to the thread, sometimes stopping to whisper and giggle before moving on again~ Well, as long as they're busy I can continue planning my Kill Team forces for next week and drool over that Hellbrute model from the new 40k starter.
  19. Afternoon all, I hope everyone is fine and dandy today! ~Notices a 2nd tarp in the thread with more Girls crowding around it, this one seems to have a lot of sawing and hammering going on behind it~ When'd that one appear?!
  20. Consider me well jealous of your truly amazing skills. Awesome work all round Mako and can't wait to see how things go form here!
  21. ~A chorus of girls behind the tarp join in singing the Red Dwarf theme~ Now they'll be singing it for hours! That does it... ~rolls over a keg from the Ale Monolith~ I'm I'm gonna put up with that, I'm getting drunk!
  22. Heheheh, then Ten Thunders, what are we gonna do with them? I'm just glad the Gothic Showgirls haven't heard of them Oiran yet. Imagine the mess in here if they decided to set them loose on us in this thread?!
  23. ~Laughing at the cow kisses~ Cheers, I needed that! Well today is being filled with old episodes of Red Dwarf and a little painting, but it's slow going and my mind's not really in it. I blame it on the mystery of what is happening behind the tarp.
  24. ~Wakes in my chair to the continuous cacophony of strange noises form behind the tarp which has now become decorated with pink skulls~ Are they still at that? Sheesh... Happy Sunday everyone!
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