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Everything posted by LonelyPath

  1. That one does look interesting, but I am still recovering form the last KS I invested in. Shame they missed out some of Priestley's better games there in the list of credits (like Doctor Who, Chainsaw Warrior which is did a lot of work on, Confrontation (the GW game that was never released and was brilliant!), etc) and yet mentioned Necromunda that was nearly all Jervis Johnson's work, Priestley just lent a hand here and there. Some nice deals in the KS and good designers/sculptors on deck, but I think I will leave it a while to see how it goes, that's a very high goal they are aiming for.
  2. Nope, for me it was D&D way back when I had just turned 8 years old (I am currently 37) and after that it was Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd edition, from there it's a long line of gaming systems, both RPG, card games and miniature wargaming; plus strategy games, play by post, etc. Malifaux came much later but it is presently my favourite system. I do still play 40k occasionally (not a huge fan of 6th edition Cuddling half my armies to oblivion though) alongside All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Rogue Trader/Black Crusade (we mixed the 2 systems for a rp) and Bolt Action, oh and Magic: the Gathering now and then. Sadly I am a hoarder so I still have everything I have ever bought, meaning half the attic is filled with gaming stuff, I may have to have a small clear out one day, lol.
  3. ~Wakes up under a pile of coats which seems to be draped in Gothic Showgirls clutching empty liqour bottles~ What the hell happened in here last night? Notices the thread is partly trashed~ Happy New Year everyone!
  4. ~Comes in to the thread, fiddles with the Ale Monolith a little and has the girls get everyone's' attention~ I am proud to announce that King Goblin is now available for too patrons of this here thread! In the meantime I am going to pour off a few pints and settle down to paint more models for Bolt Action, I have another platoon (this time US Rangers) to paint.
  5. Aye and flamethrowers can be damn lethal in Bolt Action, automatic hits, lots of pinning markers on the target unit, you can cripple them effectively even without inflicting casualties, heheh.
  6. Have a great Yule everyone! Now forget that apocalypse rubbish and get drunk! ~pours off a dozen pints of Hobgoblin from the ale monolith~ Ah, lunch... Also planning my 2nd reinforced platoon for my Bolt Action Americans, I think I'll try rangers this time, starting with 3 small squads of 5 veterans armed with submachine guns. Not range, but tough to kill and darn lethal up close.
  7. The OTT Skype game is interesting, I need to get a cam and mic for it at some point, lol. Looks like a lot of bags with that Bones KS though, there goes the environment! Really cannot wait to get my minis in march, though I'm not looking forward to the duty charges (yikes!).
  8. Now that looks pretty good, I may have to pledge on that even if its just for a single team
  9. Afternoon all! Osoi, that table looks awesome mate! Makes me want to get more of my own terrain done. Note to self - order terrain from Sarissa soon. So anyway, I log in to Facebook today and find someone's posted a link in my local 40k group to January's releases, in case people have yet to see them I'll paste it here for you since i know there are a few 40k nuts on here http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?27209-Here-they-are-Dark-Angels-Jan-2013 Yep, the Dark Angels are finally getting a update (and then we'll have all the other SM codices rip off all the good stuff and make it better if all previous codex releases are anything to go by) and the models are a mix of good and bad. The new flyer and RW bikers are good, the new land speeder things looks nice, however the rest of those pictured look naff, what's going on with the Deathwing models? In a age where Dark Vengeance models knock most multipart GW models out of the water, they release a utterly static Belial and those lumps of turd that are the DW models? Great consistency there GW and only 4 months between releases of DV and DA you change the look for the terminators (the DV ones look great!). That cat o' nine tails looks tidy enough though so despite my whining I'll likely get a box. Well, after I get 2 of those flyers, heh. Will be tackling more of Dark Souls today though, trying to work my way through the New Londo Ruins, Gods that place is evil!
  10. I added the zombie and skeleton dragons, plus some other odds and ends, like extra marines, etc. The Cthulhu was a must also
  11. LOL at the Amazon comment, it is very true though! Yeah, I cannot wait for my Bones stuff either. Damn that's gonna be a lot of minis when it arrives. I did opt in for the Sophie though and upgraded to the nude version, I just want to paint it up and maybe give it as a gift to a guy I know that likes his sexy female miniatures, heheh.
  12. I think Dreadball has some strengths and weaknesses. The game itself is good, the rules are very fluid and the game is easy to pick up and play. The biggest down side is the model range, about 80% of the models look awful which is a shame. mantic are pretty renown for their lopsided sculpting skills though. They will release a race that is sculpted superbly, then follow it up with 3 or 4 that looks pathetic. I know a guy that is like the Henchman/Pressganger for Mantic and he himself thinks that many of the sculpts are poor at best I am interested in the female team though, I may be picking those up. Anyone seen any of the Relic Knights plastics? I must say that those look stupendous so far! Cannot wait to get my hands on the game. Also had my Yule present to myself today, Zara Croft and Alice from Guild of Harmony. I only ordered them last Thursday, lol. How is it that companies in Australia can get things to me faster than Amazon.co.uk can? Also, had part 2 of my All Flesh game yesterday and a unfortunate encounter wit ha Fresh Zombie (think the zombies from the Dawn of the Dead remake on steroids) has left a character with a broken leg, oops. Still, at least I fixed it so it is only a hairline fracture and not the compound fracture I had originally rolled up. This puts their main fighter on the injury list for the next month or 2. They do have a new party member (Martha, who is a lot like Velma from Scooby-Doo if you ask me) but she's another nerdy type leaving all the fighting to Ifan in the immediate future. Presently they are looking through a hospital for medicines and amazingly not encountered any more zombies yet. Of course, whether or not the entire hospital is safe is another matter
  13. Morning all! Would have been about more but someone lent me Dark Souls and I seem to have given up trying to have a life and just been playing that. Well, also been assembling and painting miniatures (more zombies and survivors for All Flesh), but it's mainly been Dark Souls.
  14. ABs you know you just want Colette, so get her and paint up her crew
  15. ed, a Skype-run Malifaux RPG sounds fun. Now I just need to get a web cam, mic, etc to use it, lol. Slowed down on the painting side of things it seems (still have 2 Malifaux crews and other assorted bits to paint, not to mention some terrain, etc) and only got 4 kids and 10 female sci-fi soldiers finished this week. Still, it's better than nothing. Seems I have found out that Charmed is the best thing to have on whilst painting, you certainly don't get distracted by the show as it gets dull pretty quickly, lol. Well, it works like that for me I have also expanding the minis I have for my All Flesh game wit ha order to Hasslefree (mainly for those hazard suit minis as I have ideas for them) and I'll be adding some zombified children to my collection very soon. It is weird though. I have zombie deer, bulls, gorgons, dragons, minotaurs, elves, etc but 1 zombified child! I have to rectify the matter and soon. Studio Miniatures, here I come!
  16. Bah, they should have just sent PMs to us all instead, that way we could have all read the posts again and again Been spending most of my time .lately thinking up encounters for my All Flesh campaign, some of them are right tasty, heheh.
  17. Very nice work so far, I cannot wait to see the rest of the crew.
  18. Afternoon all! ~Notices the girls are all sitting around reading comics and looking very lazy~ Okay, who's been drugging them again? ~Casts glances over at Chocobo, ed and ABs~ Anyone else notice we had a bunch of posts cut form this thread (around pages 3404 and 3405), wonder where they disappeared too. Also, what's this about a rpg?
  19. ~Walks in surrounded by the gIrls who are all wearing zombie masks~ Afternoon all! Had the first session of my All Flesh campaign yesterday and it seemed to go pretty well. For those interested, here's a run down of what happened (I am typing these up for the group to have a record of what has been happening without having to take notes): October 5th, 201X Ifan (local Welsh farmer), Atiyah (east Indian doctor and token girl), Richard (the Tank of the party and the only one to handle a zombie hand to hand so far without it being crippled by other means first) and Filip (nerd and cowardly pyromaniac) are low on food and readily available drinking water to hit the village of Castle Caereinion for a small corner shop they know is there and have taken supplied from in the past. They arrive and park around the front of the shop and leave Filip out on watch. Whilst exploring the shop they find it has been looted, but ion a hurry, it seems that whoever looted it never searched the stock room or the rest of the building. They hear intermittent noises upstairs and suspect a zombie so hurry up in their task. Meanwhile in the street Filip and hear distant wails and moans slowly approaching and eventually a zombie comes in to view. Naturally he runs to the cover of their vehicles to hide. Also note that Filip has no really features when it comes to noticing things and it's lucky he can find his own feet let alone spot a zombie at 300 yards. When taking the things out to the vehicles (transit van and circa 1050s land rover) the others all spy all of the dead slowly zeroing in on their location and hurriedly load the rest of the supplies and get out of dodge. They head off on their merry way back to Ifan's farm where they have made base the last 6+ months. Upon arrival they find 2 zombies hanging around the gate and Ifan runs them over until they are seemingly destroyed, but one is still twitching a bit so they dispatch it by hand. Inside their home Atiyah prepares food whilst the others head outside to check the perimeter. Whilst out the find a strange foul rotten smell and shortly after Filip is attacked by a legless zombies that had been hiding in the tall grass. After a little struggling and Ifan also getting mauled (and his leg a little shredded) the creature is dispatched and a small hole in their perimeter wall is found and a string of cans with peddles are left as a warning device if something else crawls through it during the night. That night they draw up plans and think it better to move on as these are the first zombies to have happened upon their home for some months. They believe heading south to one of the smaller offshore islands may be the best plan of action and start putting together what they need. Ifan knows of a farm nearby run by a friend of his that might be willing to go along and also bring his land rover with him, plus their should be more gun and ammunition on hand there. They settle down for the night and are woken occasionally by a high wind that rises, but leaves again by morning. October 6th 201X Richard repairs the hole in the perimeter wall whilst the others prepare for the day. They head out to the other farm and find it deserted, even after a thorough search of the buildings and looking out around the immediate area around it. They find no signs of life, but it seems the farmer (at the very least and possibly his wife) were half packed and nearly ready to leave and had left things in the back of the land rover and the battery had died (easily fixed wit ha jump start). The house is in good condition and stocked well with supplies and all but one of the guns (a 9mm handgun) is present and ammo is found for each gun they do find though in limited amounts. They recover what they can in the shape of tools, possible weapons (including the guns and another chainsaw) and red deisil for the land rovers and head back. The rest of the day is spent plotting out the first part of their route south and packing up their vehicles. What will happen next I wonder? The game is being led by the players and I am filling in gaps and adding events when needed, but so far it is going well. 2 more players are yet to join and they'll come in as members that were with the group but went off for a extended mission to gather supplies.
  20. Well, it's taken about 18 months, but my All Flesh game finally starts today. Got a first time roleplayer with us, but he should be handle things well enough and everyone else has years of RPG experience under their belts. Should be a fun game
  21. Nice looking stuff as always from Sarissa. As for those worried about scale, many people use the Wide West for Malifaux and whilst it's 28mm heroic and not 32mm it still works pretty well.
  22. HEY! Hands off my comfy chair! ~Puts the cushains back on whilst muttering under my breath about how it'd taken months to get them how I wanted them~ Just be happy I have the girls off hunting down rogue ballerina golems, those things are scary, woke up last night to find three of them dancing at the foot of my bed! ---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ---------- Managed to finish off most of the models I had half painted though, but not based them yet.
  23. I just went out and hung out with some friends, not done it for a while since I'd been sick so thought it was high time I got out of the house again. If you think those Americans are a lot, also remember I have painted about 40 zombies in the last few weeks as well ---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ---------- Painting for me comes in fits and starts though, I am painting loads right now, but one day I'll look at a half painted squad and say "meh" and not look at a paint for nearly a year, lol. ---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ---------- Right, time to get off here and hopefully get some more Americans painted for tonight. It's their first outing on the table this evening (been borrowing a friends army to play Bolt Action until now) so wish me luck.
  24. Thanks Mako! Hoping to get a camera one of these days so I can show people the models I've been painting. Would likely start up a plog then for it. Painted 10 infantry (7 rifles, 1 BAR 2 SMG), 10 veterans (3 rifles, 2 BAR, 5 SMG), a bazooka team (2 models), 50cal HMG (3 models plus gun) and 60mm Mortar (3 models plus mortar) and managed to base them all too. Right now I have 10 infantry (armed as other infantry), my CO team (3 models) and 5 other assorted infantry models half painted, including my sniper team, lol. So yeah, I have managed to get a fair bit done and I might have completed it if I'd not gone out all day and evening on Wednesday.
  25. Well I have failed my challenge to paint 1000 points of Bolt Action Americans in 5 days. Whilst there is time to finish the infantry today there is no way I'll get the tank done, but oh well, I have got a fair bit painted and the rest of the infantry is half done so I am proud of what I have accomplished.
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