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Everything posted by Allidor

  1. That's the truth, lol. If they don't like Hamelin you can always take Lelu/Lillitu
  2. The only problem Zoraida has with Teddy is that he's Immune to Influence (IE, no Obeys). That doesn't mean that you should never take him, as he has some pretty serious staying power which is a rare thing among Neverborn minions. Just be aware that if you do he'll be spending his own AP to move, charge, attack, etc. Plan accordingly.
  3. I recently posted in a thread about using Lilith's Whirling Death to kill 3 Sillurids and Bad JuJu at the same time, and now I'm wondering what kind of crazy combos everyone else has done with it. Post your highest kill count with one Whirling Death below.
  4. Making Lilith the star is a very feasible idea. I once played in a brawl with Lilith + Seamus (not RM legal, but still fun!) against Zoraida and Pandora, and Lilith was definitely the MVP that game. She used Whirling Death and took out 3 Silurids and Bad JuJu at the same time
  5. Mature Nephilim/Young Nephilim are always fun with Zoraida. For that matter, most of the Neverborn minions are good with her, which makes her a fun master to play.
  6. Good analogy CannonFodder. Stepping away from the Alps I'd recommend checking out Stitched Together, Coppelius (he can do far more than just summon Alps!), and Lelu/Lillitu. They'll give you solid choices for your games and you can use them when appropriate.
  7. I second learning shuffling with Dreamer/Daydreams. It will take a few games to really nail down, but when you do you'll be flying all over the board, striking fast and hard and getting out of Dodge before your opponent has a chance to strike back. I'd recommend checking out the Malifux tactica website if you haven't already: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ as it has a good deal of information on shuffling with the Dreamer and Daydreams. After you get used to playing with the Dreamer, Lelu/Lillitu are a great idea, and can be lots of fun with the Dreamer.
  8. Amazing battle report. I think this has made a NBR fan out of me
  9. I don't really have a most hated master, but whenever I run a Mature Nephilim against book 1 Resurrectionists, I'm always looking for Bette Noir, as she's deployed from his kill to slit his jugular more times than I care to remember.
  10. Aside from getting a demo (the best way to learn), I'd recommend a combination of reading the rules PDF and watching battle report videos online. Just type in "Malifaux" on Youtube, and you'll find a good amount of videos to show you how the game is played.
  11. This actually sounds like a pretty unique and effective list. Kudos for that! One thing I might toy with is swapping out 2x Lillitu & 1x Lelu for 2x Lelu & 1x Lillitu. 2x Lillitu= double the Lures, but 2x Lelu= more damage and survivability. If someone makes their way up to you, they've got 2 face eaters to worry about before getting to Lillitu.
  12. Depends on the Dreamer player really. If he keeps running Alps, these tactics are sound. But as a Dreamer player, I try to never run the same list twice in a row to keep my opponents on their toes. Also, most Dreamer players get bored with Alp bombs after a few games with it, so unless he really likes it, expect him to change it up soon.
  13. I would disagree with you here. The fluff we read on the Nephilim has them killing enemies and growing from their blood, not turning on each other (or in the case of a DM, an ally) to grow. It's very much fluff appropriate for a Resurrectionist such as McMourning to chop up his own creations to make something better out of them. While you are right that gaining more points worth of models is a mechanic used throughout the game, grow/mature is the Nephilim's version of that mechanic. A growth list is (in my opinion) just a way of abusing it. If you look at Nekima's abilities, she has a lot more to offer other Nephilim than just easy growth (giving a :masks to Cb to all Nephilim within 6"= autoflay for Young and Terror Tots).
  14. Of course >_< my mistake for excluding the discard. It's still wonderful to take two above total and discard one that you don't want.
  15. Assuming you want a 35ss list, this is what I like to run: Lilith Primordial Magic 2ss 3x Terror Tots 9ss Black Blood Shaman 6ss 3x Young Nephilim 18ss Total: 35ss or Lilith Primordial Magic 2ss 2x Young Nephilim 12ss Black Blood Shaman 6ss Lelu 7ss Lillitu 7ss Total: 34ss Both are great lists that don't rely on growing. You could also take 3-4 Terror Tots instead of the 2 Young on the 2nd list, but I'm a huge fan of Young Nephilim, so I usually keep them.
  16. Welcome to Malifaux David! With a Lilith crew, your first blister purchase should be a pack of Young Nephilim, as the starter box doesn't come with any. After that, everything else is to your taste. Some people only have a minimal number of Young/Terror Tot models and prefer to grow them to Matures as fast as possible. Some prefer lots of Young and Terror Tots, and then of course you have the Nephilim choices from Rising Powers (Lelu, Lillitu, Black Blood Shaman, Nekima). I'd recommend all four of the Rising Power models at some point, as they all add great versatility to a Lilith crew. Finally a totem choice (if you choose to take one). I personally love taking Primordial Magic with Lilith, since with her Rush of Magic and his Arcane Resevoir, that means you'll be drawing 2 above the max hand size for growing/melee attack fun.
  17. Hello fellow Neverborn. I came across this thread in the Resurrectionist forums today: http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22084 I'm wondering everyone's thoughts on Kidnap: Is it broken? How often do you use it? Do you tend to use it more with armies that sacrifice their own models? Etc. All thoughts/comments are welcome.
  18. I listen to whatever the LGS is playing, but as far as music that gets me in a Malifaux mood, this is Pandora & crew's theme song as far as I'm concerned: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHHxOkJJidE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHHxOkJJidE[/ame]
  19. Cillian Murphy would be an amazing Hamelin!
  20. I've never had any success using Sprint with my Terror Tots. I usually just wind up spending the cards and only getting a single move.
  21. I'd definitely recommend Zoraida. Here are some good lists to get started with: 25ss Zoraida Mature Nephilim 10 Convict Gunslinger 6 Stitched Together 5 Insidious Madness 4 or Zoraida Coppelius 9 Convict Gunslinger 6 Mature Nephilim 10 or Zoraida 2 Stitched Together 10 Coppelius 9 Young Nephilim 6 You get the idea
  22. Most Nephilim also have Black Blood. As far as special rules on creature types, look at pages 9-10 in the Rules Manual for all their special information. If a type isn't listed (IE, Woe or Nephilim) they don't have anything special to them.
  23. At the very least you'll want 2 Daydreams, preferably 3 for optimal shuffling. I'd recommend 1 Insidious Madness if that. My suggested lists: Dreamer Insidious Madness 4pt 3 Day Dream 6pt Coppelius 9pt Stitched Together 5pt or Dreamer 3 Day Dream 6pt Coppelius 9pt 2 Stitched Together 10pt Personally I'd take an extra Stitched Together over an Insidious Madness, but it comes down to preference.
  24. I definitely agree with everyone on Lilith. However, if you want the next least annoying master, in my opinion that's Zoraida. Take her by herself for a good while though, as Zoraida+Collodi would be pretty harsh for newer players.
  25. I'm excited to see more Neverborn fluff, but I'd also like to delve into some of the other characters. With all respect to Rasputina, I think book 3 can do without any of her fluff. I'd like to see Leveticus, Marcus, Collodi, and Kaeris get some shine time.
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