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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. So... the TTB part of the event begins on 9/14. I'll let you guys know as soon as I know anything about the characters that we will be starting with.
  2. Well, as we don't currently have materials for it, I'll just say... yes, I'm running it over skype! But we'll need to wait for the details to be released. We can have up to six players. I know Dirial and Crush want in. Does anyone else?
  3. *random hugs for everyone before going back to work!*
  4. I started a campaign recently with McTavish, The Sow, Wild Boar, and 2 Piglets. So far its not gone extremely well for me.
  5. Only barely! hehe... I've been working like a dog lately. But I have the next four days off after I finish up today! Then I'm driving to Tennessee for my brother in law's wedding. I think is a 16 hour drive!
  6. It was pretty terrible. The dawn serpant was right there and McTavish was heavily wounded from being attacked. I managed to get the initiative (thankfully) and charged poor McTavish with the sow. *plays a sad violin*
  7. Blargle! I can't wait to get home from work! Had my Malifaux Tuesday last night and we decided to start a campaign to coincide with the length of the world event. I played against Toshiro + 2 wastrels + dawn serpant + shadow effigy + Malifaux child. (and like... three summoned ashigaru...) I brought McTavish, The Sow, 1 Wild Boar and 2 Piglets. I got my butt handed to me... though it was mostly my fault - although the dawn serpant made quite a showing! I killed McTavish on purpose so my opponent couldn't deliver a message and it crippled me for the rest of the game. The sow was the only one on my crew that performed well. But at least I earned 15 scrip in my game, even if two of my models ended with injuries. Now the sow has flurry. Bwahahahaha!
  8. I'm excited about the post count. I like feeling like I have a forum presence. hehe *goes back to work*
  9. Oh jesus, and I see you have a nice huge Taylor Swift banner! *RELIC HAMMER SMASH!!!*
  10. I've been in training and sick, so my breaks have been pretty much spent pooping and my work time has been spent working (and trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing). hehe
  11. *waves hello, then waves goodbye and gets back to work*
  12. I'm playing gremlins. Our local meta is also starting a campaign on Sept 21, so Ill start with a 35ss crew. I'm going to have McTavish leading a group of eight zillion piglets. And yes, I think so. My member type is listed as "painter" and I don't think I get the banner without it!
  13. At least you are getting some painting in! We are starting a Malifaux campaign tomorrow which will conveniently coincide with the world event! My itty bitty crew will being started out led by McTavish! And then... PIGGIES!!!
  14. I wish it was dead day here.... blargh! Ah, well. I'm used to it. Dreadball tonight! Looking forward to it!
  15. Morning All! Working until 9:30pm and getting back up at 5am sucks.
  16. Folks are signing up! Don't forget to register and claim your place!
  17. I'm still sucking. Enjoy your nap Crush! hehe
  18. Ugh... I'm sucking so much at my new job! Of course... I only took one call while being supervised with all my new processes before being thrown into the water! Oh well. Sink or swim!
  19. hehehe The campaign will have pregenerated characters, so you'll have to pick which one is most archer-like.
  20. Essentially I will now be doing the job of four people. We had two departments, "fraud detection" and "customer care". I will now be doing the job of "bank specialist II" and "bank specialist III", and "fraud detection II" and "fraud detection III" I was a "bank specialist II" before today.
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