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Everything posted by Drake

  1. Haha, tou'che well we all know that is about the only list you can effectively take at 35ss with Showgirls, even with the Book 3 options...and they dont need to change that make up to be effective in different strategies (not unless your evil like we are and want to own a strategy turn 1!! lol) Certainly for those forces that need to adapt to different strategies, net listing is just douche Only 3 games, in that case Belgium the next day will be a piece of cake! lmao
  2. Well, clarifying FAST would be useful, as that will make a very noticeable difference to how the Avatar and decoys work... As for timing, I play in the Tournament scene, and games tend to finish around turns 4 or 5, so cant rely on turns 5 and 6 to bring her out and win the game. Granted, this is only one variety of gaming, and in local gaming scene, time isnt so much an issue. Also, in my experience, the games are normally won or lost in turns 3 and 4, with any turns after that more a formality anyway....so i'd be looking for a late turn 2/early to mid turn 3 Manifestation.... I do agree with your analysis Q'iq'el, and have to say you have done a very good job of deciphering what she is about.... I am still concerned though that once she manifests your are relying almost entirely on her to win you the game, as your other key players will be mostly out of harms reach to keep them safe as you wont have your Illusionist abilities to keep control of the game and where you fight... aColette for me is just not the tough nut to crack that she was or needs to be to face down an enemy crew...especially if your crew looses initiative.....just think how frustrating it will be to play against Neverborn with their Dollelganger giving you negative initiative flips, or even worse, eZoraida too!!..... my aColette is likely to never see the light of day in that match up, not unless I am already comfortably winning in which case I dont need to to Manifest anyway!...
  3. I agree, the principle of net listing is lame. people should come up with their own lists, but atleast with the nature of Malifaux, Net listing is of limited value anyway. However, as we are only using the Core Encounter list, its not that hard to come up with pre-planned schemes for each strategy... Mind you, if you and your opponent have both played completely different strategies during the course of the tournament it might be possible to have to play one you have already played in one of those previous 3 games, so could make scheme selection interesting in the 4th game should you pre-plan schemes based on potential strategies to be played.....That is assuming someone pre-plans there schemes of course, not that id do that ofcourse!..haha
  4. Q'iq'el, im not convinced on this point....if your opponent wins initiative for the turn, your Coryphee Duet is pretty much a sitting duck if it doesnt have an escort of atleast 1 dove...the opponent will always gun for it first activation as its the biggest threat...and with no Use Soulstones yet for the turn, and no Doves around..aColette's control hand manipulation is worthless at that stage of the turn... That for me is more likely to lead to a lost game. Dont get me wrong, I dont rely solely on Duet to win a game, but I do rely on killing a few models off and therefore reducing opponents Activations before it dies so that I dont get out activated and outgunned by more SS worth of models in my opponents force... As I have said before, aColette is worth it once the Duet are dead as you dont lose a huge amount by not having the Doves, and if the Duet is dead, you have less need for the extra SS creation (you do still have Magicians Duel too). I for one would like to have seen an option to revert your Master from Avatar form back to normal form...
  5. I agree, its a bit confusing..the Shell Game rule goes some way to explain the mechanics but I feel this needs to be a lot clearer....
  6. Convict Gunslingers are very good addition to the crew..you can take advantage of :rams for a change, so they are not competing for :masks and :tomes... Depending on your opponent, Proxy Angie could be an option, but only really against crews with Terror and other sources of FallBack moves against you, otherwise I'd favour other options. Kaeris is great if you can fit her in...at Brawl size she is an easy choice, at 45ss she could be good, but doesnt really help with activations...however, give her the generic Arcanist Totem and let her unleash the fiery pain.. At Brawl level, id favour Kaeris and a couple of Fire Gamin for more Burning Tokens, and 4ss models helps with activations too...Ramos seems like an obvious choice to pair with her in Brawls..Although Perdita can be fun if you wanna go with an all female force.... Although Joss and Johan are good options, esp with the discounted cost of Jonas, they are not very mobile (although you can disappearing act them ofcourse!) but they dont provide anything you dont really have, as they are melee options, ideally you want to add some ranged options. Hope that helps a bit
  7. Fair enough, seems like the day is going to be full of surprises! haha Be a bonus if I can play someone I havent played before, and even more so if I dont play a top 5 UK player in my first game for a change!
  8. You mean I cant spend my Friday evening planning which schemes to take for which strategies?! hahaha Will we know in advance who we have been drawn against for the first round? My last 2 tournaments I have been drawn against the same opponent first round! lol
  9. Main things you want on display, as El Indio has advised, are the core box sets for each crew. You also want to make sure your store stocks all the books too, kinda a given really. I would say if you have extra space on top of that, try to stock a selection on the Wyrd scenic bases and Wyrd's new Terraclips terrain...those are things that non Malifaux gamers are likely to really like and draw in new Malifaux gamers from other systems, and also increase your store's profitable merchandise as they are sellable to all gamers from pretty much any gaming system. Double whammy those for your local gaming group and the store. If you still have display space after all those things (and id put those as your biggest priorities personally for said reasons), then a selection of blisters/boxes providing the Masters' Totems would be a good start. Beyond that, individual models are down to personal preference of the gamers, bar some notable exceptions.
  10. Haha your car isn't exactly a futon! Still might be able to get some rest..yay for me lol
  11. There is always time for a beer! Lol Looking forward to this event, see how well we can do after all that travelling and previous day tournament!
  12. Its all about the Arcanists..so yeah Arcanists for me....now which models am I using again?!...
  13. Her new dynamic is control hand manipulation... but she looses all her other movement trickeries that make her and the rest of her crew a real threat in my eyes. One of my fav manouvers is to companion her and the Duet, send the Duet hunting and leave it within 18" of her, then switch it our with her and switch her back with mannequin, leaving nothing for the opponent to attack back at....that is a great threat range and very solid tactic, but cant do anything like that anymore. Even with her new defensive mechanic, she is still taking damage from any of the 3 models of her. Without her movement trickeries, enemies can easily pin down 1 of her..yeah you can declare another one of her as the real one, but that one will prob die, taking the health of the real Colette down and making it harder for the real one to hide.... aColette I see as being a lot easier to kill. And a lot less useful to the rest of her crew...both elements I would miss too much. Another thought with regards bringing her out when the Duet dies....you can delay the Duet being killed by using Disappearing Act on the Duet after it has activated...combined with her slow to die, Df trigger and her movement trickeries, you can keep the Duet safe and out of harms way (and healing flip before it gets buried)...so aColette becomes even less of a need.... aRamos on the other hand is a whole different story...and aMarcus has some good tricks now! Hooray for Marcus...aRaspy is just evil in Melee with the Devour....
  14. I believe you can re choose which ones are the decoys each turn. I think...don't have the book on me to check.
  15. In that case, oops! Obviously didn't read it enough times!...in that case you only gain 2 APs and 2Wds plus fast, but lose the extra activation control the original version gives you with reactivate...less appealing for me to use her.. If anyone has some good experience with her id be keen to hear about it!...
  16. LoboStele, Thanks for the comments, grateful if you could clarify the points about the action points and soulstones... I thought the Decoys use the Avatar's stat card, so each decoy would have Fast as well as the Avatar (so 9 action points in total). I was also under the impression that under the same remit, the decoys would also get the artificial soulstone to use. If I understood the above incorrectly, then oops! As for the wounds increase and damage reduction, my Colette takes quite a few attacks that do high damage output (6-9 damage + poison) in single hits....more often than not I find it more cost effective in soulstones t let her die and use Slow to Die to keep her alive...big hitters, esp with Flurry or Melee master, are going to be able to do enough damage, even with half rate to kill her. That is ofcourse assuming they attack the docoys..if your unlucky enough that they hit the real Avatar, then that damage is coming at her at full amount...again, i'd sooner have Slow to Die anyday!. couple of posters have made some valid arguements for, I for one dont foresee me using her as she still seems too vulnerable and I like my Master to buff my crew more...Colette Avater is too much of a 1 trick pony for my liking...personal preference im sure, but her dynamic is changed far too much from what lured me to her for me to want to play her in Avatar...with the exception of my big hitters dying and her being the only thing left to really dish out the hurt with...
  17. Anyone planning on using Colette's Avatar? Im not convinced she is worth using.... Pro's?... 1.Takes damage at half rate when Decoy gets hit instead of her 2.effectively 9 Action points and 3 (0) actions in a single activation amongst her and her decoys, including 3 artificial soulstones Con's 1. Cant have Doves to protect your Coryphee Duet 2. Can't generate Soulstones 3. Cant save herself with Slow to Die 4. with 3 models on the board, gives more targets/opportunities to attack her and kill her (harder for her to avoid the enemy) 5. Can't use illusionist 6. Lose her Df trigger 7. Lose Disappearing Act Overall, it completely changes the crew's dynamic, which although it makes the Showgirls a bit more aggressive, makes a fragile crew far less surviveable. Still manipulative, but not in a way that suits my style of play. Any thoughts, benefits or disadvantages I havent discussed? Will you use her Avatar? Maybe she is one you might bring out if your Coryphee Duet dies, and you need the doves a lot less and need to make up for the loss of the Duet and its threat potential?
  18. Haven't looked at hamelin in any detail yet, but I'm most impressed with kirai's avatar, seems very dangerous and difficult to avoid her. As for the mechanic of getting them into play, I think timing of how soon is a game balance thing done on purpose by wyrd, and although it won't be to everyone's preference, you can't please everyone and wyrd have achieved something different..
  19. Extra tactical element seems good to me. And its a different approach to other game systems which I'm sure is why wyrd went with this approach. Also, as a colette player, I doubt I will use my avatar much as the way she plays in avatar form is too different to my play style and she looses too much of her original game mechanic.
  20. Strong Belgium beer is always good Yeah will do, your more than welcome to join the crew...At the moment its looking like a UK/Belgium venture, unless some others from mainland Europe get involved... Im hoping to put up some details on the Gencon 2012 thread in the next week or 2,so should have some info by the time me and Magic come to Belgium..
  21. Ok just saw the Spider!..I hate spiders, proper freak me out and that mechanical spider is too good! I cant play with that model :paralyzedpuppet
  22. Kaeris needs to be out in time (and to paint her and the Gamin up) for the UK GT!...come on October release!!
  23. Between me and Magic going to Belgium tournament and you guys coming to our UK GT, looks like we have a good network building up between us
  24. I think Ramos deserves to be higher than that! Without the Mobile Toolkit, fair enough, but with it he becomes a lot more efficient at what he does...I quite like him....
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