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Everything posted by twenty4seven

  1. Excellent choices, those are my favorites as well! Enjoy the forums. I look forward to hearing of your adventures this side of the breach.
  2. Welcome aboard! Which faction do you claim allegiance to?
  3. Apologies, but I had to make a change of venue. Demos and Open gaming will now be held at The Realm Games and Comics in Brea, CA. The good news is they have no restriction on when open gaming begins there, so come by anytime between 1pm and 7pm Also, there's still time to get games in for the End of the Year Achievement League! There are lots of confirmed players that will be there tomorrow for league games. Gaming starts at 1pm and runs until 7pm! 1021 E. Imperial hwy Suite G2 Brea, CA 92821 USA PH: 714-990-8450 And check out our SoCal Malifaux facebook page for more news and updates!
  4. Welcome to the forums! I too have a love/hate relationship with leveticus. I look forward to seeing your minis as well!
  5. Welcome to the forums! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game. Don't be worried about painting your first minis there isn't any possible way they could be worse than my first attempts and everyone's got to start somewhere. The folks in the miniatures showcase section of these forums tend to be quite helpful and supportive so don't hesitate to post there if you're looking for advice. Other than that just have fun, that's what it's all about. I hope to see some of your painted work in the future. Cheers!
  6. We already have at least 8 players confirmed for the league. The first day is this Tuesday at the The Realm. I'll be there around 3 with a handful of league packets for anyone who needs one. Over the weekend I was able to pick up some goodies to give out during the league and I'm placing the orders for the faction specific trophies soon. Stay tuned to the SoCal Malifaux facebook page for more updates. http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/230044713721864/ If you're interested in trying Malifaux for the first time I'll be available to run demos on Tuesday as well from 3-7. I hope to see you there!
  7. Too bad, perhaps I'll see you at a convention some time. Until then enjoy the community!
  8. Welcome to the forums! Where are you in California? I'd love to meet up for a game some time.
  9. That's awesome. Very nice start to the collection. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
  10. Welcome to Malifaux! We have been building up a great group of players from all over the Orange County area. Here is a link to our SoCal Malifaux facebook group where we discuss upcoming events and general shenanigans http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/230044713721864/ If you're interested I'll be starting up a league with lots of new players on November 29th at The Realm Games and Comics in Brea. http://therealmgames.com/ I hope to meet you soon and get some games in. Enjoy those guild, they're an awesome faction!
  11. Nice! What did you order? Feel free to play games any chance you get outside The Realm, just make sure to record the results.
  12. On November 29th I will be beginning an end of the year achievement league at The Realm Games and Comics in Brea, California. The league will be a single faction format with prizes for the best score in each faction, as well as a best overall, and best painted crew finished over the course of the league. $10 Entry fee Tuesdays will be our "official" meeting days but any games played between November 29th and December 31st can be counted towards the final score (just don't play the same opponent twice in a row I'll also be available to run demos on league nights for anyone interested in trying the game. The achievement packet can be found here.
  13. @DaBigBaws I didn't realize he's as big as LCB. That makes him even cooler! I'm still crossing my fingers that we'll eventually see it as a public release but I guess everyone needs to feel special. I know I enjoy flaunting my limited edition gencon minis.
  14. Any news on whether that awesome carver mini that was a prize at gencon is going to be released? I remember some rumors going around that it might be available for purchase around Halloween time but I guess it could have just been a case of temporary insanity...
  15. Very cool mini!!!! The dreamer crew is looking great as well. I love it when daydreams wear hats.
  16. Hey guys I've been working with our OC/Riverside Henchman, Ebonstar for the past week on getting a more organized community in the area and I am pleased to announce that we will be meeting Tuesdays! Our inaugural game night will be Tuesday, November 1st at The Realm Games and Comics in Brea, CA. Also, Ebonstar will be hosting a tournament at GMI games that weekend, November 5th from 2-7pm. Join our Socal Malifaux group on facebook for more detailed information and to get to know our growing community. http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/230044713721864/
  17. +1 for Blood Meridian. It's a very powerful book.
  18. Hey Ebonstar, this is Jake. We met at Socal Smackdown. I wish I would have seen this post earlier I'm not going to be able to make it out there today but let me know next time you've got something like this going on and I'll definitely be there.
  19. The first night of the League was a success! We had lots of achievement gathering with Evan (IrishRebel) pulling into first place, collecting 14 achievements after 2 games. But Matt (msgfree) isn't far behind after pulling in a whopping 12 achievements in a single encounter! There's still time to get in on the action! Drop me a PM and join the league while the achievements are flowing.
  20. Thanks for the comments everyone! The walls on the sewer are all made from pink insulation foam. To get the rocky look of the walls on the left side of the picture I ran a hot knife along the edge of some foam. This created lots of pretty nasty vapors and when it was all finished the foam became very hard and could shatter like glass. Probably wasn't a great idea but it achieved the look I wanted quickly and I didn't end up on 1,000 ways to die, so it's all good. For the blocks on the bridge and the wall towards the top of the picture I followed the tutorial for making brick walls in the Warmachine mk II rulebook where you just push pretty hard into the foam with a pencil, essentially drawing them on. Then on the wall in the top I cut up some cereal boxes and put the metal stabilizers on. Only the cave looking walls on the left of the table and the hill-looking piece in the top of the pic are glued down. Everything else can be moved around for variety.
  21. Hey everyone for the past month I've been working on some boards for the Malifaux League that will be starting tomorrow at The Realm Games and Comics in Brea, CA (Information can be found in the community section if anyone's interested ). Here's the fruits of the labors so far. Note: All of the modular terrain for the swamp was already packed into my car by the time I decided it might be a good idea to snap some photos. And the Hanging tree from Perry Miniatures
  22. Tomorrow is the first official day of the League! I have class until 1:30 and will be heading straight to the Realm afterwards and staying until close. Come in and play your first league games! IrishRebel and I have been hard at work on 3'x3' tables. Here's 2 that will be available to play on tomorrow. And my new favorite piece of modular terrain:
  23. Achievement.aspx?text=Painted%20Crew The whole crew? That was fast. I'm looking forward to seeing them!
  24. Nice find that's a cool mini! I'd love to have that Wyrd Carver though. I hope that the winners of the story encounters will post their carvers once they're painted.
  25. Back in the day I remember being really excited when I found a holographic zapados, until some local hooligans threatened to beat up my friend unless I traded it to them for something stupid like the little plant guy. Pokemon was a rough game back then.
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