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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Love it , this style is what I picture for Super dungeon explorer . awesome !
  2. good game ! , yeah I try not to use unpainted figs myself .
  3. I see its a pretty laid back day for me as well . I might finish my lady j avatar .
  4. These look awesome , I like the Jhoan pretty cool idea .
  5. This crew is fantastic ! Also choice on using Morgan as a base for Nekima .
  6. * a special unit guild guard , geared to teeth come crashing in threw windows , a flash explodes in the center of the thread another wave of geared up guardsmen bust threw the door . Yelling clear . Foerender casually walks into the room * Sorry about the comotion guys I was issued this unit for a few black ops and there a bit over zealous . So whats everyone up too .
  7. I finished up that gnomeish blood bowl team , looks cool Il post some pics when i have the time . Il be working on the lady j avatar a bit later , check out my blog in the painting section . also want to paint up papa loco and grandma for a game this week .
  8. I guess my pop up blocker needs to be refreshed ! , I had like moving win an ipad ad , come date these hot lady ads , and so on . # checks his pop up blocker settings #
  9. # sneakily tries to peer over fells shoulder , to see what she is writing . shocked at what he saw pulls out his flask and slams it back . # well not really in the mood for tv . anyone want to play small world .
  10. lol funny .... but that site I think has the most adds and pop ups i have ever seen .
  11. I will be honest , I have not touched my 40k stuff since I have been playing malifaux .
  12. I have not read the books , so I am probably enjoying it more with out having to think how much they are ruining the story . I heard there isnt even Eric in the books . @ Hayzel - your list sounded awesome , I want the same meal sounds awesome . @fell - ummm so .... can you stop hogging the tv . @ abs - hows the whipper snapper .
  13. very cool stuff . but can we get working on that zombie Lucius , thanks .
  14. I have to agree on this true blood , its better than last season though IMO . I was loving the witch plot , but could have been done way better .
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