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Everything posted by Er1k

  1. Sounds interesting, will see if I can find it online
  2. Hi Lovin your work the models look really cleanly painted. My only critisism is the gold on Lady J is a bit too bright for my liking, I'd try and dull it down a little with a wash, apart from that I'm really liking them
  3. This is awesome, love it. I've only recently got back into watching animated series and movies after watching toy story 3. Now I can't get enough of it. Went back and watched all of the original Thundercats and He-Man and am going to watch Despicable me tonight (a few people at work have commented that I look really like the bad guy from the movie) Anybody have any other recommendations or will I have to try and track down the gummi bears next
  4. Welcome to the gang mate
  5. Know how you feel mate, I was struck down with laryngitis last week. 3 days off work watching John Wayne movies and painting my Viktorias. It was murder lol Get well soon Ratty...............
  6. Hi Won't be in DC until end of September I'm afraid. Really looking forward to the trip already though...........

  7. Love the sound of this. I used to love watching the Adams family as a kid.................
  8. I got a build a bear in a Darth Vadar costume for my christmas from my wife. I've named him "Darth Beardar" We got my nieces vouchers for their christmas and took them in January. I've never seen two girls with eyes so wide. They had a great time choosing clothes and having the bear made up with a heart. Think the brains might have freaked them out though
  9. Veskit's Ressers are my favourite. I love the bright colours and the bases although I agree that Stark's Guild is a very close second
  10. Love the Teddy model, looks fab
  11. Love the way you've painted the models, my only critisism is that my eyes are drawn to the blue bases too much, maybe a black painted base would help the models stand out more
  12. I was so desperate to get mine that I ordered from the warstore in the US last week and am now just waiting on it arriving in the UK. Paid more for the delivery though than the actual book, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Hopefully it will arrive by the weekend so I can spend two days off work just soaking up the rules
  13. Thanks for the advice KiltedWolf, I think I might give this list a go. I'm sure my mates will be ok with me proxying a Misaki model as I don't have one yet (and I'm spending no more until I've saved all the money I intend to spend in the good old U S of A this September) I was thinking of trying a Taylor model in my game this weekend, I'm just trying out as many combinations as I can at the moment. I've also figured out that I have had more games of Malifaux this year alone than I had of ANY game last year so I must be enjoying myself Reading my rulebook this morning, I came across a rule that I had forgotten last weekend. I forgot that I could have used soulsstones to help Viktoria win combat duels, I had'nt realised that although a master doesnt have "use soulstones" on their profile that they can still use them. That alone would probably have won me the game (well that's my story and I'm sticking to it) Thanks again for the post (I've just realised this is my 100th post and I've only been here a few weeks, maybe I should get on and paint my models instead of just hanging around the forums)
  14. Er1k

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to the forums. We're a real friendly bunch.
  15. Happy Birthday, hope you get everything you want as that's a mighty impressive wish list
  16. ~Hi Those are beautiful models. I think that the NMM gold on the Ronin looks better than that of the Viktoria which looks a little yellow in my opinion. The models are very clean though and its mighty impressive work Can't wait to see more
  17. ~Hi really like the colours you've used here, makes the models really pop. Are these the wyrd bases that you have used, they really help to make the models look very dynamic
  18. ~Hi Andy wow that's an amazing paint scene. Think I might "borrow" your idea when I finally get round to buying/painting Seamus. I'm heading off to the US in September and if I can pick up a Seamus crew when I'm there then this would be a wonderful scheme to paint Seamus in to remind me of my trip Thanks for sharing your work
  19. ~Hi Really nice work there, really like the skin tone you've done. Keep up the good work. Would really like to see more
  20. I can sympathise, I've had laryngitis for a week and for someone who spends all day at work talking 'not a good thing. (It did let me spend some time painting though)
  21. ~Hi I now own 3 factions. I'm trying to concentrate on just one at the moment so I can learn all their nuances and hopefully become a better player
  22. My luck was yesterday when I went to visit my parents, I found they had bought a laminator so I got them to laminate all my Malifaux cards for free.
  23. Had a game on Friday night. playing another Viktoria crew. I had my 2 Viks, 3 Ronin and a Gunslinger. Unfortunately I got beat. It was against the standard Viktoria starter set. I rushed forward too much and drew some pretty lousy cards. Aaah well there's always next week
  24. ~Hi Those paint jobs are really good. I especially like the bases and the Terror Tot Nephilim are really good. Makes me think I should pause painting my Viktorias and start on my Pandora crew.
  25. ~Hi Lovin your painting so far and I like the mock up of the western building you've made. Keep up the good work.
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