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Everything posted by Bienivrai

  1. Pretty nice conversions and alt models. Looks like the official one is coming out in a month or so. I'm sure we're going to see some pictures very soon...
  2. Thanks for the links. I think I m going to work on converting the gw corpse cart. No models linked/mentioned here really appealed to me.
  3. That looks amazing. Might have to do that against the alpbombs out there. @demkoenig - for the Nicodem avatar proxy, look in the miniature matter section. I ve opened a thread asking for help.
  4. We already have a wound tracker which is great! An army builder would be nice a nice app but hey ! The wev app does work on my android , I only have to be online! http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22409&highlight=android
  5. Thanks. Fluff wise it should be a Nicodem like modell on a palanquin carried by mindless zombies.
  6. Does anyone know where to find a good model to represent Nixodem in its avatar form? I can do small conversions but I'm not really good at it. First idea I had was to use the gw undead corpse cart but placing it on a 50mm base seems unlikely. Thanks for the help.
  7. Good catch on the flurry. Maximum of 3 wds suffer for performing a flurry. So completly useless again alps, with only 3Wds if I have 2AP, a focus strike sounds like the way to get rid of the little critter if I do not have a special attack available for my model surrounded by alps.
  8. Does it mean also then that you take no damage from exhaustion if you perform : 1-a focus strike 2- a disengaging strike 3- a flurry ? Thanks
  9. ¡Nekima! I do not like to play her with Lillith because of the fluff but she's the only master she has some synergy with...
  10. I voted Neverborn are equal to other factions. I believe if you know how they play you can learn their weaknesses and they can be beaten. If I convince myself enough of that I'll eventually will beat the Dreamer and his crew!
  11. Sounds like deja vu! Are avatars going to be available? Thanks for organizing those. Had a good time last week end!
  12. You cannot field the vulture and the grave spirit at the same time. I own both and find the grave spirit better for 25-35 points game. The advantage of the vulture might be at higher points game if you field 2 of them. For additionnal mindless zombies, I use wfb zombies on 30mm bases
  13. Tomorrow at 1pm. Look at the post regarding the tournament at imperial outpost. hope you can make it.
  14. Get some canine remains, belles, Necropunks, 1 flesh construct. one big hitter like killjoy, bete noire or a hanged with the grave spirit to up their armor.
  15. Doing everything I can to come but odds are like 50/50 now
  16. Good luck on your challenge. I chose Seamus as I liked the model more.
  17. I love to play with cards instead of dice. The ressource management aspect with your hand to cheat fate is great! Love the universe and the chatacters of malifaux. Minis are very good quality also. Some masters are indeed better than other but if you focus on objectives you can still beat stronger masters.
  18. Welcome to the necromancer side!
  19. 8 mindless zombies is enough for me but I tend to summon other models before mindless. I tend to raise mindless out of desperation when my numbers are running low!
  20. Nevermind. In manage application, select the app and then clear data.
  21. Cool! Is there a way to delete characters in the database? I tried reinstalling the app but that did not do it. Thanks.
  22. Starter box is great! But since i got it and started playing I've been slowly expending my crew to 30+ models to have all the flexibility Nicodem can bring. Mortimer is key in my crew and I always have 2 punk zombies summoned at one point in the game!
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