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Mr. Bigglesworth

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Everything posted by Mr. Bigglesworth

  1. Awesome, was wondering when we might get more. Can't wait to listen.
  2. Fair reply. I get concerned with posts like this for new players, because it could imply a broken system and deter new players. I lurked here for a while before trying the game, and posts like this might have stopped me from converting completely to this game. Discussions like this are important. I appreciate that you see where my concern with your opening post/poll are.
  3. Beast obey is really nice and he isn't that expensive. I would definitely thinly mctavish would be better shooter. Though he has low wp, something that a Marcus crew generally has. His casting is low to get off wrangle but a 7 mask is I think the same thing, perdita needs which isn't so bad.
  4. He works great with brass who can reactivate him, reactivate makes him incredible threat
  5. Both seem like troll threads, especially since choices are limited and data of imbalance in tourney play is lacking. Both posts seem to stress an urgency for change, especially since op is not a tournament player. As for concern of outside observer debating coming in, the concern should be more toward the community he/she is debating joining. If the group is a bunch of power gamers and all around super competitive, they are more likely to be the factor of determining who decides to pick up game. Also these posts imply changes are not frequent or changes are not being addressed properly. Having been part of the community for a while I have seen a lot of updates and most spot on decisions, they seem to be thought out. Action in rules section can be slow, and confusing, but most points seem to be rare what if situations that may have larger implications later if not addressed. There are a few that have big implications that we are still waiting. Last point, there has been a lot acknowledgment by creators, that balance is not suppose to be master to master. Not all masters are suppose to be viable in all scenarios. Some are known to be weaker, but not unplayable, as ukrocky has proven. Some are a bit better I'm almost every scenario, like magic and calm have pointed out. Changes have been made and some.more in the works will probably cone, as they have shown they handle.things case by case. And the changes goals are not for balance, but to ensure playability is viable. It's hard to not view these two posts as weighted, and slightly trollish. Suggestion to make it seen less is to open an objective question. Lose the multiple choice or offer a none of the above.
  6. Kaeris with student of conflict attached can be devastating. Student of conflict can help Ramos get avatar requirements. Kaeris with fast can give out a lot of burning counters then cast pulse. Softening up opposing crew for Ramos. Also Kaeris offers speed which Ramos lacks. Also don't feel you have to POP avatar turn 2, he manifest turn three just fine.
  7. First this is a common misconception of Sonia. She does not need a large pool, what she needs is a person who plays resource management well. She plays fine with 4-8, sometimes I feel like I want 8 but never feel I need 8. I learned to play with 4-5 and have done just fine with her. Everyone I played against with 7-8 I have beaten with a variety of masters. Does she need a stone first turn?. No on almost every occasion. I question how can burn 7-8 stones in 3 turns. Does she need to use confiscated lore each turn she is going to blast? No, pay attention to what you have on hand. You might only need one cast you have the tome in hand or only one good cast. I often walk cast, blast walk back, that is one stone and one tome from hand. Also it is so common that I see people feel they need to cheat for a blast. Don't bother everytime, she is so dangerous that I let feel they can cheat you out of cheating, her cast is usually high enough that you can put it as unbeatable especially at lore, save the stone for later, let them waste resources to prevent. Take a student of conflict for that extra AP so you can maximize your lore return. 3
  8. No because you are outside the activation phase. I think lcb would be only exception.
  9. Immediately implies only that the onslaught model's next action is a strike. Onslaught does not compare to pitiful or other targeting duels. It's an entirely new duel taking place immediately after the full resolution of the last duel.
  10. Yup los only, terrain can still impact her movement. When I mean terrain I mean she still has to climb over walls or other dense objects. Charges have to be in straight lines.
  11. Nope effects of spells are only go off if spell is successful. If resisted no effects. Ar is different where you pay before trying to cast. Now there are exceptions, but they are explicit, for example you pay wounds like punkz even if not resisted but after succesfully casting. None of Levi require you to pay if resisted.
  12. Kadeton is right, on ar. You only pay for casting if it says AR. Also you pay AR before casting flip. I'm pretty sure tadaka is right but this might be a wording difference between triggers as to when the trigger is declared. Don't have the books here. Edit: from malifaux fixes Double-Take' should now say 'After defender fails to resist' not 'After successfullycasting'. Wording difference.
  13. He runs fine at 25 and 35. He just struggles with certain strategies. Dmg output is not the concern. The concern is what is the strategy you are playing and playing against? That should have the biggest impact on how you build a Ramos crew. Blasts agaisnt gremlins is key. Take Kaeris and gunsmiths, both can blast multiple targets.
  14. Ok so going to fill some gaps with nephlumps. I agree with everything he stated but let's go further. Arcane effigy best offers are: arcane resevoir, which Raspy has. Awesome gun, but range 6". Awesome attack spell but range 6". Gives extra cast, great to allow Raspy to shoot two channeled spells to hit those nasty targets in cover. Also effigy is pretty tough against other magic users, and is great to bounce a spell off since it will take 3 less wounds. Effigies can't remember if significant but if ate big point on this. Last effigy doesn't go away when Raspy dies. Now what might I lose, a totem and special force. Ep, wendigo and student of conflict are my three choices. Student does fast and can give it to any part of my crew that is better than effigy's. I would take utility everytime. Arcane resevior Raspy already has. Range 6" guns and spells not so much of threat, our gunsmiths are and would not be able to be hired with effigy. Effigy is not so great in fray so not likely to shoot him. Is it worth it mostly no in my opinion. Because its biggest selling point student does better. And only other major selling point is arcane resevior, which she already has. With avatar I'm not sure though. That one is maybe.
  15. I don't really see avatar and totem as worthwhile even at 30 or 35. I know its a scrap but just don't see the need. The effigy can be a good sub, but at loss of ss miner. Rarely in my games have I felt that turn 2 I need to manifest to justify a totem, turn 3 should work just fine. Plus without totem I can still pull off turn 3 1 AP manifest. Rusty's reactivate ability making this money.
  16. At 25 ss a totem and avatar is too much. Also laz will be competing for precious scraps at that point. You can drop one spider with idea that you will summon another. They don't have to bought in 3s. Also not hard to still summon by turn 2 or 3 without totem, so no point since totem won't really offer any other return. Rusty Alice or mechanical rider would be better than laz. Rusty with avatar is awesome. Rusty without totem and no laz. Or take out totem take rider, drop spider and bring ss miner. Those are my suggestions. Ss miner can farm stones and be healed by Ramos while you are getting spiders ready. This can work well to get you a huge pool to hit mid game.
  17. 2. Your only consider in melee if you are in an enemies melee range not if enemy is in your melee range. However you can't charge enemy who is already in your melee range. Gunfighter allows your ranged strike to reach a model you engaged within 2". So if lcb is 2.5" away from your gunfighter you are engaged with lcb so you can't use ranged strike and gunfighter is out of range. That part is how I remeber gunfighter, rm might have taken out 2" max. If model has no weapon its melee weapon is bash and that has a 1" reach. Gunfighter only works if you are attacker, so the 2" is only during your attack, otherwise bash or your melee weapon is your reach range. Self loathing can't use gunfighter's ranged weapon.
  18. That Mr smigs is me remember the ability does not die wrong. As for stitched it remains in play so I can only guess its activation doesn't end. As for slow to die I do believe you keep going, but not sure since never died on my activation.
  19. Just to clarify student can only give one vik fast since students action is not a spell but an ability.
  20. I found them to be late turn minor nuances. I also use them for flankers, activation counters, or first striker.
  21. Nice, makes them great targets for decay. Thanks.
  22. Doesn't always work out that way because if he does die in middle of first activations then the stitched's turn ends.
  23. Large has ability to remove armor which cost AP, so not really worth it unless stacking attacks.
  24. I don't have the book with me but just checking are drowned spirit undead? I think I might have misses if they are, because I thought the rocked, but could justify with Nico. But I'd they are undead then I will definitely be adding them to Nico.
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