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About binstat

  • Birthday 07/16/1977

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  1. Most of my google search results for Malifaux stuff is hitting the 404/not found page. I know you can't really go redirecting each forum post or board (well, you could with an intern or two), but maybe redirect some of the core stuff. Example: www.malifaux.com redirects to www.wyrd-games.net/community/page/Games/malifaux_2e.html, which hits 404. Not sure how your site hosting works but maybe do some apache mod_rewrite stuff or whatever the cool kids are using these days for mapping redirects. I don't think this is a DNS issue so I don't think this will be solved by waiting. Also, all the Malifaux fan pages aren't likely update their hyperlinks. (Who even uses the word 'hyperlink' any more? I'm getting old.)
  2. Thanks for all the suggestions. I am going to visit my local game store after work today. If I can ever get the group of us calm and in the same place for a few hours, I may have some news on how it goes. Thanks again, all.
  3. Hey all, I just discovered Malifaux and am excited to give it a try. My gaming friends will need an easy introduction - which I think i can handle if i essentially 'referee' the first few games. They will also need to feel like the game is 'fun'. For it to be 'fun' they all have to feel like they were able to put up a good fight with their limited grasp of rules and with the crew they were assigned. (Not ideal, but hey, I pander to their needs in order to pique their interest. As the sales people say, there has to be a level of 'buy in' to the game - otherwise the game will get shelved.) While I am more inclined to spend time trying to 'get' a game, these dudes, by and large, are quick to write games off if somebody feels like the rules screwed them over. (Which does happen sometimes with miniature games. Designing for team balance while keeping army/unit diversity is just really hard. Er, so I would imagine.) So, here are the questions for the community: 1) Any tips on running a decently fun exhibition-style game? We have all played various tabletop wargames (40k, warmachine, mordheim, and some heroclix) so we are familiar with the format. If anyone has any experience with this or other games and can offer some general advice I would be grateful. 2) Suggestions on at least 2 out-of-the-box crews that I can pick up that will be relatively evenly matched? (i.e. both crews win the occasional match against each other) If not, I might just proxy two identical crews with the models i have so that nobody feels cheated out of a good crew. Thanks in advance, all I hope this all works out and that we can add Malifaux to our list of regularly played games. I can't wait to paint some of these figs!
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